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Training Of Zonal and Woreda Cadastral Surveyors and Land

Registration experts On Use Of Orthophoto & For Cadastral Surveying
And Mapping Using QGIS 2.12.0 Software
Nov 11,2020
Basic Concepts of
Land Administration, Cadaster
and Land Registration
Land Administration and Land
What is Land Administration?
• It is a process of determining, recording and
disseminating information about the ownership, value and
use of land and its associated resources when implementing
land management policies.
• Such processes include the determination (sometimes
known as the adjudication) of rights and other attributes of
the land. It is also considered to include land registration,
cadastral surveying and mapping, fiscal, legal and multi-
purpose cadastres and land information systems. (Source:
UN/FIG; 1998)
• Land Management is activities that
associated with the management of land as a
resource, from both an environmental
/physical/,economic and Social perspective,
towards sustainable development.
(UN/FIG; 1999)
Introduction to Land information
What is Land Information?
Land Information refers to spatial information (parcel
geometry, unique parcel identifier, size, land use and
location) and non-spatial information (unique parcel
identifier, land right, right holder and evidence of how
land rights are brought to right holder) (RNRA, 2012).
UN-Habitat also define Land information as
information about the use, ownership, value and
development potential of land and it is a pre-
requisite for any land administration and
management system (UN-HABITAT, 2012).
Primarily it depends on the availability of reliable
spatial and non-spatial datasets because the main
goal of any land information system is to produce
information in support of decision making on land-
related issues (Hayati et al., 1999).
• The quality of such decisions is influenced by
the quality of spatial and non-spatial data upon
which they are based.

1.Cadestral surveying
• Cadastre is a methodically arranged public inventory of
data concerning properties or land use parcels within
certain country or district, based on survey of their
• It answer questions:Where? and how much?
• cadastre/survey answers the location where? and how
much? Area and number of parcels.
• Cadastre differs from land registration in such a way
that it emphasizes on spatial data.
2.Land Registration
Land registration is a process of official
recording of rights in land through deeds or as
title on properties.
Deed Registration: A system of proof of a
property ownership and interest based upon the
registration of transfer or other deed.
Title Registration: Is a system for improving the
quality of ownership and proof of title.
•It answers questions: Who? and How?
•Land registration is answers the questions as
who? and how? Owned the land
• Because land registration and cadastre(“ who?
and how?” along with “where? and how
much?”) complement each other, the terms
“land recording” or “land records” are
usually used to indicate these two components
together as a whole.
Definitions of basic terms
• Parcel/Plot
a unit of land owned by an individual (owner) regardless of its
size and land use type
• Holding
Possession and refers to the total number and area of parcels or
plots owned by an individual
• Recording
The process concerns the entry in the textual or descriptive part
and the mapping part of the cadastre.
• Cadastral surveying
Cadastral surveying is a process of surveying to define the area,
land use, the owner, the form and location of a parcel of land
Steps and Levels of Cadastral Surveying and
• Delineation and Demarcation of Kebele
Boundary together with kebele representatives
• Surveying of communal lands
• Surveying of natural and artificial features
• Surveying of Parcels
• Production of KA Base Map
• Production of Parcel Index Map
1. Guarantee ownership and security of tenure
2. Promote Improvements to the Land/Improve urban
planning and infrastructure development.
3. Support land and property taxation
4. Provide Security for Credit
5. Reduce land dispute
6. Produce statistical
7. Support environmental management
8. Protect State lands
9. Facilitate land reform
10. Facilitate reliable land use record

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