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Lesson Objectives:

a. define the literally genres (flash fiction);

b. describe the characteristics of flash fiction;
c. arrange words according to flash fiction: six
word story; and
d. appreciate the modern literary genre as
an appealing medium of literary conversation.

• Is an entire story told in six words. It is a

short narrative that can have all of the
emotional fames, of longer stories, from
funny to dramatic, sad to scary, It can be
poetic or straight forward.
Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction
Flash Fiction

Flash fiction goes by many names

including microfiction, microstories,
short stories, short-shorts, very short
stories, postcard fiction, non-fiction and
sudden fiction.
Flash Fiction

Flash fiction - is imaginative

literature of extreme brevity. It
could range from a word to a
thousand (Gacusan 2018).
Flash Fiction

Flash fiction has roots going back to

prehistory, recorded at origin of writing,
including fables and parables, notably
Aesop’s Fables in the west and
Panchacahantara and Jakata tales in
Characteristics of Flash Fiction
• Brevity- flash fiction presents the story
with fewest words as possible.
• Beginning, middle and end- most flash
fictions tend to emphasize plot.
• A twist or surprise the end- twist at the
end of the story.
1)Create a “you” list. Each member of
the group must give 1 word about
2)Choose 3 items that inspire and
important to you.

3. From those items you choose, “Free
write” about it for at least 2 minutes.
“Free write” means you just start
writing about that idea, object, role or

3. The only rule is: don’t stop writing for
at least two minutes, but you must
remember the characteristics of flash
fiction in your writing. Whatever comes
to mind is fair game.

• 9-10 (Excellent to Very Good)-Addresses all aspects of the

prompt; provides good support for and development of all idea
with range of details; substantive.
• 8-7 (Good to Average)-Prompt adequately addressed, Supported
with details; less substantive
• 6-5 (Fair)-Prompt adequately, ideas not supported well; little
• 4-3 (Poor)-Doesn’t adequately address prompt; little to no support
or development of ideas; not substantive
Class, React

In your same group, you will be

having an envelope containing
words. You will arranged the words
in the envelope and explain what is
the six word story all about.
Class, React
Directions: Arranged the words
• Group 1: Water Full Advise Streets please of
• Group 2: True Married Else Found Someone Love
• Group 3: Too Much Human It Cost Staying
• Group 4: Spring Weather Lovely Plague Raging Bubonic
• Group 5: Land Blood Polluted Our By Is
Class, React
Directions: Arranged the words
• Group 1: Streets full of water. Please Advise.
• Group 2: Found true love. Married someone else.
• Group 3: It cost too much, staying human.
• Group 4: Lovely spring weather, bubonic plague
• Group 5: Our land is polluted by blood.
I learn a lot!

• 1. What is flash fiction?

• 2. What are the characteristics of flash
• 3. What is six word story?
• 4. How does modern literary genre be useful
as a medium of literally conversation.
Short quiz

• ___________1. This flash fiction stories can be a short as few words.

• ____________2. A genre of fiction, defined as very short story.

• ____________3. It is written by Hemingway a six-word story.

• ____________4. Can easily defined as the 3 parts that make up a story.

• ____________5. It is a surprise that changes everything we thought we knew about
the story.
Short quiz

Arranged the words

6. had cups of I coffee two
7. but spark she isn’t is gone the
8. in teacher is the classroom the
9. over the cat walked over the road
10. lost ball my I little brother's
Short quiz

1. Brevity
2. Flash Fiction
3. For Sale Baby Shoes Never Worn
4. The beginning, middle and end
5. A twist or surprise

6. I had two cups of coffee.

7. The spark is gone, but she isn’t.
8. The teacher is in the classroom
9. The cat walked over the road.
10. I lost my little brother's ball.

Write a flash fiction related to you

as a student. You may create using
different kind of skills (persuasive,
informative and argumentative) “Use
Canva in doing it”. Then present
your output in the class.

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