Energy Conservation in Hotel

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Submitted By-
Name :- Prince Kumar
Roll no :- 1841102140
Energy conservation is often a matter of good maintenance and housekeeping.
Sometimes it's a matter of good sound construction techniques or wise
landscaping (for shading). The Department of Energy is geared towards hotel
owners with tips useful for them called Energy Savers that will give them lots of
ideas about where and how they can save energy.
In addition to traditional conservation of energy techniques, there are other steps
you can take. Capture the heat by-product and use it, like to heat water or air.
Energy conservation is good business because it saves money, helping your
bottom line.
This requires the existence of a formalized framework to actually reduce the
energy consumption of the hotel. For instance, whether the hotel has been
designed and constructed keeping in mind maximum energy conservation.
Factors like whether minimum lighting is being used, the extent of involvement
of the guests as well as the employees etc. also make a difference to the final

 To list the areas of maximum use of energy in the

 To identify various techniques used to save energy.
 To identify alternate source of energy.
 To find out the feasibility of energy saving methods
for Hotels.
 To find out the percentage of budget allotted to
Energy saving methods.


 This project is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the course

curriculum of 3rd year of B. Sc. HHA program.

 Project will help the hotel industry, further to play there active
 role in conserving the precious energy.

 This project will may also be beneficial to the institute to cut

down on the energy expenses.

 And last but not the least, project also helped me by providing
exposure to the industry and valuable experience.
Constraints of time
The respondents due to non availability of time could not discuss many
aspects of the topic in depth.
The tendency of executive not to talk openly and being lethargic in approach
was an impairing factor. They were also quite apprehensive in disclosing and
revealing certain internal close guarded information.
Problem of Accessibility
It was very difficult in approaching the executives or the guest as they would
be busy, despite prior appointments, they were inaccessible at times being
engaged elsewhere.
 Economic Constraints
Being a student economic resources were very limited for me.

The timers switch off appliances when not in use, energy efficient
systems are in place to reduce energy consumption, Why? For an
improved competitive position as Going green is good for business
and The Orchid, Delhi uses this to its advantage. The catch phrase at
The Orchid is "Catch them young" -
The Taj Group's Environmental Initiative promotes the cause of
being "Eco - Friendly" in a number of ways. Its Taj Palace, New
Delhi conducts energy conservation training to sensitize their staff
about energy.

 Common Energy sources and alternatives used in hotels are:

Liquid petroleum gas
Bio Gas

The Environment
House is a fixed factor in energy consumption. A properly designed house would
provide ample light in the daytime and thus energy consumption for light in
daytime would be near zero. By using proper material for construction and the
right direction of windows, Energy requirement for Air-conditioning (cooling)
and heating can be reduced drastically. Solar energy can be used in the design to
either keep the house cool in summer/or Heat in winter.
Electricity Usage
 Lightning is the most common use of electricity. Lightning contributes to about 20 to
25 % of electricity consumption in a household.

 Air Conditioning could contribute 40 to 70% of consumption in a household in summer


 Water heating in winter for taking bath could contribute to 30 to 40% of consumption.

 Room heating using room heater could contribute 30 to 50% of electric consumption in

 Well designed Refrigerator consumes around 10%

 Television is responsible for about 5% of electric consumption.

 Less than 5 to 15% of consumption is from other gadgets like Press for ironing and
other miscellaneous gadgets
 Saving Energy in Kitchen
 Kitchen is the center of cooking activity-requiring energy for all activities.
Utensils like kadai and tawa get deposits due repeated use of oil, giving
them a layer of bad conductor. This results in gas wastage. The deposits
need to be removed regularly. Use proper size of burner. A right utensil
for the right job saves gas usage. Utensils with flat bottom get heated
faster but are not suitable for deep frying.

 Switching off gas when not require and not leaving gas on with utensil on
gas waiting for vegetable to be cut etc. would result in gas waste. Cooking
in excess of requirement results in excess energy while cooking. Then,
energy used in Refrigeration to save the food from spoiling and ultimately
a major wastage as most of the excess old food goes to dustbin.
Maintenance & Safety

 Keep the electric wiring in good health change any wire

getting hot. Use good quality of plugs and sockets to avoided
loose contact. Clean bulbs and tube lights regularly as the
dust deposited over them can cut out as much as 50% of light.

 Leaking pipes especially hot water pipes and fault taps need
to be attended urgently. Water leakage from flush could empty
the overhead tank in few hours.

 Get the geyser cleaned every year to remove salt and scaling.
Scaling and deposits result in delayed heating and energy

 Personal computers are one of the fastest-growing electricity loads in the

business and academic worlds. According to the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), they account for five percent of commercial
electricity consumption. The EPA predicts that, at the current rate of
growth, this number will rise to 10 percent by the year 2000.

 Computers will soon be the most prevalent electronic device on our planet.
They will become a part of almost every facet of our lives. With the
growing use of computers we must also have a growing understanding of
how their use affects our environment. Computers have the potential to
help us conserve resources, but they presently are causing an increase in
our consumption of resources such as electricity and paper. This, in turn,
causes an increase in air pollution, solid waste, and the burning of fossil

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