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Past Tenses

Past Simple
Something happened in the past or something that
was true in the past.

I spoke with my brother.

I Called my manager.
I was rich ten years ago.
They were in London last year.

Regular and Irregular verbs are discussed in the

Past Simple with the modals
Past Simple with the modals
Past Simple with the modals
Past Continuous
S+ was, were…
It is used for something that was happening in the

• I was eating lunch.

• They were speaking with each other.
• He was reading a book.
• Azad and Kate were walking at the mall.
Past Perfect Simple
S+ had + P .P + com…

I had spoken to my manager before I went home..

They had sent the email before they completed it.
She had bought a new house.
Past Perfect Continuous
S+ had been+ + com…

I had been speaking to my manager.

They had been sending emails since early morning.
She had been buying new houses since 2010.
• I had breakfast with my family.
• I was working on my computer when my
friends visited me.
• I was studying all last night.
• I had studied well before I had my exam.
• I had been waiting for three hours by 2
pm yesterday.
• I had visited London before I went to
• I had seen the movie before. I watched it
again in the cinema.
• The doctor came late. We had waited for
him for two hours.
• We had been waiting for him for two
hours when he called the office.

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