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All people are clientele and audience in communication.

However, communication can only be effective when
communicators take into consideration the characteristics of
the intended clientele and audience. Characteristics like
social position, education level, age range, race and ethnicity,
primary language, health status, job type, and information
sources are worth considering.
Social position is the status that a person enjoys in a
communication context. One may be a president or leader,
middle manager, a colleague or co-equal, or a subordinate in
an organization of community. These social positions dictate
how one gets communicated to and how that communication
has to be crafted, packaged, contained, and delivered.

Education level may suggest the reading skills and healthy

literacy and the ability to engage with more complex topics
—new and even unfamiliar. An audience that has limited
literacy skills may find it difficult to use written materials;
with such audience, oral presentations may be more effective.
Age range can affect choice of communication format or
distribution. The communication materials may be relevant to
people of all ages but the age of the audience may affect the
communication format or distribution channels. Social media
websites and mobile texting for example may be more
appropriate for providing information to younger audience
while printed materials, emails, phone calls, meetings, and
memos may be more effective for older audience.

Race and ethnicity is an important consideration in

communication particularly in deciding on graphics and
photos. It is important to design the graphics and photos in
the communication materials to reflect the demographics of
the intended audience.
Primary language has to be considered if the message is to
be effective. If the language used is different from the one
used by the target audience, there is a need to translate the
communication materials into the primary language.

Health status matters a lot as it dictates people’s disposition

to listening and responding and the ability to’ make meaning
out of the communicated material. Although people with
certain health conditions tend to be more informed health-
care consumers with a greater awareness of issues within the
health-care system, it is important that the materials are more
personal and relevant to specific health conditions or issues.
Job type of the audience can affect the format of materials
and the distribution methods to be used. For an audience
without access to their own computers, disseminating the
materials through an Internet site or email messages may not
be effective.

Information sources matter for they affect the format and

distribution of the communication materials and also the
medium they trust.

The needs of various clientele and audiences of

communication depend on the type of communication and
the goals of the communication. Generally, the goals of
communication are to inform, persuade, or entertain the
audience. Depending on the audience, the needs may vary,
such as providing the right amount of information for a
particular group, using language and terminology that is
appropriate for the audience, and ensuring that the
communication is clear and concise. Additionally, the needs
may include catering to the audience’s preferences, such as
using visuals or videos instead of text, or providing
interactive elements.

I. Indentification
Answer the following; each consist of (1pt).
1. It’s a matter for they affect the format and distribution of
the communication materials and also the medium they trust.
2. For an audience without access to their own computers,
disseminating the materials through an Internet site or email
messages may not be effective.
3. It’s a matters a lot as it dictates people’s disposition to
listening and responding and the ability to’ make meaning
out of the communicated material.
4. If the language used is different from the one used by the
target audience, there is a need to translate the
communication materials into the primary language.
5. It was suggest the reading skills and healthy literacy and
the ability to engage with more complex topics—new and
even unfamiliar.

II. What have I learned

1. Use what you learned in this topic and make a 2-3
stance of paragraph. (5pts)

1. Identification II. What I learned

1. Information Sources NONE
2. Job Type
3. Health Status
4. Primary Language
5. Educational Level

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