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Contemporary topics in International

Relations Course
Submitted by:
Abdelrahman Maged
Martina George
Halla Hakky
Fady Hany
Submitted to:
Dr. Dina Allam
Miss. Monica Adel
• What is IMF?
Uses of IMF in Finance
1. Crisis prevention and surveillance
2. Financial assistance and crisis management
3. Economic policy advice and technical assistance
4. Promoting economic stability and growth:
5. Debt sustainability analysis and debt relief initiatives
6. Capacity development and technical assistance
7. Research and data provision
Objectives of the IMF
1. Promoting international monetary cooperation
2. Facilitating the balanced growth of international trade
3. Promoting exchange rate stability
4. Providing financial assistance
5. Acting as a catalyst for economic reform
6. Promoting global economic stability and reducing poverty
Principles of the IMF
1. Cooperation among member countries
2. Non-discrimination
3. Transparency
4. Accountability
5. Technical assistance and training
6. Financial assistance
IMF’s Organizational Structure
Funds for Capacity Development Partners
Revenue Mobilization (RM) Australia, Belgium, Denmark, European
Union, France, Germany, Japan, Korea,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway,
Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Canada, France, Germany, Japan,
Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Switzerland
Managing Natural Resource Wealth Australia, European Union, the Netherlands,
(MNRW) Fund Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Debt Management Facility III (DMF III) Austria, European Union, France, Germany,
(joint with World Bank) Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland,
United Kingdom, United States, and African
Development Bank
Financial Sector Reform Strengthening Germany, Switzerland
Initiative (FIRST)
(joint with World Bank)
Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands,
Tool (TADAT) Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Data for Decisions (D4D) China, European Union, Germany, Japan,
Korea, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Norway, Switzerland
Financial Sector Stability Fund (FSSF) China, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Saudi
Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, United
Kingdom, Germany, European Investment
COVID-19 Crisis Capacity Development Belgium, Canada, China, Germany, Japan,
Initiative Korea, Spain, Singapore, Switzerland
Main Agencies or affiliations for IMF
1. International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC)
• Provide strategic guidance on the IMF's work
2. Development Committee
• Focuses on issues related to poverty reduction and economic
3. Executive Board.
• Responsible for overseeing the IMF's day-to-day operations.
Main laws, regulations developed by the
1. Articles of Agreement
2. Quotas
3. Surveillance
4. Lending
5. Conditionality
6. Financial Safeguards
7. Governance

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