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Steve Baldwin
•Ever been too young?
•Are you now too old?

•Ageism matters

•Age discrimination in the workplace is

The aim of this presentation is to provide staff
with the following:

• Awareness of age issues in the workforce

• Update on legislative requirements
• Emerging Age Demographics across the world
• Priorities for the Trust
Age Issues in the Workplace
• Age discrimination will affect us all.
• It will also challenge what many of us
currently think of as normal, fair and not
needing to be changed.
• We live and work in an increasingly
diverse society and strive to treat each
other equitably.
Business Case for Age Diversity
• In organisations we espouse systems and
processes that seek to value individuals and
teams for what they achieve and how they
achieve it not who or what they are.
• We must recognise our responsibility to the
communities in which we are located and this is
especially important for the NHS. In the light of
demographic change and impact on the labour
market there is also a strong business case for
recruitment and retention of staff of all ages.
Legendary Inventor
• “Just because you’re
over 50 years old
doesn’t mean that you
have to down tools. I’ve
had some of the best
experiences in my later
years and think that
young and old can learn
a lot from each other.” –
Trevor Baylis,OBE
BCF Age Values and Culture
• At Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust, we
strongly believe that age should not be a factor
when assessing an employee’s merit, individuals
should be assessed on their skills and attributes.
• Teams of varying ages put us in the best possible
position to truly understand our customers' needs,
while also benefiting from the diverse pool of views,
opinions and experiences.”
• Focus on skills, abilities and individuals
potential and not on their AGE.
• The Age Positive campaign promotes the
benefits of employing a mixed-age workforce
that includes older and younger people. We
encourage ALL line managers to make
decisions about recruitment, training and
retention that do not discriminate against
someone because of their age.
• Staff Celebration Award in September 2007 is
an initiative set up by the Trust to get the
message across that all staff’s contributions
are valued.
• Help the Trust to comply with legislation to
outlaw age discrimination in employment.
• Dynamic changes to the population structure and
• Post war baby boom - large numbers now aged 50+.
• Increasing life expectancy, reducing fertility levels
and declining birth rate.
• Growing proportion of older people.
• By 2030 half the UK population will be aged over 50,
with one third over 60.
The World is Ageing
Percent of Population Age 60+: 2000

Under 5% 5% to 12.4% 12.5% to 20% Above 20%

The World is Ageing
Percent of Population Age 60+: 2025

Under 5% 5% to 12.4% 12.5% to 20% Above 20%

Impact of Ageing Population
• The dependency ratio continues to rise
• Proportionally fewer school leavers in available
labour market
• Demand for health & social care services continues
to increase
• Reliance on school leavers no longer sustainable
• Global issue - competing for staff with other sectors
and other countries
Age Discrimination
• Age discrimination can affect anyone - regardless of
how old they are.
• The Employers Forum on Age calculated that age
discrimination costs the UK economy £31 billion
each year.
• Around 90% of older people believe that employers
generally discriminate against older workers.
• More teenagers than fifty some things are put off
applying for a job for age reasons.
Dispelling the Myths
• Employers may think older workers don’t need
training but less likely to take on older workers for
jobs which require trained staff.

• Women are more likely to say they’ve been put off

applying for a job because of age, than men.

• Nearly a third of 60 somethings happy to work until

they are 70.

• No direct relationship between ageing and a decline

in occupational capacity under age 70.
Are you well informed?

•Try the Ageism Quiz!

The Employment Equality
(Age) Regulations 2006
• New process for managing retirement for
• No age criteria in recruitment, promotion &
• No service related benefits over 5 years.
• No mandatory retirement before age 65.
• No upper age limits on unfair dismissal
Protection and Liabilities
• Direct Discrimination
• Indirect Discrimination
• Harassment
• Victimisation
• The Trust and individual employees can be liable.
• All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure all
staff are made aware of their obligations.
Legislative Requirements
• The introduction of age discrimination laws
from 1st October 2006 has meant the Trust
reviewed all its policies to ensure compliance.
• Training was provided for managers and staff.
• New Retirement Procedures were put in
• The new legislation protects all employees,
applicants, temporary and agency workers,
contract workers and ex-employees.
• Genuine Occupational Requirement
• Statutory Benefits
• Compliance with a Statutory Authority
The Age Agenda
• New approaches to staff retention with improved career
management of experienced staff.

• Attracts new talent to the NHS via schemes for second or third

• Develops age diverse workforce tailoring employment to

individual needs.

• Tackles ageism in all its forms.

Benefits of Age Diversity
• From recruitment to retirement, the Trust
recognise that encouraging age diversity is not a
“fluffy proposition” – it’s a real business initiative.
• Greater Staff Productivity
• Lower Recruitment Cost
• Higher Retention Rates
• Retaining reliable, experienced, and dedicated
BCF Age Profile – Aug 07

Employees 40 years old and under

Employees 41 to 64 years of age inclusive
Employees 65 and over
Where we are now
• Communicating awareness of age discrimination
and age diversity through awareness sessions.
• Delivering team talks, meeting with managers
and producing a series of briefing documents on
the BCF Newsmail.
• Widening the age group of recruits by not
requesting age and dates of academic
qualifications on application forms or stipulating
a requirement for work experience
Where we are now
• Ensuring consistency and equality in advertising
vacancies by using standard Trust templates for
all jobs on Trust website.
• Conducting staff appraisal for all and ensure
open access to learning and development
opportunities regardless of age.
• Line managers implementing flexible working for
all ages using Trust policies.
Future Developments
• The government’s wide ranging consultation on the
Single Equality Bill with regards to Age.
• For example in the health service, ensuring all
older people are given equal priority when planning
and commissioning services.
• Setting up specialist courts with experience in
tackling discrimination cases to ensure swifter, less
costly and effective justice takes place.
• Conduct Equality Impact Assessment on your
policies and protocols to identify any age bias and
address findings.

• Revise and publicise changes in staff guidance

• Set up a phased plan to ensure all staff on your

wards and departments attend one hour age
diversity awareness training programme.
Useful Information
• NHS Employers’ website

• The Employers’ Forum on Age offers

examples of bias free application forms

• Also see for further guidance and

information on age equality.

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