The Gospel

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What is Gospel?
◦ Goodnews:
1. Matthew
2. Mark
3. Luke
4. John
What is Gospel?
◦ The word itself comes from a Greek word euangelion,
which literally means “good news.” In the New
Testament, it refers to the announcement that Jesus
has brought the reign of God to our world through
his life, death, and resurrection from the dead.
What is Gospel?
◦ Synoptic Gospel

◦ (Matthew, Mark and Luke)

◦ synoptic Gospels are called synoptic from a Latin

word, which means “seen together,” because the
synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell
many of the same stories, often in the same
words, frequently following the same order.
◦ Symbols of Gospel

1. The symbol of the Gospel of Mattew is the lion,

the king of the jungle, representing the Lion, the
King of the Jews. First miracle: a leper cleansed.
The book ends with the resurrection.
◦ Symbols of Gospel

◦The symbol of the Gospel of Mark is the ox, a

beast of burden, representing the burden of sin
Jesus took upon Himself. First miracle: a
demon expelled. The book ends with the
ascension of Jesus to Heaven.
◦ Symbol of Gospel

◦The symbol of the Gospel of Luke is a man,

representing Jesus’ incarnation in human form.
 First miracle: a demon expelled. The book ends
with the promise of the Spirit and continues in
◦ Symbols of Gospel

◦ The symbol of the Gospel of John is an eagle,

representing majesty that is above our earth.  First
miracle: water turned to wine. The book ends with
the promise of Jesus’ return, which is prophesied in
John’s later writing of the Book of Revelation
◦ Hearing Ears
(Matthew 11:15, 13:9,43, Mark 4:9, 23, Mark 7:16, Luke 8:8, 14:35)

• Read Matthew and hear the Messiah telling of His coming Kingdom.
• Read Mark and hear the humble servant expressing His great love for those
He came to serve.
• Read Luke and hear the man who lived a sinless life in perfect submission
to His Father’s will.
• Read John and hear God speak of His great love for all the world and all the
riches of glory that are given to His own.
The Aim of the Gospel

1. To believe in and worship the risen

Savior, analyze and overcome your
2. Tobelieve in and worship the
risen Savior, experience His
abundant grace
3. To believe in and worship the risen
Savior, go back to the foundational truth
of His resurrection and stand there.
4. To believe in and worship the risen Savior,
see Him for who He is and see yourself for
who you are.

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