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Modal verb show possibility, intent, ability, or neccesity. A type of
auxiliary verb (helper verb), so it is used together with the main
verb of the sentence.
Can (bisa) Ability (kemampuan), permission (izin), possibility (kemungkinan)

Ability in the past (Kemampuan di masa lampau), polite permission (izin),

Could possibility

Must – has/have to (harus) Obligation (kewajiban)

Must not (dilarang) Prohibition (larangan)

Will (akan) Future (masa depan), Willingnes (kemauan), prediction (prediksi)

Future (masa depan), Polite Willingnes (kemauan), prediction (prediksi)

Would (akan)

Shall (akan) Future (masa depan)

Should/ought to Advice (saran)


May/might (mungkin) Possibility (kemungkinan), permission (izin)

Can/Could (be able to)
Ability (kemampuan)
• Stevia can speak english fluently
• When I was younger, I could run fast (ability in
the past)

02 Permission (izin)
• Can I borrow your book?
• Could I join this party? (polite permission)
03 Possibility (kemungkinan)
• Smoking can cause cancer
• It could rain tomorrow
Inability (ketidak mampuan)
• I can’t forget him
May/might (be allowed to)
Posibility (kemungkinan)
It may rain tomorrow
I might go on holiday to Australia next year

Permission (izin)
• May I use your phone please
• Might I suggest an idea? (polite permission)
1. Obligation (kewajiban)
I must do my homework tonight
You have to obey the rule

Must (Have/Has to)


2. Prohibition (larangan)
You must not smoke at school
Will / Would (Akan)
Future (masa depan) Willingness
I will call you tonight (Kemauan)
I will help you
Would you come to my party?

Will not/won’t (tidak Prediction

akan) (Prediksi)
I won’t come so your house The sky is cloudy,it will rain
next week
Shall / Should (be going to)

Shall (akan) Future Should (seharusnya)

I shall go to your house tonight Advice (saran)
You look tired, you should take a
How to make sentence

(+) S + Modal + V1 + O
Example: I can speak in English fluently

(-) S + Modal + Not + V1 + O

Example: I will not come to your
home next week

(?) Modal + S + V1 + O ?
Example: can you speak in english?

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