Meeting 1

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1. Kelas setiap hari Senin dan Rabu

2. Jam 19.15 WIB
3. Pada saat tutur menjelaskan harap untuk di Mute
4. Open mic saat tutur menyebutkan nama
5. Total pertemuan 10x, dimana pertemuan zoom dilaksanakan sebanya 8x
dan ujian 2x
6. Sangat di harapakan untuk terlibat aktif dalam kelas

We will learn
Speaking Grammar Practice Exercise

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Sapaan untuk menyapa

1 2 3 4
1. Greeting expression

● Hello ! : hai ● Good morning

● Hai ! : hello (06.00-11.59 siang)
● Hello everyone : hello ● Good afternoon
teman-teman (12.00-05.59 sore)
● How do you do :salam kenal ● Good evening
(pertama bertemu) ( 06.00-sebelum tidur)
● Good night
(Akan tidur)
2. Respons of Greeting
Hell How do Good
o Hai
you do morning

Good Good Good

afternoon evening night
Asking someone condition

How are you doing ?

I am great, thanks /
I’m not great
Asking someone condition
How are you
I am happy,
thanks /
I’m sick
Asking someone condition

What’s up ?
nothing guys
Asking someone condition

Are you oke ?

I’m okey,
I’m not okay
3. Please to meet someone

A Nice to meet you( 1st meeting)

Sapaan yang
mengungkapkan rasa B
senang setelah Please to meet you
bertemu seseorang.
C It’s nice to see you

D Nice to know you

4. Leaving someone

● See you : sampai jumpa

● See you soon : sampai jumpa
● Bye : selamat tinggal
● Good bye : selamat tinggal
● cheerio : sampai jumpa
● Take care : hati-hati
Grammar Focus

Kata ganti seseorang

seperti saya, kamu, kita
Subject object
● Saya makan mie : I eat noodle
● Kita minum teh : we drink tea
● Kamu cinta saya : you love me
● Dia (pr) bertemu kita : she
meets us
● Dia membawa buku, dia suka
buku itu : she brings book, She
likes it
Let’s exercise
1. Saya mengunjungi mereka di cafe
2. Kita berbicara kepada kamu
3. Kamu mentraktir kita
4. Mereka mengajak ku ke sekolah
5. Dia pr memanggil mereka

Power words :
> visit : mengunjung > thread : mentraktir > call :
> talk : berbicara > invite : mengajak > school : sekolah
Do you have any questions ?

CREDITS: This presentation template was created

by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik

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