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“When you really need to

know what's going on, take
the time to listen and find
“No matter what business
you’re in, everyone in the
organization needs to know

President, The Drucker Foundation
“Knowing that what you do is
important and appreciated is
the best reward.”

- John BALL, Service Training

Manager, Honda of America
“If you want to know what’s
really going on in most companies,
you talk to the guy who sweeps
the floors. Nine times out of
ten, he knows more than the

- Kenneth A. HENDRICKS,
CEOABC Supply Company
“What you really have to rely on
is your own intuition and when it
comes down to it, you really don’t
know what’s going to happen until
you do it.”
- Konosuke Matsushita, Founder,
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.
“Many know how to flatter,
few understand how to give

“We are drowning in
information, but starved for

- John NAISBITT, Chairman,

Naisbitt Group
“A manager... sets objectives...
organizes... motivates and
communicates... measures... and
develops people. Every manager does
these things –knowingly or not. A
manager may do them well, or may do
them wretchedly, but always does
- Peter F.DRUCKER Management
“A company is known by
the people it keeps.”

“The leader must know, must
know that he knows, and must be
able to make it abundantly clear
to those about him that he

- Clarence B. RANDALL. Chairman,

Inland Steel Co.
“Where there is a shared vision of
excellence, where people can be the best
they can be on a daily basis, where they
know what is expected of them,
understand that reward is linked to
performance, and believe they can make a
difference because they will be heard,
they will make a difference. They will go
beyond our expectations and great things
will start to happen.”
- Frederick W.SMITH, CEO, Federal Express
“You never know when a
moment and a few sincere
words can have an impact on a

“There are five types of companies:
those who make things happen; those
who think they make things happen;
those who watch things happen; those
who wonder what happened; and
those that did not know that anything
had happened.”
“A traveler without knowledge
is like a bird without wings.”

- Sa’di, Gulistan
“It’s what we learn after we
know it all that counts.”

- John Wooden
“The reason why decree is
implemented smoothly is that it
accords with the people’s wishes; and
the reason why it is met with
resistance from the people is that it
goes against their wishes…so, those
who know how to give in order to
take have understood a valuable
lesson in government.”
- Guan Zİ
“When you can measure what you are
speaking about, and express it in numbers,
you know something about it; but when you
can measure it, when you cannot express it
in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager
and unsatisfactory kind; It may be the
beginning of the knowledge, but you have
scarcely, in your though, advanced to the
stage of science.”

- William Thomson, Lord Kelvin

“Knowingwhen to seize an
opportunity is the most
important thing in life.”

- Benjamin Disraeli

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