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The New Invention

From 2020 To 2023

ITRI’s iPetWeaR is the world’s first smart wearable
device that uses contactless micro-physiological radar
sensing technology for pet health monitoring. This
sensor package continuously monitors the health
parameters of pets including heart rate, respiration
and activity to identify their health status via user-
friendly operation. iPetWeaR can be easily integrated
into a pet collar or mattress, providing alerts via a
mobile app when abnormality is detected. The
product can also assist in animal shelters or rescue
organizations to better keep track of abandoned or
stray pets.
Withings Body
The Withings Body Scan is a smart scale whick
health conscious people .The smart scale
measure not only your body weight precisely,
but it can also measure overall body
composition, and track sweat glands and small
nerve activity. It can also deliver heart rate
measurements, ECG recordings, and vascular
age determinations.The body can has a batery
life that can last for one year and a high
resolution 3.2 inch lcd colour screen for
displaying statitics .
Labrador Caddie and Retriever
Caddie and Retriever are designed to get things
for you in your home. They can hold up 25
pounds or 11kg while still being small enough
to navigate around your house since these robot
are design for accessilibity they can be
controlled in several ways including using the
touchscreen a mobile app voice assistance or
wireless button .But Caddie and Retriever are
meant to help those who are unable to move
themselves or other thing even short distances
due to pain or other health issues.
Robotic Massage Table
This machine from California's Massage
Robotics is a life-sized autonomous massage
robot table with two 6-axis collaborative robotic
arms and cloud artificial intelligence. Using
machine learning the robot can recomend
massage using routines or users can create
personalized routines thet can be shared from
doctor to patient or with friends by using a
mobile app this innovative futuristic uncanny
robot is capable for learning what hummans like
after every massage it complete it knows more
than the last making it capable of evolving .

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