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Horst P Horst

Horst P horst
He was known as combining portraiture and fashion His style to
photography is still instantly recognisable. The first picture to carry
Horst credit line appeared in the December 1931 issue of French
vogue. Horst studied architecture in Hamburg while there he gave it
up for photography. He then produced some his most dynamic work
and work with interestingly new en plein air characteristics become Patterns from Nature Photographic Collage, about 1945.
the most popular photography for his year. Horst died in 1999 at the This personal project Horst was struck by "their
age 93. revelation of the similarity of vegetable forms to
He created his new unmistakeable style with the arrangement of art forms like wrought iron and Gothic
the furnishing, fabrics and lighting within his compositions creating architecture". Horst's interest was also linked to
atmospheric silhouettes, he would set his models up and use nature the technical purity of 'photographic seeing', a
under artificial lights against plain or geometric backgrounds with philosophy associated with the New Objectivity
precision. movement of the 1920s and 1930s in which
War was declared between America an Germany in 1941, Horst applied practitioners took natural forms out of their
for an American citizenship and he was called up for service this is contexts and examined them with such close
where he became an Army photographer which involved taking photos attention that they became unfamiliar and
of the US president Truman revelatory.

I like his work as it symmetrical with the use of

nature and different lighting a use of different
materials and compositions there's a nice
pattern seen with different tones of light.

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