XI G.2 Thereasonwetakephysicalexercise

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The reason we take

physical exercie
Kelas 11.3
Name of group
M harrris
Raja efriyanto
Areza swinda
Lili yana m.e
The reason we take physical exercise

Physical exercise is an activity carried out by someone to improve or
maintain body fitness.The main goal of physical condition training or physical
fitness training is to be healthy. But what kind of health will we get? Not only
about physical health, actively moving our bodies will also make our mental
health health healthier. Therefore, physical condition training or exercise
needs to be done regularly and consistently. It doesn't have to be too strenuous,
and you can customize the type of exercise according to your body's condition
and ability.
The reason we take physical exercise

Argument 1:
first, reducing the risk of disease. The main
purpose of physical training is to make your body
healthy and fit. A healthy and fit body can be
obtained if you are free from the risk of
developing a series of diseases.

Supporting evidence :
1.) physical exercise can make your body
healthy and fit
2.) physical exercise can eliminate the risk of
a range .of diseases
The reason we take physical exercise

Argument 2 :
second,increasing energy.Another purpose of doing physical
conditioning exercise is to increase energy in the body and streng then
muscles.This is especially important for those of you who are actively
traveling,working,and have a lot on your plate.exercise can make the
absorption of oxygen and nutrients in the body’s tissues more
efficient.Thus,the lungs and heart can work optimally.This makes you
feel more energized and less tired
Supporting evidence
1). Physical exercise can increase energy in the body and
streng then muscles.
2). Exercise can make the absoption of oxygen and nutrients in
body tissues more efficient
Argument 3:

Third,increasing happines.The main goal of physical conditioning is

ultimately to make life happier.This is because exercise has been shown to
reduce depression,stress and anxiety disorders.exercise will make the brin
produce more serototin,known as the happy hormone,and norephinephrine.In
addition,the production of endorphins,which can reduce the perception of
pain,can increase.
Supporting evidence

1).physical exercise can make life happier

2). Exercise has been shown to reduce depression,stress and anxiety


So,physical exercise is essential for life.There are many

benefits that we can get with physical exercise,including
increasing energy for the body,strengthening
muscles,reducingthe risk of disease,and increasing
happines.So physical exercise is a god thing for the body.
Thank you!

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