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 Fibula (2x):
 Smaller long bone of lower leg, it articulates proximally with
tibia and distally with talus.
 It bears little body weight, but gives strength to ankle joint.
 Tibia (2x):
 Larger long bone of lower leg, it articulates with femur, fibula
and talus.
 It supports body weight, transmitting it from femur to talus.
 The TIBIA (latin Shin/leg bone) is larger bone of leg.
 It lies medially, and is homologous to radius.
 It has 3 parts; upper end, lower end & a shaft.
 Upper end(expanded) comprises 2 large flat condyles (lateral & medial tibial
plateaus) , that articulates with condyles of femur.
 Lower end(smaller) has a prominent medial malleolus.
 Shaft/body has a prismoid shape.

 Upper end is much larger than the lower.
 Medially, lower end projects downward, beyond the rest of the
bone called medial malleolus.
 Anterior border is most prominent (crest like). It terminates
below at the anterior border of medial malleolus.
Figure: The femur, the tibia and fibula.
 Expanded side to side.  Medial condyle:
 Larger than lateral condyle.
 Includes :  Articulates with medial condyle of
 Medial and lateral condyles. femur.
 Articular surface is oval.
 Intercondyler area/space,
 It has a long axis anteroposteriorly,
including the prominence from the sup: surface,.
called intercondylar  Central part is concave, directly
eminence. attached to femoral condyle,
 Tibial tuberosity, on ant: whereas peripheral part is flat &
separated from femoral condyle
side. through a cartilaginous ridge, the
medial meniscus.
 Post: surface has a groove.
 Ant: & medial surfaces have
vascular foramina.
 Lateral condyle:  Intracondylar area:
 Overhangs the shaft more than medial  Roughened area btw 2 condyles.
 Articulates with lateral condyle of
 Elevated from intracondular
femur. eminence to lateral & medial
 Articular surface is circular. intracondylar tubercles.
 Central part is slightly concave, directly
attached to femoral condyle, whereas
peripheral part is flat & separated from  Tibial tuberosity:
femoral condyle through a cartilaginous
ridge, the lateral meniscus.
 Located at ant: aspect of upper
 Posteroinferior surface articuates with end of tibia.
fibula., through the fibular facet,  It limits intercondyler area.
laterally.  Epiphyseal line passes through
 Ant: aspect bears a flattened impression
Upper smooth area & lower
known as gerdy’s tubercle/ iliotibial
tract. roughened area.
 Prisimoid shape.
 3 borders;
 Ant: (sharp, s-shaped, extend from ant: border to medial melloleus below,
subcutaneous and forms shin.)
 Medial: (round, extends from medial condyle to post of medial malleolus)
 Interosseus/lateral : (extends from lateral condyle ,releasing high level of
interosseus membrane & attaching to fibula)
 3 surfaces;
 lateral: btw ant: & lat: surface.
 Medial: btw ant: & med: surface.
 Posterior: extended posteriorly btw lat: & med: surface.
 A vertical ridge divides proterior surface into posteromedial and
posterolateral parts, here we can also find a nutrient foreamen.
 An oblique line (soleal line ) can also be seen.
 Slightly expanded.
 Medially medial malleolus is found.
 5 surfaces:
 Ant:
 Med:
 Lat: articulates with fibula
 Inf: participates in ankle jt.
 Post:
 1 primary and 2 secondary centres.
 Primary surface appears in shaft in 7th week of IUL.
 Secondary centres appear at lower(forming medial
malleolus) & upper end.
 Appear in 9 months or in 1st year of birth.
 Fuse in 15-18 years.
 Largest nutrient artery branching from post: tibial artery.
 Upper end of tibia is most common site for
 Ankle injury due to forward dislocation of tibia on
 Fracture at junction of upper 2/3rd & lower 1/3rd of
shaft, caused commonly due to tearing of nutrient
 Poor blood supply.

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