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D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R BU275: Business Decision

Presented by
First Name Last Name Models
Instructor – Dr Jason Hurley
Introduction to Linear Programming
D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

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First Name Last Name
Deterministic Models and Algorithms

• The course this far: probabilities played a big role in our model building

• Last part of the course: everything is deterministic

• With the computational power now available in the modern world, there are
D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

algorithms available for solving many different business/personal problems

Presented by
First Name Last Name
• Linear Programming Problems – use an algorithm that helps solve a certain
class of problems
• Excel Solver has an algorithm to solve linear programming problems
Linear Programming: The Big Picture

Real World Formulate Solution to the Solution to the

Mathematical Modeling

Solution Algorithm

Interpret and Validate

Problem Problem Mathematical Real World
Mathematically Problem Problem
D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

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First Name Last Name
Linear Programming

• Make simultaneous decisions to reach an optimal output by considering

constraining factors (e.g., limited/scarce resources)

• Planning of activities represented by linear mathematical model

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

Presented by
• Categories of LP
First Name Last problems
Name include:
• Resource-allocation
• Cost-benefit tradeoff
• Product mixing
• Transportation
• Assignment
Linear Programming Formulation

Step 1: Determine Decision Variables

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

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Step 2: Determine Objective Function
First Name Last Name

Step 3: Determine Constraints

Basic Example of Linear Programming

Lego Company

• Build and sell Chairs (Profit: $7) and Tables (Profit $8)
• Chair: requires 3 large blocks, 2 medium blocks, 2 small blocks
• Table:
D AT Erequires
| M O N T H | Y2
E Alarge
R blocks, 2 medium blocks, 4 small blocks
Presented by
First Name Last Name
Determine the product mix (i.e., how many chairs and tables) to
maximize profit if there are only 12 large blocks, 8 medium blocks, and
10 small blocks available.
Step 1: Decision Variables

• The best way to determine the decision variables is to put

yourself in the role of the decision maker and ask the question:
“What factors (decisions) can I change (control)?”
D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

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• Define Decision
First Name Last Name Variables:

Let C = # of chairs
T = # of tables
Step 2: Objective Function

Specify the problem objective: “What is the goal of changing the

decision variables?”
D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

• Define
Presented by
First NameObjective
Last Name Function:

Maximize Profit (Z) = 7C + 8T

Step 3: Constraints
Specify the limitations: “What are the constraining factors that I
cannot change?”
• Define Constraints:
• There are only 12 large blocks
D AT 3C +O2T
E | M N T H≤| 12

• There areby
only 8 medium blocks
First Name Last Name
2C + 2T ≤ 8
• There are only 10 small blocks
2C + 4T ≤ 10
• Implicit Constraints (e.g., nonnegativity – cannot produce negative chairs, tables)
C, T ≥ 0
LP Formulation

• Decision Variables: Let C = # of chairs, T = # of tables

• Objective Function: Max Z = 7C + 8T

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R
• Subject to:
Presented by
First + 2TLast<= 12
Name (large block constraint)
2C + 2T <= 8 (medium block constraint)
2C + 4T <= 10 (small block constraint)
C, T > = 0 (nonnegativity constraint)
Characteristics of LPs

• Objective function and constraints are linear functions

• Constraint types can be inequalities ( or ) and equalities (=)

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

• Maximize
Presented by
or Minimize a single objective
First Name Last Name

• Decision variables can assume any fractional value

• Decision variables are all non-negative

Verifying LPs

• Decision Variables:
• Make sure you have specified units of the decision variables

• Objective Function:
• Make sure that the only variables in the objective function are the decision variables
• If you have variables in the objective that are not defined as decision variables, they should be defined
D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R
as decision variables
• MakePresented
sure youby have stated whether it is a maximization or minimization problem
First Name Last Name
• Constraints:
• Make sure that the only variables in the constraints are the decision variables
• If you have variables in the constraints that are not defined as decision variables, they should be
defined as decision variables
• Make sure that the units on the LHS and RHS of constraints match
• Make sure that both explicit and implicit constraints are written
Solution Methods

Linear Programming Solution Methods:

1. Graphical
2. Simplex
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We will use Excel Solver (add-in) to solve problems that have
more than two decision variables

• Excel Solver uses the Simplex Method

Method 1: Graphical
Step 1: Determine the feasible region
• Plot a constraint line for each constraint
• For each constraint line, determine the feasible side
• Identify the set of solutions that satisfy all the constraints

Step 2:
• Determine
D AT E | the
M O Ncorner
T H | Y Epoints
AR of the feasible region
• Evaluate the objective function at each corner point and choose the corner point that maximizes
Presented by
First Name theLast
Name function

Step 2 (alternate approach)

• Identify an arbitrary objective function
• For a maximization (minimization) problem, move the arbitrary objective function away from
(towards) (0,0) until further movement would take the line completely out of the feasible region
Graphical Method - Step 1: Plot Constraint 1

First point: C=0, T=6

3C + 2T ≤ 12 3C + 2T = 12
Second point: T=0, C=4

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R
3C + 2T < 12
Presented by
First Name Last Name

Graphical Method - Step 1: Plot Constraint 2

T 3C + 2T < 12
2C + 2T < 8
3C + 2T = 12
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First Name Last Name

2C + 2T =8

Graphical Method - Step 1: Plot Constraint 3

T 3C + 2T < 12
2C + 2T < 8
3C + 2T = 12 2C + 4T < 10

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R
2C + 2T = 8
Presented by
First Name Last Name

2C + 4T = 10

Graphical Method - Step 1: Determine Feasible
Feasible (shaded) region satisfies all the constraints
T simultaneously (i.e., collection of all feasible solutions)

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R 3C + 2T < 12
2C + 2T < 8
Presented by 2C + 4T < 10
First Name Last Name

Graphical Method - Step 2: Corner Points

• The Corner Point Method uses the following property of a linear

programming problem which has been proven mathematically:

• TheD AToptimal solution of a linear programming will always occur at a


Presented by
corner point
First Name Lastof the feasible region

• There can be more than one corner point which provides an

optimal solution
Graphical Method - Step 2: Corner Points

Step 1: Determine the feasible region

Step 2-1: Identify all feasible corner points

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

Step 2-2: Substitute

Presented by the corner points into the objective function formula
First Name Last Name

The optimal solution(s) is the corner point(s) with the best value of objective
Graphical Method - Step 2: Corner Points

T Max Z = 7C + 8T

Subject to:
3C + 2T < 12
2C + 2T < 8
OFV at (0,2.5) = 7(0) + 8(2.5) = 20 2C + 4T < 10

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R
C, T > 0
Presented by

First Name Last Name OFV at (3,1)= 7(3) + 8(1) = 29

(3,1) Optimal solution
(0,0) (4,0)
OFV at (0,0) = 7(0) + 8(0) = 0 OFV at (4,0) = 7(4) + 8(0) = 28
Graphical Method - Step 2: Arbitrary Objective
T Max Z = 7C + 8T

Subject to:
3C + 2T < 12
7C + 8T = ? (an arbitrary value) 2C + 2T < 8
D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R 2C + 4T < 10
Presented by C, T > 0
First Name Last Name

Graphical Method - Step 2: Arbitrary Objective
Optimal solution is at (3,1)
Max Z = 7C + 8T
Hence make 3 chairs and 1 table
Subject to:
3C + 2T < 12
2C + 2T < 8
D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R Objective function value =
2C + 4T < 10
Presented by 7(3) + 8(1) = 29 C, T > 0
First Name Last Name

Profit & Gambit Co. Example: Minimization
Management at The Profit & Gambit Co. has decided to
undertake a major advertising campaign that will focus on the
following three key products:
• A spray prewash stain remover
• A liquid laundry detergent
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Presented by
• A powder
First Name Last laundry
Name detergent

The campaign will use both television and print media.

The general goal is to increase sales of these products.

Profit & Gambit Co. Example: Minimization
Increase in sales for each unit of advertising:

Increase in Sales per Unit of Advertising

Product Television Print Media

Stain Remover 0% 1%
Liquid Detergent 3% 2%
D AT E | M O N T HPowder
| Y E ADetergent
R -1% 4%
Unit Cost ($millions) 1 2
Presented by
First Name Last Name
Management has set the following goals for the campaign:
• Sales of the stain remover should increase by at least 3%
• Sales of the liquid detergent should increase by at least 18%
• Sales of the powder detergent should increase by at least 4%

How much should they advertise in each medium to meet the sales goals at a
minimum total cost?
Profit & Gambit Co. Example: Minimization
Decision Variables:
Let TV = the number of units of advertising on Television
PM = the number of units of advertising in Print Media

Minimize Z = TV + 2PM (in millions of dollars)

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First Name Last Name

Subject to:
Stain remover increased sales: PM ≥ 3
Liquid detergent increased sales: 3TV + 2PM ≥ 18
Powder detergent increased sales: –TV + 4PM ≥ 4
Non-negativity constraints: TV ≥ 0, PM ≥ 0
Profit & Gambit Co. Example: Minimization
Amount of print media advertising


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Presented by 6
First Name Last Name

PM = 3
-TV + 4 PM = 4
3 TV + 2 PM = 18

-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 TV
Amount of TV advertising
Profit & Gambit Co. Example: Minimization

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

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First Name Last Name
Thanks for your attention!

D AT E | M O N T H | Y E A R

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Next class:
First Name Last Name
• Linear Programming (part 2)

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