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Ejada Systems
Design Components
◦ Tasks :
◦ Service Task is used to invoke services. 

◦ User Task is used to model work that needs to be done by a human


◦ Business Rule Task is used to synchronously execute one or more rules

which used to evaluate a DMN decision.
Design Components (cont.)
◦ Events:
◦ Normal Event is used to start process.

◦ Message Event is used when you have to differentiate several start events.

◦ Timer Event is used when you want to make your process instance wait for
a certain time.
Design Components (cont.)
◦ Gateways:
** The point of decision on what to do next is called gateway
Exclusive Gateway (XOR)
When we follow only one of the paths
Cook pasta or cook steak or prepare pizza
Gateways (cont.)
Parallel Gateway (AND)
When you work on both ways at the same time – in parallel.
Prepare salad and (whatever cook steak or pasta)
Gateways (cont.)
 Inclusive Gateway (OR)
When we want to eat
◦ Only a salad,
◦ A salad and “something real,” like pasta or steak, or
◦ Only something real.
Gateways (cont.)
 Event-based Gateway
This gateway does not route based on data, but rather by which event takes place next.
Example :We order pizza and wait for it to be delivered. We can eat only after we receive the pizza, but
what if the pizza doesn’t arrive after 60 minutes? We’ll make an anxious phone call.
Design Components (cont.)
◦ Artifacts:
Text Annotation
A BPMN Text Annotation is simply a note to process element .
You can use Text Annotation to include addition information to flow objects. 
You can create a Group to contain elements that belong together based on some common characteristic.
Steps of using Camunda
◦ We need to install:
-Camunda Modeler
-Camunda wildfly Full Distribution 7.12

◦ Configure your database connection in standalone.xml file from this path:

◦ Run camunda tables scripts on your databse from this path :
run engine & identity files depend on your DB type
◦ Create your Workflow Design using Modeler.
◦ Create Maven Project .
Steps of using Camunda (cont.)
◦ Add dependencies you need to pom.xml like:
- camunda-engine
- camunda-engine-cdi “context dependency injection” to inject classes instances.
- camunda-ejb-client “enterprise java bean” to define managed bean.

◦ Edit persistence.xml to define your datasource.

◦ Add BPMN and DMN files in project resources : “src\main\resources”
◦ Edit processes.xml to define your bpmn file.
◦ Implement java code and forms used in modeler tasks.
Converting existing project to use Camunda
◦ Replace workflow services with one service calls camunda work flow web services.
◦ Example in ETR project:
◦ We replaced with
◦ calls camunda webservices in camunda project contains
workflow design.
◦ And we added the needed parameters to start our process 
Camunda Database Tables
◦ The all tables names start with ACT.
◦ The second part is a two-character identification of the use case of the table.
◦ ACT_RE_* : RE stands for repository. Tables with this prefix contain ‘static’ information
such as process definitions and process resources (rules,images,etc.).
◦ ACT_RU_* : RU stands for runtime. These are the runtime tables that contain the runtime
data of process instances, user tasks, variables, jobs, etc. The engine only stores the runtime
data during process instance execution and removes the records when a process instance ends.
This keeps the runtime tables small and fast.
Camunda Database Tables (cont.)
◦ ACT_ID_* : ID stands for identity. These tables contain identity information such as users,
groups, etc.
◦ ACT_HI_* : HI stands for history. These are the tables that contain historical data such as past
process instances, variables, tasks, etc.
◦ ACT_GE_* : GE stands for General data, which is used in various use cases.
Additional Features we applied:
◦ Assigning Tasks to groups of people
◦ Delegating Tasks to other people
◦ Notifying people about their tasks
◦ Following Up on Tasks after some time
◦ Multiple designs in the same project
◦ Multiple Start Message Events in the same design
Installation Tools
◦ Link to download camunda modeler

◦ Link to download camunda wildfly 7.12

◦ Note : you need to install jboss tools 4.5.3 final from eclipse marketplace

◦ Link to download jdk 10


◦ Link to download eclipse oxygen 4.7.3a


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