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habits in
Maria Esmeralda Rosales Zamora
• In this season, returning from the holidays, after enjoying a tourist destination
and its wide gastronomic variety, some type of typical regional dish, or even
after just being at home watching the holidays go by, it is worth reflecting:

• "Why can't I get into the pants I was wearing a month ago?" Well, it is not
surprising, after all the pleasure of eating is also accompanied by its dark
side ... weight gain.

• “But I have always been thin!”, Probably many factors influence, but we are
going to the statistics according to the survey carried out by Mercawise in
Mexico to know the reason for this phenomenon based on the consumption
habits of Mexicans.
• While 50% of people consider that they have a
regular / balanced diet, only 17% of the total
of the people surveyed said that they were
satisfied with their figure, which suggests that
there is much to work to improve self-
perception and especially for prevent future
health complications.
And to all this, WHAT IS THE MEXICAN

It regularly includes the following foods:

• Animal protein (meat, eggs, milk and cheeses)
• Vegetables (Onion, chili, carrot, avocado)
• Fruits (lemon, melon, watermelon, banana,
papaya, orange)
• Salty carbohydrates (Seeds: beans, rice, corn,
beans, nuts, etc.)
• Sweet carbohydrates (Raisins, syrups, honey, etc.)
• And then, why is Mexico one of the most
overweight children in the world? Some of the
reasons are clear looking at the consumption
figures for soft drinks and junk food in the country.
Soft drink consumption is only below Argentina,
the United States, and Chile and junk food turns
out to be the favorite food of children and adults,
around 95% consume junk food frequently and an
alarming 10% usually do it daily.

• About 85% consider that their diet, habits and diet could improve. This
includes drastically reducing the consumption of sweet drinks and junk
food, but also being physically active, since only 17% feel satisfied
with their figure and 40% consider themselves past their ideal weight.
• Poor diet has many consequences on health, even more than excuses to
justify why we are overweight, but it is not necessary to stop enjoying
the delicacies of traditional cuisine, simply make slight changes in our
eating habits and take a more active and healthy lifestyle.

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