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Why were England able to defeat the Spanish Armada?

1. Describe 2 features of the English navy sent against the Spanish

Armada (4 marks)

2. ‘The effective use of naval tactics was the main reason for the English
victory over the Spanish Armada.’

Title: Why were England able to defeat the Spanish Armada?
Spanish Key flaw was that they had to meet up with troops Contributing,
Plan from the Netherlands – difficult due to crucial,
communication required & meant English had critical
advance warning

Tactics Fire ships – scattered the Armada so unable Contributing,

to link up with Duke of Parma. Created panic crucial,
ahead of the key battle. (Gravelines) critical

Weather Wind changed direction & forced the Spanish fleet Contributing,
into the North Sea. Bad weather led to Spanish ships crucial,
being shipwrecked along Scottish & Irish coast. critical

Quality of Lord Howard came up with fire ship plan Lacked naval experience Contributing,
leadership Elizabeth I gave a rallying speech to troops at Sea sick crucial,
Tilbury Flawed plan critical

Resources 54 battleships 64 battleships – 22 galleons Contributing,

140 merchant ships 45 merchant ships 20 store ships crucial,
Smaller cannons, easier to reload Heavier cannon with shorter fire critical
14,000 sailors but more used to choppy 20,000 so more but used to calmer conditions of the
conditions Med
Better army but still a week’s march away
Reasons for the defeat of the Armada
• Intro: point out the reasons for defeat

• One reasons was the weather because…

• Another reasons was the design of the English ships because…
• Another reasons for defeat was the tactics of the English because…
• One reasons for defeat was the mistakes of the Spanish because…

• Conclusion: Sum up how all reasons led to defeat and point out whether
the main reason was ‘naval tactics’.

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