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Horst P Horst

Horst was born on the 14 august 1906 in Weiβenfels-an-der-Saale, Germany and

sadly passed in the 18th November 1999 at the age of 93. He was one of the original
pioneers of 20th century fashion photography. But is widely known for his patterns
project (examples being on the left).

We aren’t 100% sure what the meaning behind this work is however if I had to guess
I would suppose that it is to do with opening your eye to allow a new way to look at
the world around you and experiment with these distinctive pieces of photography.

The photos to the left show quite a remarkable sight with these quite crazy patterns
mixed with a very monochrome colour scheme. You can sort of see the leaves and
the nature side of this photo, especially the bottom one, which gives this photo a
sort of life in itself with nature being alive.

What I first noticed and what my eyes was drawn to was how symmetrical the
images are, they are perfectly lined up and symmetrical which gives it this very
unique sort of feel with it.

I really like how different the style of the work is and how strange this sort of
kaleidoscope look to this very basic and lifeless piece, yet the patterns of these
images bring that back to life.

When planning for my shoot I will be inspired by the symmetrical aspect of his work
as hopefully my will end up at least similar to Horst’s work. As well as the actual
pattern itself I will also be using nature to get these outcomes like Horst himself.

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