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 Support of the body

 Protection of soft organs
 Movement due to attached skeletal
 Storage of minerals and fats
 White and Red Blood cell formation
 98% of the calcium and 90% of the
phosphorus in the body are stored in bones
and teeth.
 Although mature bones consists largely of

calcium, most bones in the human skeleton

begin as cartilage.
 Cartilage is a type of connective tissue that

contains collagen and elastin fibers, which

make it tough and elastic.
The central bones called Axial
skeleton- skull, vertebral column
and sternum
Appendicular skeleton – arms and
legs (limbs) along with the shoulder
bones (pectoral girdle) and hip
bones (pelvic girdle)
 Consists of 8 cranial
bones 14 facial bones
that are immovable
except the mandible
(lover jaw).
 Protects and support
the brain, the organs
for sight, hearing,
smell and taste,
 Compact bone-dense, smooth, filled
with nerves, blood vessels and
 Spongy bone-network of bone tissues,
with many cavities making it look like
a sponge and lighter in weight.
 Cavities of spongy bones are filled
with red bone marrow that produces
blood cells in other bones.
 RBC, WBC and platelets are formed in
the red bone marrow of the ribs,
vertebrae, sternum and pelvis.
 Yellow bone marrow- filled with
adipose/fatty tissues.
 Periosteum- dense fibrous membrane
covering the surface of bones except
at the joints.
It is a connective tissue that contains
nerves and blood vessels.

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