Leadership Proverbs

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“Leadership cannot really be
taught. It can only be learned.
It is practiced not so much in
words as in attitude and in
“The very essence of leadership is
that you have to have a vision. It's
got to be a vision you articulate
clearly and forcefully on every
occasion. You can't blow an uncertain


“True leadership must be
for the benefit of the
followers, not the
enrichment of the

“People do not follow
programs, but leaders who
inspire them.”
“Leadership is the capacity to
translate vision into reality.’’

- Warren G. BENNIS,
Management Professor
“Education is an essential bridge
between awareness and action;it
provides employees with specific
tools and techniques to achieve

- From The Quality Leadership,

Guidelines of Baxter, Healthcare
“Leaders get out in front and stay
there by raising the standards by
which they judge themselves – and by
which they are willing to be judged.”

- Frederick W. SMITH,CEO,
Federal Express
“Leadership is the art of
getting someone else to do
something you want to do
because he wants to do it.”

“We lead by being human.
We do not lead by being
corporate, professional or

- Paul HAWKEN, Co-Founder,

Smith & Hawken
“The leader needs to be in
touch with the employees and
to communicate with them on
a daily basis.”
- Donald PETERSEN Former
Chairman, Ford Motor Company
“If a leader demonstrates
competency, genuine concern
for others, and admirable
character, people will follow.”
- T.Richard CHASE
“Never tell people how to do
things. Tell them what to do
and they will surprise you with
their ingenuity.”

- General George S.PATTON

“Smart companies realize that
helping workers, especially
around a stressful time, is a
very important part of good

- Ann McGee- COOPER, Consultant

“The quality of a leader is
reflected in the standards
they set for themselves.”
- Ray KROC, Founder, McDonald’s
“Once employees see that
what they do makes a
difference to the organization
and is valued, they will
perform at higher levels.”

- Rita NUMEROF, President,
Numerof & Associates
“Leadership has less to do
with position than it does with

- John MAXWELL, Senior

PASTOR, Skyline Wesleyan Church
“A leader has to appear
consistent. That doesn’t mean
he has to be consistent.”

- James CALLAGHAN, Former

British Prime Minister
“The new leader is a
facilitate, not an order

- John NAISBITT, Chairman,

Niasbitt Group
“The first
responsibility of a
leader is to define
reality.The last is to
say thank you. In
between,the leader is
a servant.”
- Max De PREE, Leadership is an Art
“Leadership is the capacity
to translate vision into

- Warren G.BENNIS,
Management Professor
“Leadership is a manager’s
capability to get subordinates
to develop their capabilities
by inspiring them to achieve.”

- John A.REINECKE and William

F.SCHOELL, Management
“Ten steps for Creating More Empowered and
More Energized Workers.
• Organize primarily around process, not task.
• Flatten the hierarchy by minimizing subdivision of processes.
• Give senior leaders charge of processes and process performance,
• Link performance objectives and evaluation of all activities to customer satisfaction.
• Make teams, not individuals, the focus of organizational performance and design.
• Combine managerial and non-managerial activities as often as possible.
• Emphasize that each employee should develop several competencies.
• Inform and train people on a just-in-time, need-to-perform basis.
• Maximize supplier and customer contact with everyone in the organization.
• Reward individual skill development and team performance instead of individual
performance alone”

- McKINSEY & Company Management

Consulting Firm
“Good leaders must first
become good servants.”

“Leaders must be close
enough to relate to others,
but far enough ahead to
motivate them.”

- John Maxwell, Senior Pastor,

Skyline Wesleyan Church
“Desire is the key to motivation, but
it’s the determination and
commitment to an unrelenting pursuit
of your goal—a commitment to
excellence—that will enable you to
attain the success you seek.”

- Mario ANDRETTI, Automobile Racer

“Managers are people who do
things right, and leaders are
people who do the right
- Warren G.BENNIS and Burt
NANUS, Leaders
“The leader must know, must
know that he knows, and must be
able to make it abundantly clear
to those about him that he

- Clarence B. RANDALL. Chairman,

Inland Steel Co.
“You have to look at
leadership through the eyes
of the followers and you have
to live the message.”

- Anita RODDICK, Founder, The

Body Shop
“Leaders who win the respect of
others are the ones who deliver
more than they promise, not the
ones who promise more than they
can deliver.”


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