Intended Learning Outcome

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Dr Hanan Abbas

Professor Of Family Medicine

College standards are becoming diluted and“
there is a fuzziness about what faculty teach
”.and what is expected from students

A curriculum is :

All planned and unplanned learning

experiences in a medical education institution
Harden, R.M. (2001). AMEE Guide
No. 21. Curriculum mapping:
a tool for transparent and authentic
teaching and learning.
Medical Teacher, 23 (2), 123-137.

Hobson, E.H. (2005). Changing pedagogy.

Presentation at SACS-COC Institute on Quality
Enhancement and Accreditation,
Orlando, FL, July 24-27, 2005.

 A Programme defines study or learning required to achieve an
award or qualification
 A Programme Specification is required by the QAA for each
award or qualification and defines the threshold learning
outcomes for the programme
 A Programme comprises a number of Modules each of which
is separately assessed and earns credit when successfully
 Using the outcomes model each Module Description defines
the intended learning outcomes, the syllabus coverage and the
assessment methods and criteria for the module.
 Achievement of Module Learning Outcome should contribute
to a student’s satisfaction of the programme learning

 Traditionally an academic would first define the syllabus
coverage, then develop how its taught and finally determine the
method of assessing the student’s absorption of the material.

 The outcome-based model has three interconnected

1. An explicit statement of learning intent (intended learning
outcome) which focuses on what the student is expected to know
and be able to do by the end of the module, expressed in a form
that permits their achievement to be demonstrated and measured
2. The processes and resources to enable the outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated (curriculum, teaching, learning
methods and materials, assessment and support and guidance
3. The criteria for assessing whether the intended learning outcomes
have been achieved and for differentiating the performance of
 They are dependent on the “level” at which the module is
6 Evaluation Ability to make a judgment of the worth of

7 Synthesis Ability to combine separate elements into a whole

8 Analysis Ability to break a problem into its constituent parts

and establish the relationships between each

9 Application Ability to apply rephrased knowledge in a novel


10 Manipulation Ability to rephrase knowledge

11 Knowledge That which can be recalled

 Specific learning outcomes lead to:

More measurable outcomes

Better assessment
Higher quality feedback
Improved courses and programs
Improved student learning and achievement
Alignment Within Courses
Design Backward

Intended Intended Intended

Learning Learning Learning
Outcomes of Outcomes of Outcomes of
the Lesson the Unit the Course

Deliver Forward
Bloom’s Taxonomy
◦ Knowledge
◦ Comprehension
◦ Application
◦ Analysis
◦ Synthesis
◦ Evaluation
 Knowledge
 Define; state; list;
 Explain; restate;
 Comprehension sort; interpret
 Application  Use; demonstrate;
solve; practice
 Diagram; compare;
 Analysis discriminate; test
 Synthesis  Design; formulate;
manage; create
 Evaluation  Assess; predict;
defend; argue
Outcome 1: Apply knowledge of the physical and 
biological sciences to the function (role) of
.nutrients in metabolic processes
Outcome 2: Determine the rationale for dietary 
recommendations within the contexts of nutrition
.policy and research
Outcome 3: Predict how nutrition affects disease 
.risk and processes
Curriculum Taught

Curriculum Taught






Making decisions and supporting views;
Evaluation requires an understanding of values

Synthesis Combining information to form a unique

product; requires creativity and originality

Analysis Identifying components; determining

arrangements, logic, and semantics

Using information to solve problems;

transforming abstract or theoretical ideas to
practical situations; identifying connections
and relationships
Restating in your own words; paraphrasing,
Comprehension summarizing, translating

Knowledge Memorizing verbatim information; being

able to remember, but not necessarily truly
understanding the material
Knowledge Comprehension Application
Define translate interpret

Repeat restate apply

Record discuss use
List recognize demonstrate
Recall explain practice
Name identify illustrate
Relate locate operate
Tell report schedule
Quote review calculate
Label express complete
Name summarize show
describe solve
interpret examine
predict modify
distinguish change
differentiate relate
Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
distinguish compose judge
analyze plan appraise
differentiate propose evaluate
appraise design rate
calculate formulate compare
categorize arrange value
experiment assemble revise
test collect score
compare construct select
contract organize choose
diagram manage assess
relate prepare estimate
solve combine measure
examine modify decide
separate substitute rank
classify recommend
Gain knowledge of
Be aware
Become acquainted with
 Audience
◦ Who will be performing the behavior?
 Behavior
◦ What behavior will the learner be able
to do?
 Condition
◦ Under what conditions do you want
the learner to be able to do it?
 Degree
◦ How well must it be done?
 Identify who will be learning
◦ The learner
◦ The staff member
◦ The student
◦ The participant
◦ The trainee
 Should be an action verb indicating what the
learner will be able to do
 Should be something that can be seen or

 State the conditions you will impose when
learners are demonstrating their mastery of
the objective
 Under what conditions must the mastery of

skill occur?
 A degree or criterion is the standard by which
the performance is evaluated
◦ Accuracy
◦ Speed
◦ Standard
◦ Permissible errors
◦ Degree of excellence
Know how to perform research

The student will demonstrate the ability to

perform research by successfully completing
a research paper according to the criteria
outlined by the instructor with 85% accuracy.
 Statementsthat describe the
expected accomplishments of
graduates after graduation
What are learning

Learning outcomes are specific

statements of what learners will
be able to do (action verb) under
what conditions (by the end of
the course).
 statements that describe what
students are expected to know,
think, and able to do by the time
of graduation
 Thinkof the “ideal” students or
 What students know?
 What students can do?
 What students care about (think)?
 Broad
 Long-term
 What do we expect our graduates to
accomplish in broader society as a
result of program’s education?
 3~5 per program
 Program/course objectives are general goals that
define what it means to be an effective
program/course. They are general, indefinite, and
not intended to be measured. They set the overall
agenda for the program/course.

 Student learning outcomes are specific results the

program/course seeks to achieve in order to attain
the general goals defined in the objectives.
Outcomes are definite and intended to be
measured. They establish the particular means by
which the agenda (as defined by objectives) is
achieved. The achievement of outcomes is
evidence that our students are learning.
 Specific
 Measurable
 Achievable
 3~8 per program
 Aligned with mission statements
 Program level
 Stated from student perspective
 Intended learning outcomes (will)
 Specific
 Can be measured by multiple
Students will
DO WHAT (how)
Level Type

6 Cognitive
Knowledge ~ Evaluation

5 Affective
Receiving ~ Characterization by value

7 Psychomotor/Skill
Perception ~ Origination
student-focused rather than professor
focused on the learning resulting from an
activity rather than on the activity itself
focused on skills and abilities central to the
discipline and based on professional
standards of excellence
general enough to capture important
learning but clear and specific enough to be
focused on aspects of learning that will
develop and endure but that can be assessed
in some form now
Learning outcomes are written in language to
demonstrate that students achieve higher
order levels of thinking (Bloom’s taxonomy)
Define, list, describe, label, state Remember
Classify, describe, discuss, explain, Understand
identify, locate, recognize, report,
select, translate, paraphrase
Choose, demonstrate, dramatize, Apply
employ, illustrate, interpret, operate,
schedule, sketch, solve, use, write.
Appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, Analyze
differentiate, discriminate, distinguish,
examine, experiment, question, test
Appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, Evaluate
support, value, evaluate
Assemble, construct, create, design, Create
develop, formulate, write
 Verbs which require evidence of knowing:
◦ Be aware of, define, describe, extract, identify, know, label, list,
match, measure, name, organise, outline, present, recall,
recognise, recount, relate, repeat, select, state, underline, write.
 Verbs which require evidence of comprehension:
◦ Clarify, classify, compare, comprehend, contrast, convert, defend,
describe, discuss, distinguish, estimate, exemplify, explain,
express, extend, find, formulate, generalise, give examples of,
identify, illustrate, indicate, infer, interpret, judge, justify, name,
paraphrase, perform, predict, present, report, represent, restate,
rewrite, select, summarise, translate, understand.
 Verbs which require evidence of knowledge / understanding:
◦ Apply, arrange, assess, change, choose, compute, construct,
demonstrate, discover, draw (up), exemplify, explain how, find,
give examples, illustrate, manipulate, modify, operate, order,
practice, predict, prepare, produce, relate, select, show, solve,
use, verify

 Verbs which require evidence of analysis:
◦ analyse, break down, calculate, categorise, compare, conclude,
contrast, criticise, devote, diagnose, differentiate, distinguish
between, divide, elucidate, evaluate, examine, identify, illustrate
how, infer, justify, outline, point out, precis, question, recognise,
relate, resolve, select, separate, subdivide.
 Verbs which require evidence of synthesis:
◦ account for, alter, argue, build up, combine, compile, compose,
conclude, create, derive, design, develop, devise, engender,
enlarge, explain, formulate, generalise, generate, integrate,
manage, modify, order, organise, plan, prepare, present, produce,
propose, put together, rearrange, reconstruct, relate, reorganise,
report, restate, revise, select, structure, suggest, summarise,
synthesise, teach, tell, write.
 Verbs which require evidence of evaluation
◦ appraise, assess, choose, compare, conclude, contrast, criticise,
defend, describe how, determine, discriminate, estimate, evaluate,
judge, justify, measure, question, rate, value.

LTSN Workshop at University of

26th June 2003 39
 Know what to expect

 Understand what the course


 Recognize what they will be able to

do at the end
◦ Organize the course

◦ Plan activities and assignments

◦ Plan assessments

To achieve the desired outcomes.

 Using vague terms, such as:
◦ Appreciate
◦ Become aware of
◦ Become familiar with
◦ Develop
◦ Know
◦ Learn
◦ Understand
 Describing action taken by someone other
than the learner.
◦ “The program will...” or
◦ “The course will…”
 Students will understand  Students will identify and
Erikson’s developmental summarize each of
stages. Erikson’s stages of
 Students will be familiar
with the major sociological  Students will describe each
perspectives and how they of the major sociological
relate to their daily lives. perspectives and will
illustrate how each
perspective relates to
events in their daily lives.
 Students will develop the
skills necessary for  Students will design,
conducting research in the conduct, and analyze a
natural sciences. research project using
appropriate scientific theory
and methodology
 Three primary domains for classifying
educational goals:

◦ Cognitive (knowledge)

◦ Affective (attitudes)

◦ Psychomotor (skills)
 There are 6 categories, listed hierarchically
from simplest to most complex
 Knowledge
 Comprehension
 Application
 Analysis
 Synthesis
 Evaluation
Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive

Unit/Lesson Com-
Course Learning Student Learning Know- prehen- Appli- Anal- Eval-
Goals/Objectives Outcomes Outcomes ledge sion cation ysis uation
1. Introduce 1.a.1. Define the three
students to
1.a learn the
tenets of the Central  X        
inferential Limit Theorem
foundations of
inference 1.a.2. Describe three
key distributions    X    
1.a.2. Combine to
explain the relationship
between the three
 1.b Apply to distributions
1.b.1. Outcome            
 1.c Test for difference 1.c.1. Outcome            
between means
 2. Introduce
students to
 2.a Outcome 2.a.1. Outcome            
2.b.1. Outcome            
Note: While this worksheet accommodates 7 learning outcomes, your specific course will most likely have more than this single worksheet
can accommodate. The purpose of the worksheet is to provide a framework and not set parameters.
Alignment within a Given Course


Teaching and
of Student
Learning Activities
A model of course design
(Adopted from Fink, 2003)

Feedback and Teaching and

Assessment Learning
Alignment Between Course Outcomes
and Institutional Outcomes
Design Backward

Intended Intended Intended Learning Intended
Learning Learning Learning Outcomes of Learning
Outcomes of Outcomes of Outcomes of the Academic Outcomes of
the Lesson the Unit the Course Program the Institution

Deliver Forward
 Pre-test and Post-test
 Comprehensive Final
 Selected questions from tests or quizzes
 Projects
Evaluation’s most
important purpose is
not to prove but to
improve. (Platt)
1. In teaching, what ultimately
matters is not what is taught, but
what is learned;
2. Therefore, teachers would do well
to set their course objectives in
terms of learning outcomes;
‘The logic is stunningly obvious:
Say what you want students to be
able to do, teach them to do it
and then see if they can, in fact,
do it.’
 Group activities will typically take the form of:
(i) reading and listening to reports on the latest current events;
1. learning Outcomes

3. https://www.teaching-
4. (ii) discussion of the reported event(s) in small groups,
followed by a general discussion;
(iii) Students bringing in news items of their own choice and
reporting on them to the class, followed by a discussion
(depending on the class’ interest).
 Other activities will include
(i) individual students making a 5-minute oral presentation on
a particular current event, and giving a personal commentary
or analysis of it;
(ii) group debates on controversial current issues;
(iii) written essays on topics of current interest.
 Canyou think of a course in your
program that heavily requires
communication skill?
 How do you usually assess it? What kind
of assignments or tasks students have?
◦ Essay, Presentation, Discussion, Report…………?

 What do you look for in assessment?

◦ organization, clarity, analysis, evaluation, grammar…..?
 Discuss about and come up with Educational
Objectives (medical nutrition therapy)
 Write down the list of Educational Objectives that
your program agreed on as finals
 Discuss about and come up with Learning
 Write down the list of Learning Outcomes that
your program agreed on as finals
 For each LO, use worksheets to create
performance criteria
 Write the selected performance criteria on the
Matrix “performance criteria” column

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