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Thank you for today.

Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all
For your protection and love, we thank you
Help us to focus our hearts and minds
Now on what we are about to learn
Inspire us by your Holy Spirit as we listen and write
Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about
the world around us.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus..
Starting MS access
Database Terminologies
Record - It is the horizontal row of a cell. The complete set of data pertaining to a
person, place or thing.

Field - It separates different types of data. It is the information about a person, place
or thing.

Table - It is a grid of rows and columns that contains data or a collection of fields that
describe a person, place, object, event or idea.

Entry - It is the data entered into a field

Database - It is a collection of all records related to a particular subject or purpose

Organizing Data
• To organize the data, first, you must
identify the individual fields.

• Second, you must group related fields

together into tables.
Database and Relationships
It is a collection of related tables.
Relational Database Management System
 It is a program that allows you to create databases then manipulate data with

Functions of DBMS:
1. Allows you to create database structures.
2. Allows you to add new records, change fields and delete records.
3. Contains built-in query language which allows you to get answers to questions.
4. Contains buil-in report generator which allows you to print formatted reports.
MS Access
It is a relational database management program
that can create, format, save, maintain, retrieve
and analyze volumes of related information or
data in format know as a database
MS Access Window
MS Access Window
MS Access Window
MS Access Window
MS Access Window
Starting MS Access
1. Click the Start Button

2. Point to All Programs

3. Point to MS Office

4. Click on MS Access
The Access Program Window
1. Quick Access Program
2. File Tab
3. Home Tab
4. Create Tab
5. External data Tab
6. Templates
7. Preview Pane
The Access Program Window
Creating Database from a Blank

1. Click File Menu

2. Click New Command
3. Click Create
4. From the Available Templates, double click
Black Database Icon.
Creating Database from a Blank
Creating Database from a Template

1. Click File Menu

2. Click New Command
3. Click Sample Templates
4. The Window will display various templates. Click the
category you want.
5. Templates are also available
6. Type the name of your file and click Download
Creating Database from a Template
Opening Previously Saved File

1. Click File Menu

2. Click Recent
3. Or File Open
4. Open Dialog Box
5. Select File Name
6. Click Open
Opening Previously Saved File
Printing the Datasheet or Form

3.On the print dialog box set the options
4.Click Ok
Printing the Datasheet or Form
Exiting the MS Access Program

1.File menu
2.Click Exit or close button x
Exiting the MS Access Program
Getting Help

Getting help is available in many ways in

MS Access. You can even get help from
the Help button “?” thru the internet or
just in your computer as you work.
Getting Help
Getting Help

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