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1, Why I Chose this Production?

2, Target Audience
3, Issues
Why did I choose this production?

 Initial Focus Group – I led an initial focus group, which generated some ideas,
but none that really stood out
 Second Focus Group – I decided a second focus group was needed and, during
the conversation, I ruled out previous ideas and found a genre where I could build
a good narrative and challenge my skills
 Magical Realism – The idea was based on a magician who gained magical
powers. This story followed the genres of fantasy and magical realism
 Development - I thought it would be good to show the magician as believing he
has magic abilities, but it is actually imagined. I then found out in later research
that this fits in the description of a mental disorder called delusions of grander.
Target Audience

 Age - 16 to 21
 Gender – All Genders, but leaning toward males as statistically they
are more likely to enjoy the genre
 Social Media - As my target audience are in their teens and in early
adulthood, I uploaded my film to YouTube. This is because the
younger generation have a much higher social media usage.
What issues did I find?

 Research - Whist in the research phase I discovered that there was a lack of
movies on specifically delusions of grander which made it hard to research about.
Despite this I managed, to analyze 2 movies on this genre: The Prestige and
 Lighting - During my long day of filming my batteries started to run out on my
lights and as I had no back ups for these, they had to be charged which pushed me
behind schedule.
 Scheduling – It was difficult to arrange the actors’ schedules to fit with my own

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