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(Arnold, Chapman, & Clive: Intro Materials Management, 6th ed. –
© 2008 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved.)
Planning System Questions

• What are we going to make?

• What does it take to make it?
• What do we already have?
• What do we need to get?
Key is to match
• Priority
– What is needed, when, and how much
• Capacity
– Capability to produce what is needed and when

Priority Capacity
(Demand) (Resources)
Major levels of Planning and Control
• In order of time span (long to short) and detail
(general to detailed):
– Strategic business plans
– Sales and Operations Plans (Production Plans and
Marketing Plans)
– Master Production Schedules
– Material Requirements Plans
– Purchasing and Production Activity Control
At Each Level, Need to Decide
• What are the priorities
– What to produce?
– How much?
– When?
• What is the available capacity?
• How can the differences between priorities
and capacities best be resolved?
Planning Hieracracy
Business Plan

Production Plan

Master Production


Production Activity Implementation

Control and
Production Plan
• Quantities of each product group to be
produced each period
• Projected/desired inventory levels
• Resources needed
– Equipment
– Labor
– Material
• Availability of needed resources
Master Production Schedule
• Shows, for each period, the quantity of each
end item to be made.
• Level of detail is higher than the Production
– End items versus groups of items
– Time periods usually shorter (e.g., weeks versus
More Detailed Planning and Control
• Material Requirements Plan
– End item requirements broken down into specific
components – what to make or buy, and when
• Production Activity Control
– Execution plan, detailing specific orders to produce items
from the Material Requirements Plan
• Purchasing
– Similar to Production Activity Control, only includes items
to be purchased rather than produced.
Capacity Management
• At each level of the planning and control
system, reconciliation with resources must be
– Must obtain the right resources or change the
• Inadequate resources = missed production
• Resources significantly exceed planned
production = idle resources and extra cost
Sales and Operations Plan
Strategic Annual
Business Plan


Marketing Production
Plan Plan

Detailed Master Weekly

Sales Plan Production or
Schedule Daily
Sales and Operations Planning
• Can be used to update the strategic plan
• Provides a tool to manage change
• Enforces functional plans to be realistic and
• Represents a plan to achieve company
• Provides management visibility of
production, inventory, and backlogs.
Developing the Production Plan
• Some key questions that must be answered to
develop an effective planning strategy:
– How flexible are the resources, both in quantity
and timing?
– Are “outside” resources available
– Can we utilize inventory to meet demand?
Basic Production Plan Strategies
• Chase – vary production rates to meet changes in
– Often used when inventory cannot be used or when
resources are flexible and inexpensive to change
• Level – establish average demand level and set
production rate to that level
– Often used when resources difficult or very expensive
to change
• Hybrid – use a combination of some chase and
some level
For Example:

No. of Units


Chase Production:

No. of Units
Chase Production


Level Production:

No. of Units

Level Production


Level Production:

No. of Units
USE Inventory

Level Production

CREATE Inventory



No. of Units


Numerical Example:

Suppose the forecasted demand for a product family looks

like the table below. Assume the product family is a
Make-to-Stock family with a starting inventory of 100.

Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total

Forecast (Demand) 150 160 180 175 155 140 960

Production Plan Using a Level Strategy

Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total

Forecast (Demand) 150 160 180 175 155 140 960

Planned 160 160 160 160 160 160 960


Planned Inventory 110 110 90 75 80 100

Production Plan using Chase Strategy

Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total

Forecast (Demand) 150 160 180 175 155 140 960

Planned 150 160 180 175 155 140 960

Planned Inventory 100 100 100 100 100 100
Production Plan using a Hybrid
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total

Forecast 150 160 180 175 155 140 960

Planned 140 140 140 175 175 175 945
Planned Inventory 90 70 30 30 50 85
Make-to-Order Production Plans
• Products made to customer specifications
• The customer is willing to wait for completion
• Generally products more expensive to make
and/or store
• Often several options offered
• Company often uses a backlog of unfilled
customer orders rather than inventory
How Scheduling
fits the Operations Management Philosophy

Operations As a Competitive
Operations Strategy
Project Management Process Strategy
Process Analysis
Process Performance and Quality
Constraint Management
Process Layout Supply Chain Strategy
Lean Systems Location
Inventory Management
Sales and Operations Planning
Resource Planning
Air New Zealand
• Flight and crew scheduling is a complex process.
• Scheduling begins with a five-year market plan.
• This general plan is further refined to a three-year plan, and
put into an annual budget in which flight segments have
specific departure and arrival times.
• Crew availability must be matched to the flight schedule. Two
types of crews–pilots and attendants–each comes with its
own set of constraints.
• Sophisticated optimization models are used to design generic
minimum-cost schedules.

• Scheduling: The allocation of resources over time to

accomplish specific tasks.
• Demand scheduling: A type of scheduling whereby customers
are assigned to a definite time for order fulfillment.
• Workforce scheduling: A type of scheduling that determines
when employees work.
• Operations scheduling: A type of scheduling in which jobs are
assigned to workstations or employees are assigned to jobs
for specified time periods.
Performance Measures
• Job flow time: The amount of time a job spends in the service or
manufacturing system. Also referred to as throughput time or time
spent in the system, including service.
• Makespan: The total amount of time required to complete a
group of jobs.
• Past due (Tardiness): The amount of time by which a job missed
its due date or the percentage of total jobs processed over some
period of time that missed their due dates.
• Work-in-process (WIP) inventory: Any job that is waiting in line,
moving from one operation to the next, being delayed, being
processed, or residing in a semi-finished state.
• Total inventory: The sum of scheduled receipts and on-hand
• Utilization: The percentage of work time that is productively
spent by an employee or machine.
Gantt Charts

• Gantt chart: Used as a tool to monitor the progress

of work and to view the load on workstations.
 The chart takes two basic forms: (1) the job or activity progress
chart, and (2) the workstation chart.
• The Gantt progress chart graphically displays the
current status of each job or activity relative to its
scheduled completion date.
• The Gantt workstation chart shows the load on the
workstations and the nonproductive time.
Gantt Progress Chart
Gantt Progress Chart for an Auto Parts Company
Start activity
Scheduled activity time
Finish activity Current
date Actual progress
Nonproductive time

Job 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/20 4/21 4/22 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/26



Gantt Workstation Chart

Gantt Workstation Chart for Hospital Operating Rooms

Customer Demand
 Three methods are commonly used to schedule
customer demand:
(1) Appointments assign specific times for service
to customers.
(2) Reservations are used when the customer
actually occupies or uses facilities associated
with the service.
(3) Backlogs:
• The customer is given a due date for the
fulfillment a product order, or
• Allow a backlog to develop as customers arrive
at the system. Customers may never know
exactly when their orders will be fulfilled
Scheduling Employees
• Rotating schedule: A schedule that rotates employees
through a series of workdays or hours.
• Fixed schedule: A schedule that calls for each employee
to work the same days and hours each week.
• Constraints: The technical constraints imposed on the
workforce schedule are the resources provided by the
staffing plan and the requirements placed on the
operating system.
– Other constraints, including legal and behavioral
considerations, also can be imposed.
Workforce Scheduling
Example 16.1
The Amalgamated Parcel Service is open 7 days
a week. The schedule of requirements is:
Required employees
Day M T W Th F S Su
Number of employees 6 4 8 9 10 3 2

The manager needs a workforce schedule that provides two

consecutive days off and minimizes the amount of total slack capacity.
To break ties in the selection of off days, the scheduler gives
preference to Saturday and Sunday if it is one of the tied pairs. If not,
she selects one of the tied pairs arbitrarily.
Workforce Scheduling
Example 16.1 Steps 1 & 2
Required employees
Day M T W Th F S Su
Number of employees 6 4 8 9 10* 3 2
Employee 1 X X X X X

Step 1. Find all the pairs of consecutive days that exclude the
maximum daily requirements. Select the unique pair that has the lowest
total requirements for the 2 days.
Friday contains the maximum requirements (10), and the pair S–Su has
the lowest total requirements. Therefore, Employee 1 is scheduled to
work Monday through Friday.
Step 2. If a tie occurs, choose one of the tied pairs or ask the employee
to make a choice.
Workforce Scheduling
Example 16.1 Step 3
Required employees
Day M T W Th F S Su
Number of employees 6 4 8 9 10* 3 2
Employee 1 X X X X X
Requirements 5 3 7 8 9* 3 2
Employee 2 X X X X X

Step 3. Subtract the requirements satisfied by the Employee 1 from the

net requirements for each day the employee is to work and repeat step

Again the pair S–Su has the lowest total requirements. Therefore,
Employee 2 is scheduled to work Monday through Friday.
Workforce Scheduling
Example 16.1 Step 4
Required employees
Day M T W Th F S Su
Number of employees 6 4 8 9 10* 3 2
Employee 1 X X X X X
Requirement 5 3 7 8 9* 3 2
Employee 2 X X X X X
Requirement 4 2 6 7 8* 3 2
Employee 3 X X X X X
Requirement 3 1 5 6 7* 3 2
Step 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 until all the requirements have been
satisfied. After Employees 1, 2, and 3 have reduced the requirements,
the pair with the lowest requirements changes, and Employee 4 will be
scheduled for Wednesday through Sunday.
Workforce Scheduling
Example 16.1 Step 4 continued
Required employees
Day M T W Th F S Su
Number of employees 6 4 8 9 10* 3 2
Employee 1 X X X X X
Requirement 5 3 7 8 9* 3 2
Employee 2 X X X X X
Requirement 4 2 6 7 8* 3 2
Employee 3 X X X X X
Requirement 3 1 5 6 7* 3 2
Employee 4 X X X X X
Requirement 3 1 4 5 6* 2 1
Employee 5 X X X X X
Workforce Scheduling
Example 16.1 Step 4 continued
Required employees
Day M T W Th F S Su
Requirement 2 0 3 4 5* 2 1
Employee 6 X X X X X
Requirement 2 0 2 3 4* 1 0
Employee 7 X X X X X
Requirement 1 0 1 2 3* 1 0
Employee 8 X X X X X
Requirement 0 0 0 1 2* 1 0
Employee 9 X X X X X
Requirement 0 0 0 0 1* 0 0
Employee 10 X X X X X
Workforce Scheduling
Example 16.1
Final Schedule
Day M T W Th F S Su
Employee 1 X X X X X off off
Employee 2 X X X X X off off
Employee 3 X X X X X off off
Employee 4 off off X X X X X
Employee 5 X X X X X off off
Employee 6 off off X X X X X
Employee 7 X X X X X off off
Employee 8 X X X X X off off
Employee 9 off X X X X X off
Employee 10 X X X X X off off
Workforce Scheduling
Example 16.1 Final Schedule
Final Schedule M T W Th F S Su
Employee 1 X X X X X off off
Employee 2 X X X X X off off
Employee 3 X X X X X off off
Employee 4 off off X X X X X
Employee 5 X X X X X off off
Employee 6 off off X X X X X
Employee 7 X X X X X off off
Employee 8 X X X X X off off
Employee 9 off X X X X X off
Employee 10 X X X X X off off

Capacity, C 7 8 10 10 10 3 2 50
Requirements, R 6 4 8 9 10 3 2 42
Slack, C – R 1 4 2 1 0 0 0 8
Operations Scheduling
• Operations schedules are short-term plans designed to
implement the master production schedule.
 Operations scheduling focuses on how best to use existing capacity.
 Often, several jobs must be processed at one or more workstations.
Typically, a variety of tasks can be performed at each workstation.
• Job shop: A firm that specializes in low- to medium-volume
production and utilizes job or batch processes.
• Flow shop: A firm that specializes in medium- to high-volume
production and utilizes line or continuous processes.
Manufacturing Process

Shipping Department
Raw Materials

Batch of parts
Job Shop Dispatching
• Dispatching: A method of generating schedules in job shops
whereby the decision about which job to process next is made
using simple priority rules whenever the workstation becomes
available for further processing.

• Priority sequencing rules: The rules that specify the job

processing sequence when several jobs are waiting in line at a

• Critical ratio (CR): A ratio that is calculated by dividing the time

remaining until a job’s due date by the total shop time remaining
for the job.
CR = (Due date – Today’s date)/Total shop time remaining
– Total Shop Time = Setup, processing, move, and expected waiting
times of all remaining operations, including the operation being
Job Shop Dispatching
• Earliest due date (EDD): A priority sequencing rule
that specifies that the job with the earliest due date is the
next job to be processed.

• First-come, first-served (FCFS): A priority

sequencing rule that specifies that the job arriving at the
workstation first has the highest priority.

• Shortest processing time (SPT): A priority

sequencing rule that specifies that the job requiring the
shortest processing time is the next job to be processed.
Job Shop Dispatching

• Slack per remaining operations (S/RO): A

priority sequencing rule that determines
priority by dividing the slack by the number of
operations that remain, including the one
being scheduled.

S/RO = ((Due date – Today’s date) – Total shop time remaining)

Number of operations remaining
Scheduling Jobs for
One Workstation

• Single-dimension rules: A set of rules such as FCFS, EDD, and

SPT, that bases the priority of a job on a single aspect of the
job, such as arrival time at the workstation, the due date, or
the processing time.
• Priority rules, such as CR and S/RO, incorporate information
about the remaining workstations at which the job must be
processed. We call these rules multiple-dimension rules.
• Multiple-dimension rules: A set of rules that apply to more
than one aspect of a job.
Example 16.2
Single-Dimension Rule Sequencing
Five engine blocks are waiting for processing. The processing times have
been estimated. Expected completion times have been agreed. The table
shows the situation as of Monday morning. Customer pickup times are
measured in business hours from Monday morning.
Determine the schedule by using the EDD rule and then the SPT rule.
Calculate the average hours early, hours past due, WIP inventory, and total
inventory for each method.
If low job flow times and WIP inventories are critical, which rule should be
Example 16.2
Single-Dimension Rule – EDD

Job Scheduled Actual

Engine Processing Flow Customer Customer Hours
Block Begin Time Time Pickup Pickup Hours Past
Sequence Work (hr) (hr) Time Time Early Due
Ranger 0 + 8 = 8 10 10 2
Explorer 8 + 6 = 14 12 14 2
Econoline 150 14 + 3 = 17 18 18 1
Bronco 17 + 15 = 32 20 32 12
Thunderbird 12 22
32 + = 44 44 22

Average job flow time = 23 hours Average hours early = 0.6 hour

Average hours past due = 7.2 hours Average WIP = 2.61 blocks
10 + 14 +818
+ 14 + 17
+ 32 + 32 + 44
+ 44
= = 2.68 engine blocks 44
Example 16.2
Single-Dimension Rule – SPT

Job Scheduled Actual

Engine Processing Flow Customer Customer Hours
Block Begin Time Time Pickup Pickup Hours Past
Sequence Work (hr) (hr) Time Time Early Due
Econoline 150 00 + 83 = 3 10
18 18 15
Explorer 83 + 66 = 9 12
12 12
Ranger 150 149 + 38 = 17 18
10 17 3 7
Thunderbird 17 + 15
12 = 29 20
22 29 7
Thunderbird 12
15 22
Bronco 29 + = 44 44 24

Average job flow time = 20.4 hours Average hours early = 3.6 hour

Average hours past due = 7.6 hours Average WIP = 2.32 blocks
18 + 12 + 3
+ 17 + 29 + 44
+ 44
= = 2.73 engine blocks 44
Comparing the
EDD and SPT Rules
Using the previous example, a comparison of the EDD and
SPT sequencing is shown below.
Average job flow time 23.00 20.40
Average hours early 0.60 3.60
Average hours past due 7.20 7.60
Average WIP 2.61 2.32
Average total inventory 2.68 2.73
• The SPT schedule has a lower average job flow time and lower WIP inventory.
• The EDD schedule has better customer service, (average hours past due) and
lower maximum hours past due.
• EDD also has a lower total inventory because fewer hours were spent waiting
for customers to pick up their engine blocks after they had been completed.
Example 16.3
Multiple-Dimension Rule – CR

Operation Time
Time at Remaining Number of
Engine to Due Date Operations Shop Time
Job Lathe (hr) (Days) Remaining Remaining CR S/RO
1 2.3 15 10 6.1 2.46
2 10.5 10 2 7.8 1.28
3 6.2 20 12 14.5 1.38
4 15.6 8 5 10.2 .78

Time remaining to due date

CR =
Shop time remaining
Example 16.3
Multiple-Dimension Rule – S/RO

Operation Time
Time at Remaining Number of
Engine to Due Date Operations Shop Time
Job Lathe (hr) (Days) Remaining Remaining CR S/RO
1 2.3 15 10 6.1 2.46 0.89
2 10.5 10 2 7.8 1.28 1.10
3 6.2 20 12 14.5 1.38 0.46
4 15.6 8 5 10.2 .78 – 0.44

Time remaining to due date – Shop time remaining

S/RO = Number of operations remaining
Comparing the
CR and S/RO Rules

Operation Time
Time at Remaining Number of
Engine to Due Date Operations Shop Time
Job Lathe (hr) (Days) Remaining Remaining CR S/RO
1 2.3 15 10 6.1 2.46 0.89
2 10.5 10 2 7.8 1.28 1.10
3 6.2 20 12 14.5 1.38 0.46
4 15.6 8 5 10.2 .78 – 0.44

Sequence == 4 – 2 – 3 – 1
S/RO Sequence = 4–3–1–2
Priority Rule Summary
• The S/RO rule is better than the EDD rule
and the CR rule but it is much worse than
the SPT rule and the FCFS rule for this
example. FCFS = 1–2–3–4
• S/RO has the advantage of allowing SPT = 1–3–2–4
schedule changes when due dates EDD = 4–2–1–3
change. These results cannot be CR = 4–2–3–1
generalized to other situations because
only four jobs are being processed. S/RO = 4–3–1–2
Shortest Slack per
Processing Earliest Critical Remaining
FCFS Time Due Date Ratio Operation
Avg Flow Time 17.175 16.100 26.175 27.150 24.025
Avg Early Time 3.425 6.050 0 0 0
Avg Past Due 7.350 8.900 12.925 13.900 10.775
Avg WIP 1.986 1.861 3.026 3.129 2.777
Avg Total Inv 2.382 2.561 3.026 3.129 2.777

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Scheduling Jobs for
Multiple Workstations
• Priority sequencing rules can be used to schedule more than one
operation. Each operation is treated independently.
• Identifying the best priority rule to use at a particular operation in a
process is a complex problem because the output from one process
becomes the input for another.
• Computer simulation models are effective tools to determine which
priority rules work best in a given situation.
• When a workstation becomes idle, the priority rule is applied to the
jobs waiting for that operation, and the job with the highest priority is
• When that operation is finished, the job is moved to the next
operation in its routing, where it waits until it again has the highest
Johnson’s Rule
• Johnson’s rule: A procedure that minimizes makespan when scheduling
a group of jobs on two workstations.
• Step 1. Find the shortest processing time among the jobs not yet
scheduled. If two or more jobs are tied, choose one job arbitrarily.
• Step 2. If the shortest processing time is on workstation 1, schedule the
corresponding job as early as possible. If the shortest processing time is on
workstation 2, schedule the corresponding job as late as possible.
• Step 3. Eliminate the last job scheduled from further consideration.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all jobs have been scheduled.
Example 16.5
Johnson’s Rule at the Morris Machine Co.

Time (hr)
Motor Workstation 1 Workstation 2
M1 12 22
M2 4 5
M3 5 3
M4 15 16
M5 10 8

Eliminate M5
M2 M3
M1 from
from consideration.
the only job
consideration. The
The next
next to shortest
shortest time
time is
Shortest time is 3 hours at workstation 2, so
M5 isat
M1 at at Workstation
is M4.
workstation #1,
#2, 1,schedule
so so schedule
schedule M1
M5 M2 first.
next to last.
schedule job M3 last.

Sequence = M2 M1 M4 M5 M3
Example 16.5
Johnson’s Rule at the Morris Machine Co.

The schedule minimizes the idle time of workstation 2

and gives the fastest repair time for all five motors.
No other sequence will produce a lower makespan.
Gantt Chart for the Morris Machine Company Repair Schedule

1 M2 M1 M4 M5 M3 Idle—available
(4) (12) (15) (10) (5) for further work

2 Idle M2
(5) Idle M1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Labor-limited Environments
• The limiting resource thus far has been the number of machines or
workstations available. A more typical constraint is the amount of labor
• Labor-limited environment: An environment in which the resource
constraint is the amount of labor available, not the number of machines or
1. Assign personnel to the workstation with the job that has been in the system
2. Assign personnel to the workstation with the most jobs waiting for
3. Assign personnel to the workstation with the largest standard work content.
4. Assign personnel to the workstation with the job that has the earliest due
Linking Operations
Scheduling to the Supply Chain
• Advanced planning and scheduling (APS) systems: Systems that
seek to optimize resources across the supply chain and align daily
operations with strategic goals. Four characteristics of these systems are:
1. Demand Planning. This capability enables companies in a supply chain to
share demand forecasts.
2. Supply Network Planning. Optimization models based on linear
programming can be used to make long-term decisions.
3. Available-to-Promise. Firms can use this capability to promise delivery to
customers by checking the availability of components and materials at its
4. Manufacturing Scheduling. This module attempts to determine an optimal
grouping and sequencing of manufacturing orders based on detailed
product attributes, production line capacities, and material flows.
Solved Problem 1

• The Food Bin grocery store operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per
week. At the end of the month, they calculated the average
number of checkout registers that should be open during the first
shift each day. Results showed peak needs on Saturdays and

1. Develop a schedule that covers all requirements while giving two

consecutive days off to each clerk. How many clerks are needed?
2. Plans can be made to use the clerks for other duties if slack or idle
time resulting from this schedule can be determined. How much idle
time will result from this schedule, and on what days?
Solved Problem 1

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Solved Problem 1

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Solved Problem 2

• The Neptune’s Den Machine Shop specializes in overhauling outboard marine

engines. Currently, five engines with varying problems are awaiting service.
The best estimates for the labor times involved and the promise dates (in
number of days from today) are shown in the following table. Customers
usually do not pick up their engines early.

Develop separate schedules using SPT and then EDD rules. Compare them
using average job flow time, % of past due jobs, and maximum past due days.
Calculate average WIP inventory (in engines) and average total inventory.
Solved Problem 2


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Solved Problem 2


Average job flow time 9.80 15.20

% of past due jobs 40% 60%

Maximum past due days 11 7

Average WIP inventory 2.13 3.30

Average total inventory 3.52 3.52

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Solved Problem 4
Cleanup of chemical waste storage basins involves two
operations. Operation 1: Drain and dredge basin. Operation 2:
Incinerate materials. Management estimates that each
operation will require the following amounts of time (in days):

Find a schedule that minimizes the makespan. Calculate the

average job flow time of a storage basin through the two operations.
What is the total elapsed time for cleaning all 10 basins?
Solved Problem 4
Four jobs are tied for the shortest process time: A, D, E, and H. (E and H
are tied for first place, while A and D are tied for last place.) We arbitrarily
choose to start with basin E
Dredge Incinerate
A 3 1
B 4 4
C 3 2
D 6 1
E 1 2
F 3 6
G 2 4
H 1 1
I 8 2
E H G F B J I C D A J 4 8
Solved Problem 4

The Gantt machine chart for this schedule

Storage basin

Dredge E H G F B J I C D A

Incinerate E H G F B J I C D A


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