Suzannel 1

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The camera techniques used by

Suzanne Suzanne consist of directional

light, bold colours and

Saroff refraction. The alternating of

size, shape and position of these
water filled glasses bestow
endless compositions.
The editing used in this photo
includes studio light, but none
Suzanne creates her
other to my knowledge. This is
photos by using
effective as it creates shadows
abstract pieces
giving the photo more depth.
carefully placed in ‘In many of my images I aim to
create a compositional waltz
her work. She uses between the subjects and their
an arrangement of own shadows.’
The colour scheme used in this piece is calm, – Suzanne Saroff
glasses filled with
the colours aren’t bright nor too dull, the
different amounts of
background compliments the colour of the
water in her work to
fish and brings it to life. The atmosphere in
create illusion with
the picture is still, it doesn’t feel as if there is
distortion. In this
much life in the shot, I feel this is created by
image, Suzanne used
the fish being warped.
a fish, and creates a
mirage with the
water in front.

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