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Computer Aided Modelling and Analysis Laboratory 20ME68

Prepared by:
Stress analysis of Bars of Vinayaka G P
Course Coordinator, CAMA Lab
1.Constant area
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru
Analysis of:
“Bar of Constant Area”
Problem Statement

For the simple steel bar of cross-sectional area 500mm2,length 900mm and the
Young’s modulus E=2×105 N/mm2 ,Determine the following when it is subjected to the
following loads “P”:
1. Tensile load of P= 800N
2. Compressive Load of P=700N
a) Reaction force at the support
b) Nodal stress
c) Deformation.
900 mm
Assume Poison’s ratio of 0.3
Problem Statement Analysis

• Problem Domain: Structural

• Element type & its geometry: Bar of Uniform Cross
sectional Area.
• Material and Young’s Modulus: Steel, E =2.1e5
• Cross Sectional Area: 500mm2
• Length of the Element: 900mm
• Magnitude & Nature of the Load: 800 N tensile and 700N
Parameters to be Determined

Reaction Force Nodal Stress in

(R) the bar (σ)
Problem Solution by Strength of Material Approach
Calculation of Reaction Force

Consider Tensile load of P = 800N Consider Compressive load of P = 700N

Rx Fx Rx Fx

Considering sum of forces in X -direction Considering sum of forces in X -direction

Σ𝐹x = 0 Σ𝐹x = 0
𝑅x+ 𝐹x = 0 𝑅x- 𝐹x = 0
𝑅x = -800𝑁 𝑅x = 700𝑁
Calculation of Stress

Consider Tensile load of P = 800N Consider Compressive load of P = 700N

Stress induced in the Bar: Stress induced in the Bar:

F =800N F =700N
A= 500mm2 A= 500mm2
= 1.6 Nmm-2 = 1.4 Nmm-2
Calculation of Deformation

Consider Tensile load of P = 800N Consider Compressive load of P = 700N

Deformation of the Bar: Deformation of the Bar:

P =800N P =-700N
L = 900mm L = 900mm
A= 500mm2 A= 500mm2
E= 2.1e5 Nmm-2 E= 2.1e5 Nmm-2

𝛿𝑙= 6.857 × 10-3 𝑚𝑚 𝛿𝑙= - 6× 10-3 𝑚𝑚

Problem Solution through ANSYS
ANSYS-APDL Procedure

Ansys Utility Menu

• File – Clear and Start New-Read File – ok –Verify –Yes
• File- Change Title-Enter “Analysis of Bars of Uniform Cross Section”- Ok
• File – Save as- Save Database to- Type file name as “Analysis of Bar of uniform cross
Main Menu: Material Properties
• Preferences- Structural-Ok.
• Preprocessor- Element type –Add/Edit/Delete-Element types-Add-Link-3D Finit
stn 180-Close.
• Preprocessor-Material Props-Material Models- Structural –Linear-elastic-Isotropic-
EX: 2.1e5 (Youngs Modulus) –PRXY: 0.3(Poisson’s ratio)- Close.
• Preprocessor-Sections-Link-Add-Section Data: Link Area -500 (Cross sectional
ANSYS-APDL Procedure

Main Menu: Model Creation

• Preprocessor- Modelling-Create-Nodes-In Active CS:
• Node Number: 01-Location in Active CS: 0,0,0 (X,Y,Z).
• Node Number: 02-Location in Active CS: 900,0,0 (X,Y,Z).
• Preprocessor-Modelling – Elements-Auto Numbered- Thru Nodes- Pick Nodes-Pick
Node 1 and 2-Ok.
Main Menu: Load Application
• Preprocessor-Loads-Define Loads-Apply-Structural-Displacement-On Nodes-Pick
Node 1-DOFs to be constrained-All DOF-Displacement Value: 0- Ok.
• Command Prompt-f,2,FX,800.
ANSYS-APDL Procedure

• Solve-Current LS-Ok-Solution is Done-Close.
General Post Processor
• Plot Results- Deformed Shape- Def+Undeformed -Ok- Record deformation Value
:DMX =0.00687
• List Results-Reaction Solu- All Items-Ok-Record the Reaction force: FX =-800N
• Nodal Solution- Stress- Von Misses Stress- Record the stress value : 1.6Nmm-2

Problem Parameters Analytical Experimental Error

Type Approach Approach
Bar with 1.Reaction Force -800 N -800N 0
Constant 2.Deformation 6.857 × 10- 0.006857 0
Cross 3.Stress 3
1.6MPa 0
Sectional 1.6MPa
ANSYS-APDL Procedure

For Compressive Load follow the same procedure with P value as given in the
problem statement.

Compressive Load to be given as: f,2,FX,-700

Analysis of:
“Stepped Bar”
Problem Statement
Consider the stepped bar shown in figure below. An axial load of P=200X10 3N is
applied as shown. Determine the Nodal Displacement, Stress in each element and
Reaction forces.

300mm 400mm
ANSYS-APDL Procedure

• Solve-Current LS-Ok-Solution is Done-Close.
General Post Processor
• Plot Results- Deformed Shape- Def+Undeformed -Ok- Record deformation
Value :DMX =0.00687
• List Results-Reaction Solu- All Items-Ok-Record the Reaction force: FX =-
• Nodal Solution

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