Fast Songs

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Can a woman forget her sucking child
that she should not have compassion

Yea they may forget

But I will not forget thee

Behold I have graven thee

Upon the palms of my hands
Thy walls are continually before me

And I will make all my mountains a way

And my high ways shall be exalted

These shall come from far

From the north and from the west

And these from the land of Sinim

Sing O heavens
and be joyful O earth
Break forth into singing

Sing O mountains
for the LORD
hath comforted his people
Sing O barren
thou that didst not bear
Break forth into singing

And cry aloud,

enlarge the place of thy tent
Sing O heavens
and be joyful O earth
Break forth into singing

Sing O mountains
for the LORD
hath comforted his people
In a little wrath I hid my face
from thee for a moment

But with everlasting kindness

Will I have mercy on thee
Saith the LORD thy redeemer
Enlarge the place of thy tent

And let them stretch forth

The curtains of thy habitation

Spare not, lengthen thy cords

Thou shalt break forth on the right hand

Break forth on the left

For thou shalt not be ashamed

Sing O heavens
and be joyful O earth
Break forth into singing

Sing O mountains
for the LORD
hath comforted his people
Sing O barren
thou that didst not bear
Break forth into singing

And cry aloud,

enlarge the place of thy tent
Sing O heavens
and be joyful O earth
Break forth into singing

Sing O mountains
for the LORD
hath comforted his people
Thy Maker is thine Husband

The LORD of hosts

Thy Redeemer,

the God of the whole earth

The LORD hath called thee as a woman

Forsaken and grieved in spirit

And a wife of youth

When thou hast refused, saith thy God

No weapon that is formed

against thee shall prosper

And every tongue

that shall rise against thee

In judgment thou shalt condemn

This is the heritage
of the servants of God

Their righteousness is of me
Sing O heavens
and be joyful O earth
Break forth into singing

Sing O mountains
for the LORD
hath comforted his people
Sing O barren
thou that didst not bear
Break forth into singing

And cry aloud,

enlarge the place of thy tent
Sing O heavens
and be joyful O earth
Break forth into singing

Sing O mountains
for the LORD
hath comforted his people
Sing O mountains
for the LORD
hath comforted his people
(Ps.132:13-16; Ps.134:2,3; Ps.135:2,4)
For the LORD hath chosen Zion

He hath desired it for his habitation

This is my rest for ever, here will I dwell

Here will I dwell, here will I dwell

I will abundantly bless her provision

I will satisfy her poor with bread

I will also clothe her priests

with salvation
And her saints shall shout aloud for joy
(shout for joy)
And her saints shall shout aloud for joy
(shout for joy)

And her saints (and her saints)

Shall shout aloud for joy

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary

Ye that stand in the house of the LORD

In the courts of the house of our God

Bless ye the LORD

For the LORD hath chosen Zion

He hath desired it for his habitation

This is my rest for ever, here will I dwell

Here will I dwell, here will I dwell

I will abundantly bless her provision

I will satisfy her poor with bread

I will also clothe her priests

with salvation
And her saints shall shout aloud for joy
(shout for joy)
And her saints shall shout aloud for joy
(shout for joy)

And her saints (and her saints)

Shall shout aloud for joy

The LORD hath chosen
Jacob to himself
and Israel for his peculiar treasure

The LORD that

made heaven and earth
bless thee out of Zion
For the LORD hath chosen Zion

He hath desired it for his habitation

This is my rest for ever, here will I dwell

Here will I dwell, here will I dwell

I will abundantly bless her provision

I will satisfy her poor with bread

I will also clothe her priests

with salvation
And her saints shall shout aloud for joy
(shout for joy)
And her saints shall shout aloud for joy
(shout for joy)

And her saints (and her saints)

Shall shout aloud for joy

(My Soul Panteth)
Ps. 42:1,2,3-5,11; Ps.43:2,3,5
When I remember these things
I pour out my soul in me

I had gone with the multitude

with them to the house of God

With the voice of joy and praise

With the multitude that kept holy day
Why art thou cast down O my soul?
Why art thou disquieted in me?

Hope thou in God,

Hope thou in God

For I shall yet praise him

Who is the health,
the health of my countenance
As the hart panteth after
the water brooks
So panteth my soul after thee, O God

My soul thirsteth for God,

for the living God

When shall I come

and appear before God
O send out thy light,
and thy truth O God

Let them lead me, let them bring me

Unto thy holy hill, unto thy holy hill

And to thy tabernacles

And to thy tabernacles
The LORD will command
his lovingkindness
In the day time and in the night

His song with me,

my prayer unto the God of my life

I will say unto God my rock,

Thou art the God of my strength
Why art thou cast down O my soul?
Why art thou disquieted in me?

Hope thou in God,

Hope thou in God

For I shall yet praise him

Who is the health,
the health of my countenance
As the hart panteth after
the water brooks
So panteth my soul after thee, O God

My soul thirsteth for God,

for the living God

When shall I come

and appear before God
My tears have been my meat
day & night

While they continually say unto me,

where is thy God
O send out thy light,
and thy truth O God

Let them lead me, let them bring me

Unto thy holy hill, unto thy holy hill

And to thy tabernacles

And to thy tabernacles
O send out thy light,
and thy truth O God

Let them lead me,

let them bring me

Unto thy holy hill,

unto thy holy hill
And to thy tabernacles

And to thy tabernacles

And to thy tabernacles

(Isa.51:1; Rom.13:11)
Awake to righteousness and sin not

For some have not the knowledge of God

For some have not the knowledge of God

I speak this, speak this to your shame

And that, knowing the time

That now is high time to awake out of sleep

For now is our salvation nearer

Than when we believe

Awake, awake
put on thy strength, O Zion

Awake, awake
put on thy beautiful garments,
O Jerusalem

The holy city,

The city of righteousness
The night is far spent

The day is at hand

Let us therefore cast off

the works of darkness

And let us put on the armour of light

(Cast thy bread)
Cast thy bread upon the waters

For thou shalt find it after,

after many days

In the morning sow thy seed

And in the evening withhold not,

withhold not thy hand

Cast thy bread, withhold not thy hand

If the clouds be full of rain

They empty themselves upon the earth

He that observeth the wind

shall not sow

And he that regardeth the clouds,

he shall not reap
Give a portion to seven and also to eight

For thou knowest not what evil

shall be upon the earth

As thou knowest not the way of the spirit

So thou knowest not the works of God

Who maketh all and who giveth all

Who maketh all
and who giveth all
and who giveth all
(Psalms 115)
Not unto us O LORD, not unto us

But unto thy name give glory

For thy mercy and for thy truth’s sake

O LORD unto thy name give glory

The dead praise not the LORD
Neither any that go down into silence

The dead praise not the LORD

Neither any that go down into silence

The dead praise not the LORD

Neither any that go down into silence
But we will bless the LORD

From this time forth and for evermore

Praise the LORD, from this time forth

(High Praises)
PS. 149:1-3,6-9
Let the saints be joyful in glory

Let them sing aloud upon their beds

Let them praise his name in the dance

Let them sing with the bass and guitars

Sing unto the LORD a new song
And his praise
in the congregation of saints
Let Israel rejoice in him
Let them sing
with the keyboard and drums
Let the high praises of God
be in their mouth
And a two-edged sword
in their hand
To execute vengeance
upon the heathen
(and punishments)
Upon the people,
to bind their kings with chains
(And their nobles with fetters)
To execute upon them
the judgment written
(to bind their kings)

This honour have all his saints

Praise ye the LORD!

This honour
have all his saints

Praise ye the LORD!

(Fight the good fight of Faith)
I Tim.6:6-9; Rom.14:17; Rom.15:13
For we brought nothing into this world

It is certain we can carry nothing out

Having food and raiment

Let us be there with content

But they that will be rich
fall into temptation

and into many

foolish hurtful lusts
For the love of money
is the root of all evil

Which while some coveted after

they have erred

They have erred from the faith

And pierced themselves through

with many sorrows
But thou O man of God, flee these things

And follow after righteousness

Fight the good fight of faith

Lay hold on eternal life

For the kingdom of God
is not meat and drink

But righteousness and peace

And joy in the Holy Ghost

(Joy in the Holy Ghost)
The God of hope
fill you with joy and peace

In believing that ye
may abound in hope
Through the power(power),
through the power(power)…

Power of the Holy Ghost

Let everything
that hath breath

Praise the LORD

Praise him in his sanctuary

Praise him with the

Praise him with the timbrel
and dance

Praise him with the stringed

instruments and organs
Let everything
that hath breath

Praise the LORD

Praise him with the sound of the

Praise him with psaltery

and harp

Praise him for his mighty acts

Praise him according to his excellent

Praise ye
the LORD
the LORD!
I will publish the name of the LORD
Ascribe ye greatness unto our God

The Rock, His work is perfect

For all his ways are judgment

A God of truth and without iniquity

Just and Right is He
glory and honour

Power to the
LORD our God
Power to the
LORD our God
O praise the LORD
all ye nations,

Praise him all ye people

For his merciful kindness
is great toward us

And the truth of the

LORD endureth for ever
Blessed is the nation
whose God the LORD

Happy is the people

Whose God the LORD
The LORD he the God

The LORD he the God

The LORD he the God

The LORD he the God

Blessed is the Philippines
whose God the LORD

Happy is Mt. Zion

Whose God the LORD
The LORD he the God

The LORD he the God

The LORD he the God

The LORD he the God

Blessed is Kalinga
whose God the LORD

Happy is Bulanao
Whose God the LORD
The LORD he the God

The LORD he the God

The LORD he the God

The LORD he the God

The Vision read and run

The Vision read and run

The Vision read and run

The Vision read and run

We will give ourselves to prayer
and to the ministry of the word
Till the spirit be poured upon us
The Vision read and run
The Vision read and run
 A little one
shall become a thousand
A small one, a strong nation
The Vision read and run
The Vision read and run
Building up yourselves
On your most holy faith
Praying in the Holy Ghost
Speak in tongues
He that speaketh in unknown tongue
Speaketh not unto men but unto God
For no man understandeth him
Howbeit in the spirit,
he speaketh mysteries
And now we give ourselves
to prayer and the word

‘Till the Spirit

be poured on us
‘Till the Spirit
be poured on us
‘Till the Spirit
be poured on us

And the judgment

written executed
And the judgment
written executed
Kapatid muli tayong nagkita

Kamusta ka na?

Kapatid muli tayong nagsama

Kamusta ka na?
Sa araw na ito tayo’y magkaisa

Magpuri at magpasalamat

Sa kabutihan Niya
Salamat sa Diyos dahil sa pag-ibig Niya

Muli tayong nagkita

Muli tayong nagsama

Itaas ang ngalan Niya

Salamat sa Diyos dahil sa pag-ibig Niya

Muli tayong nagkita

Muli tayong nagsama

Itaas ang ngalan Niya

Dakila Siya
Itaas ang ngalan Niya

Dakila Siya
(The joy of the whole earth)
The joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion

The joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion

On the sides of the north,

The city of the great King,

The city of our God

For this God is our God
for ever and ever

For this God is our God

for ever and ever

Let Mount Zion rejoice,

And make the voice of his praise

to be heard
Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty

God hath shined

God hath shined

God hath shined

Let Mount Zion rejoice,

And make the voice of his

praise to be heard
His foundation is in the Holy mountain

The LORD loveth the gates of Zion

More than all the dwellings of Jacob

And of Zion it shall be said,

This and that man was born in her

And the Highest himself

Shall establish her

This man was born there

Glorious things are spoken of thee

O city of God, O city of God

The LORD shall count

When he writted up the people

This man was born there

As well the singers

As the players on instrument

shall be there
In Christ we also trusted
After that we heard
the Word of Truth

The Gospel of our Salvation

In whom also
after that we believed
We were sealed
with that Holy Spirit of promise,
Which is the earnest of our

Until the redemption

of the purchased possession
Unto the praise of his glory
Unto the praise

Unto the praise

Unto the praise of his glory

COL. 2:2,3
That their hearts
might be comforted
Being knit together in love

And unto all riches of the full

assurance of understanding
To the acknowledgement
of the Mystery of God
And of the Father
And of Christ

In whom are hid

all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge
In whom are hid
all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge
Of wisdom
and knowledge
(PS.137:1-6; PS.122:7)
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem
Let my right hand forget her cunning

If I do not remember thee

Let my tongue cleave to the roof
of my mouth

If I prefer not Jerusalem

Above my chief joy
By the rivers of Babylon,
There we sat down

We hanged our harps

upon the willows
In the midst thereof
For they that carried us away
required of us a song

And they that wasted us

required of us mirth
saying …
Sing us one of the songs
of Zion

Sing us one of the songs

of Jerusalem

Sing us one of the songs

of Zion
O Jerusalem,
I prefer thee above my chief joy

O Jerusalem,
peace be within thy walls

Prosperity within thy palaces,

within thy palaces,
Sing unto the LORD a new song

Sing unto the LORD a new song

And his praise

From the ends of the earth

Ye that go down to the sea

And all that is therein

The isles and the inhabitants thereof

Let them shout

From the top of the mountains

Let them give glory unto the LORD

And declare his praise in the islands

Let the inhabitants of the rock sing

Let them give glory unto the LORD

And declare his praise in the islands

And declare
his praise in the islands

Blessed be the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ

Who hath blessed us

with all spiritual blessings

In heavenly places in Christ

According as he hath chosen us in him

Before the foundation of the world

That we should be holy

And without blame

Before him in love, in love

According as he hath chosen us in him

Before the foundation of the world

That we should be holy

and without blame

Before him in love, in love, in love

Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you

And ordained you

That ye should go and bring forth fruit

And that your fruit should remain

That whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father

in my name
Keep silence before me, O islands

And let the people renew their strength

Let them come near

Let them speak

Let us come near together to judgment

Let them come near

Let them speak

Let us come near

together to judgment
We islands keep silence before you

We Filipinos renew our strength

We have come near

We come to speak

We have come near together to judgment

We have come near

We come to speak

We have come near

together to judgment
Blessed is the man that heareth me

Watching daily at my gates

Waiting at the posts of my doors

For whoso findeth me findeth life

And he shall obtain
favour of the LORD

For whoso findeth me

findeth life
The Key and the Only Way

To understand all the Mysteries of God

And to be assured of our Salvation is to

High 5 and 5 Ways minus 5 Giants

Read, Meditate, Memorize,
Study, Hear and Do

High 5, Spiritual Word

with Spirit Meditation,

Personal Worship, Prayer,

Waiting upon the LORD
With Spirit Meditation

Waiting upon the LORD

Blessed is the man
that walketh not in the counsel
in the counsel of the ungodly

Nor standeth in the way of sinners

nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful
But his delight
is in the law of the LORD

And in his law

doth he meditate
day and night
And he shall be like a tree
planted by the rivers of water,

That bringeth forth his fruit

bringeth forth his fruit in his season

His leaf also shall not wither

and whatsoever
he doeth shall prosper
And whatsoever
he doeth shall prosper
We will go into all the world
For a witness unto all nations

To preach
the Gospel of the Kingdom,
the Gospel of Salvation
That there is ONE GOD, YHWH

And one mediator

between God and men,
The Man Christ Jesus,
Our Lord
And then the end shall come

And then the end shall come

And then the end shall come

We will follow on to know you LORD
(Thanks be to God who gives us triumph)

We will follow on to know you LORD

(Thanks be to God who gives us triumph)

Thanks be to God who gives us triumph

We praise you LORD

We praise you LORD
The mighty God, even the LORD

Hath spoken and called the earth

from the rising of the sun

Unto the going down thereof

Gather my saints together unto me

Those that have made a covenant

with me by sacrifice

With me by sacrifice
Then shall we know,
if we follow on to know the LORD

His going forth is prepared

as the morning

And he shall come unto us as the

rain, as the latter and former rain
unto the earth, unto the earth
Come let us return,
Let us return unto the LORD

For he hath torn and he will heal us,

He hath smitten, He will bind us up

After two days, will He revive us

In the third day, He will raise us up
And we shall live in His sight
And we shall live
in his sight
Behold darkness shall cover the earth

Darkness shall cover the people

But the LORD shall arise upon thee

And his glory shall be seen upon thee

Risen upon thee

Lift up thine eyes round about and see

All they gather themselves together

Thy sons shall come from far

And thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side

Then thou shalt see and flow together

Surely the isles shall wait for me

And the ships of Tarshish first

To bring thy sons, thy sons from far

Their silver and their gold with them

Unto the name of the LORD thy God

Arise shine for thy light is come
(Thy light is come)

Arise shine for thy light is come

(Thy light is come)

Arise shine for thy light is come

(Zion, Glorious)
For the glory of the LORD is risen

The glory of the LORD is come

The glory of the LORD is risen

Risen upon thee

And thou shalt know
that I the LORD thy God

Thy Redeemer and thy Saviour

An everlasting light,

Thy salvation, Thy glory

Then thou shalt see and flow

together (together)
I will make the place of my feet an eternal

A joy of many generations

Thy gates shall be open continually

Day and night, Zion glorious

Arise shine for thy light is come
(Thy light is come)

Arise shine for thy light is come

(Thy light is come)

Arise shine for thy light is come

(Zion, Glorious)
For the glory of the LORD is risen

The glory of the LORD is come

The glory of the LORD is risen

Risen upon thee

Arise shine
for thy light is come
Blow ye the trumpet
in Zion

Sound an alarm
in my Holy
The Counsel of God

Read and run

Give yourselves
to prayer

Until the Spirit

be poured upon
A little one
shall become
a thousand
Blow the trumpet!
Blow ye the trumpet in Zion

Blow ye the trumpet in Zion

Sound an alarm in my Holy Mountain

Let all the land tremble

Let all the land tremble

For the day of the LORD cometh

For the day of the LORD cometh

For it is nigh at hand

They shall run like mighty men

They shall climb the wall like men of war

They shall march every one on his ways

They shall not break their ranks

And the LORD shall utter his voice
Before his army

And the LORD shall utter his voice

Before his army

He’s great!
He’s strong!

For the day of the LORD is great

and very terrible
Assemble yourselves, come all ye heathen

Gather yourselves together round about

Cause thy mighty ones to come down

Cause thy mighty ones to come down

Prepare a war, wake up the mighty men

Let all the men of war draw near

Let them come up

Let the weak say, I am strong!

Beat your plowshares into sword

And your pruninghooks into spear

Let the weak say, I am strong!

Let the weak say, I am strong!

Blessed be the LORD my strength

Which teacheth my hands to war

Blessed be the LORD my strength

Which teacheth my fingers to fight

My goodness and my fortress

My high tower and my deliverer

My shield in him in whom I trust

Who subdueth the people under me

People under me
The LORD thy God
in the midst
of thee
is mighty
He will save,

He will rejoice over thee with joy

He will rest in his love,

He will joy over thee with singing

Not by might,

Nor by power

But by my Spirit

Saith the LORD of hosts

The LORD shall roar

The LORD shall roar

The LORD shall roar

Out of Zion
Utter his voice from Jerusalem

The heavens and the earth

shall shake

But the LORD will be

the hope of his people

And the strength of

the children of Israel
And the strength
of the children of Israel
The God of Abraham

The God of Isaac

The God of Jacob

And the God of Israel

But to us
there is but ONE GOD

The Father
of whom are all things
And we in him
And One Lord Jesus Christ
by whom are all things

And we in him
And we by him
But to us there is but ONE GOD
and Father of all

Who is above all

And through all
And in you all
And in you all
(1 Cor.14:26;Col.3:16)
How is it then, brethren?

When we come together

Every one of you hath a psalm,

Hath a doctrine, hath a tongue

Hath a revelation, hath an interpretation

Let all things be done unto edifying

He that speaketh in an unknown tongue

Speaketh not unto men

He that speaketh in an unknown tongue

Speaketh unto God

Howbeit in the spirit, he speaketh mysteries

Howbeit in the spirit, he speaketh mysteries

Let the word of Christ

Dwell in you richly in all wisdom

Teaching and admonishing one another

In psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,

Singing with grace in your hearts

to the LORD
Singing with grace
in your hearts
to the LORD
The law of the LORD is perfect,
converting the soul

The testimony of the LORD is sure,

making wise the simple

The statutes of the LORD are right,

rejoicing the heart

The commandment of the LORD is pure,

Enlightening the eyes
Let the words of my mouth
And the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD

Let the words of my mouth

And the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD
More to be desired are they than gold
Yea, than much fine gold
Sweeter also than honey
and the honeycomb

Moreover by them
is thy servant warned
And in keeping of them,
There is great reward
The fear of the LORD is clean,
enduring for ever

The judgments of the LORD

are true and righteous altogether
Let the words of my mouth
And the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD

Let the words of my mouth

And the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD
More to be desired are they than gold
Yea, than much fine gold
Sweeter also than honey
and the honeycomb

Moreover by them
is thy servant warned
And in keeping of them,
There is great reward
Let the words of my mouth
And the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD

Let the words of my mouth

And the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD
Be acceptable in thy sight,
And in keeping of them,
there is great reward
1 John 5:7

For there are three

that bear record in heaven,

The Father, the Word

and the Holy Ghost

And these three are ONE

And the people that do know their God

Shall be strong and do exploits

And the people that do know their God

Shall be strong and do exploits

For the LORD our God

For the LORD our God

For the LORD our God

Will do great things

Remember the former
things of old

For I God(410) and none else

God(430) and none like me

Declaring the end

From the beginning

And from ancient times

The things that are not yet done

Saying my Counsel,

My Counsel shall stand

And I will do all my pleasure

And I will do
all my pleasure
But to us
there is but ONE GOD

The Father
of whom are all things
And we in him
And One Lord Jesus Christ
by whom are all things

And we in him
And we by him
But to us there is but ONE GOD
But to us
there is but
and Father of all

Who is above all

And through all
And in you all
And in you all
When I consider thy heavens,

The works of thy fingers

The moon and the stars

Which thou hast ordained

What is man
that thou art mindful of him

and the Son of Man

that thou visitest him
For thou hast made him
a little lower than the angels

Thou hast crowned him

with glory and honour

Thou madest him to have

dominion over the works
of thy hands
O LORD, my Lord
How excellent is your name
in all the earth
O LORD, my Lord
How excellent is your name
We have thought of thy lovingkindness,
O God

In the midst of thy temple

According to thy name, O God

So is thy praise unto the ends

of the earth
As we have heard,

so have we seen in the city of God,

In the city of the LORD of hosts

God will establish it for ever,

so is thy praise unto the ends

of the earth
Great is the LORD

And greatly to be praised

In the city of our God,

In the city of the LORD,

In the mountain of his holiness,

The joy of the whole earth

Beautiful for situation,

The joy of the whole earth

Is mount Zion on the sides of the North,

The city, the city of the Great King

God is known in her palaces

For a refuge and for bulwarks

For lo, the kings were assembled

They passed by together

Fear took hold upon them there,

and pain
Let everything
that hath breath

Praise the LORD

Praise ye
the LORD
the LORD
(Ps. 133:1-3)
Behold how good

And how pleasant it is

For brethren to dwell

Together in unity, together in unity

It is like the precious ointment

Upon the head that ran down

Upon Aaron’s beard

That went down to the skirts

As the dew that descended upon
the mountains of Zion

For there the LORD

commanded the blessing

For there the LORD

commanded the blessing
Even life for evermore

Even life, even life for evermore

Even life, even life for evermore

Even life,
even life
for evermore
In Christ, we also trusted

After that we heard the word of truth,

The Gospel of our Salvation

In whom also after that we believed

We were sealed
with that Holy Spirit of promise

Which is the earnest of our inheritance

Until the redemption

of the purchased possession

Unto the praise of his glory

Unto the praise of his glory

Unto the praise of his glory

Unto the praise of his glory

Unto the praise of his glory

I was glad when they said unto me,

Let us go into the house of the LORD

I was glad when they said unto me,

Let us go into the house of the LORD

With joyful hearts,
we come to read and run

With joyful hearts,
we come to hear the Love Story
from ancient times
We are grateful to you,
O LORD our God,
For the things that you have done

Declaring the end

From the beginning
And from ancient times
The things that are not yet done
With joyful hearts,
we come to read and run

With joyful hearts,
we come to hear the Love Story
from ancient times
We will greatly rejoice
in the LORD our God,
Our Maker, our Husband

Rejoice Cyrus 200 Million,

The bride of the Lamb,
Prepared as the LORD’s wife
With joyful hearts,
we come to read and run

With joyful hearts,
we come to hear the Love Story
from ancient times
We come to hear the Love Story

We come to hear the Love Story

We come to hear the Love Story

From ancient times

Declaring the end of the Love Story
of the Bridegroom and the Bride

Of whom you have clothed

with the garments of Salvation
and the robe of Righteousness
And now declaring

the things that are not yet done

Preparing the bride of the Lamb,

Of which we are your bride

With joyful hearts,
we come to read and run

With joyful hearts,
we come to hear the Love Story
from ancient times
We come to hear the Love Story

We come to hear the Love Story

We come to hear the Love Story

From ancient times

Your Counsel, O LORD is my song

My Salvation in the evil day

The Major Controlling Issue

The Synonymous Issues

My meditation
and song
for ever
Thanks be
for the
everlasting life
(2 Cor.10:3-6)
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood

But against spiritual wickedness

in high places

Against principalities,

Against the rulers of the darkness

of this world, of this world
For though we walk in the flesh,
we do not war after the flesh

For the weapons of our warfare

are not carnal

But mighty through God

To the pulling down of strongholds

Casting down imaginations,

Casting down
Pulling down strongholds

Casting down imaginations

And every high thing that exalteth itself

Against the knowledge of God

Against the knowledge of God

Bringing into captivity
every thought to the
obedience of Christ

And having in a readiness

to revenge all disobedience

When your obedience is fulfilled

When your obedience is fulfilled
I will extol thee my God, O King

And I will praise thy name for ever and ever

Everyday will I bless thee

And I will praise thy name

For ever and ever

All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD

And thy saints shall bless thee

Thy saints, shall bless thee

Everyday will I bless thee

And I will praise thy name

For ever and ever

Great is the LORD

And greatly to be praised

And his greatness is unsearchable

One generation shall praise thy works

to another

And shall declare thy mighty acts

One generation shall praise
thy works to another

And shall declare

thy mighty acts
And shall declare
thy mighty acts

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