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Fire Extinguisher

OSHA Requirements
 If portable fire extinguishers are to be for fire control,
certain requirements must be met

 Only approved portable fire extinguishers can be


 They must be maintained in an operable condition

at all times

 Kept in their designated location at all times

 Only attempt to extinguish incipient stage fires

(small fires)
OSHA Requirements
 Where the employer provides portable fire extinguishers for
employee use, employee training is required

 Employees must be familiar with the general principles of fire

extinguisher use

 Employees must understand the hazards involved with incipient

stage fire fighting

 Training is required upon hire and at least annually

 OSHA regulations preclude an employee who is not properly

trained from using any portable fire extinguisher.

If you haven’t been trained you are not allowed to use a fire extinguisher.
Types of Portable Fire Extinguisher
 Constructed to extinguish fires based on the type of
material that is burning:

 Class A fire extinguishers for wood, paper, plastics,


 Class B fire extinguishers for gasoline or oil

 Class C fire extinguishers for computers and electrical


 Our fire extinguishers are typically “ABC” – meaning

they are capable of extinguishing all three types of fires
Other Extinguisher Classifications
Fire Extinguishers may be labeled:

“Ordinary” Combustibles
Paper, wood, rubber, plastics
and textiles

“Flammable Liquids”
Oil, gasoline, solvents

“Energized Circuits”
Electrical equipment, computers
OSHA Requirements for Extinguishers
 Fire extinguishers must be selected and distributed
based on the class of anticipated fires

 Distribution is based on the type of fire

 Class A & D fires – travel distance 75 feet or less
 Class B fires – travel distance 50 feet or less
 Class C fires – distance based on Class A and B

 Fire extinguishers must be mounted, located and

identified so that they are
 readily accessible to employees
 won’t subject the employee to injury
Extinguisher Common Features
Operating Lever

Locking Pin

Pressure Gauge

Carrying Handle

– Type (Water, C02, Dry Chemical)
– Classification (A, B, C)
– NFPA capacity Rating
– Instructions

Discharge Nozzle or Horn

Can the fire be controlled by an extinguisher?

 You have alerted other occupants

 Someone has called the fire department

 Thefire is small and contained to a single object,

such as a wastebasket

 The fire extinguisher is in working order & charged

 You are safe from toxic smoke produced by the fire

 Yourinstincts tell you that it is safe to use an

Am I capable of using the extinguisher?

 Some people may have fear of fire that they

cannot overcome

 Some people have physical limitations that

might diminish or eliminate their ability to
properly use a fire extinguisher.

 People with lifting limitations, older adults,

or children may find that an extinguisher is How do you operate this
thing, anyway?
Do I want to put out
too heavy to handle or too difficult to this fire?

operate. Do I need help?

 Remember, NO ONE is REQUIRED to use

a fire extinguisher
Using a Fire Extinguishers
Remember YOUR Safety

 Have an escape plan – how will you get out of the room or
out of the building – never trap yourself

 Notify others – that there is a fire in progress have them

activate the fire alarm

 Assist others – who are in immediate danger BUT

Remember – don’t become a second victim

 If you are unsure of anything, evacuate

the building and activate the fire alarm
Using a Fire Extinguisher

It’s easy to remember how to use a fire

extinguisher if you remember the acronym

 Pull
 Aim
 Squeeze
 Sweep
Using a Fire Extinguisher

Pull the pin to discharge the extinguisher

REMEMBER: The area in front of fire extinguishers and pull alarms must
be kept clear at all times!
Using a Fire Extinguisher

Aim at the base of the fire

Be sure to hit the material that’s burning

If you aim at the flames the extinguishing agent will pass through the
flames and will not have an affect on the fire.
Using a Fire Extinguisher

Squeeze the operating lever to release

the pressurized extinguishing agent

Remember: The time to use an extinguisher is in the beginning stages of a fire. The
average portable fire extinguisher typically operates no more than a couple of minutes.
Using a Fire Extinguisher

Sweep from side to side until the fire is

completely out

Begin using the extinguisher from a safe distance away from the fire, then slowly
move forward as it is safe to do so.
A Review

The Pin
At base of the fire

Operating lever

From side to side
Using a Fire Extinguishers
 Start from a safe distance away from the fire

 Move closer as the flames are extinguished

 Use the entire extinguisher – fires tend to flare up again

 Watch the fire after it is put out be ready in case it flares

up again
Extinguisher Care and Maintenance

 The extinguisher cannot be blocked by furniture, boxes, equipment or

any thing that might limit access in an emergency. Not even temporarily.

 Fire extinguishers must be inspected monthly

 There must be an annual maintenance check on each extinguisher

 Remember they are under pressure

 Fire extinguisher are to be properly mounted on the wall at waist height –

never store an extinguisher on the floor
Questions – contact EHS at 251-6038

Ok, then you are ready for the Quiz

 What does PASS mean?
 A. Pass, Aim, Squash, Surround
 B. Pull, Align, Span, Surround
 C. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
 What are the training requirements for fire extinguishers
 A. Employees must know the hazards of incipient stage fires
 B. Employees must know the basics of how to use a fire extinguisher
 C. Both A & B
 Your first priority is always putting out the fire
 True

 False
 The pressure gauge on a fire extinguisher must be in the red zone to be effective
 True
 False
 Class C fire extinguishers are used for what type of fires?
 A. Wood, paper, or textile fires
 B. Flammable liquid fires
 C. Electrical fires

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