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Suranto, Mutiara Silvy Rahayu

Accounting Education Departement, Universitas

Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Presented At International Semianrs

In addition, an alternative to solve the
In this globalization era, the younger generation must think 1 unemployment rate problem is to empower
educated people to participate in
intelligently to become high-quality agents of change,
entrepreneurship programs.
thereby helping the progress of a country. One of the
qualified young generations is university students. For this reason, universities are one of the

Unemployment is often experienced by the next generation drivers of entrepreneurship growth through
2 the developed curriculum. In accounting
of the nation. According to data recorded by the Central
education, UMS seeks to foster a sense of
Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2021, the largest increase in
entrepreneurship in students. Even though
unemployment occurred among young people, whose
they can become educators, graduates from
average age was 20-29 years. The entrepreneurship level is
accounting education programs can also
influential on the growth of a country.
create their businesses

Describe the values of entrepreneurship in

students of the Accounting Education Study
Program, University of Muhammadiyah

Accounting Education Students

Entrepreneurship Values

Task and Results Courage to Face Oriented to the Creativity and

Self-confident Leadership
Oriented Risk Future Innovation

Young Entrepreneurs

This qualitative research used 3 Data collection techniques

an ethnographic design 1 used interviews, observation
and documentation

This research was conducted The researchers in this study

at the accounting education
2 4 conducted direct observations,
study program, Universitas starting from planning,
Muhammadiyah Surakarta, in 5 collecting information data,
8th-semester students, analyzing, managing, and
totaling 12 The data validity used the source and reporting the data obtained
method triangulation. Furthermore,
the data analysis technique in this
study utilized data reduction, data
display, and drawing conclusions

Students have a sense of self-confidence, this

1 can be seen from their level of confidence in
Based on documentation from their abilities
alumni trackers, accounting
education had more than 20% of 2 Students were highly responsible for the tasks
given and were task and result oriented
graduates working in the
entrepreneurial field. In the 3 Students were brave and could take risks and
accounting education curriculum, anticipate risks that might come at any time
several courses also supported
entrepreneurship, such as 4 Students had a foresight regarding business
entrepreneurship courses, opportunities
entrepreneurial practices, business
5 Students had a leadership spirit and could
work practices, field trips, business
establish good communication
ethics, and other supporting courses.
Students could think creatively and innovatively
6 in seeing new opportunities.


The entrepreneurial values ​possessed by Accounting If entrepreneurial values can be developed

Education Study Program students included the properly by every accounting education
following. (1) Self-confidence: students' self- student, successful young entrepreneurs will
confidence could be seen from their confident or be created. In addition, it is hoped that every
optimistic attitude toward their abilities. (2) Task and student can build good communication with
result-oriented, fully responsible attitude, strong lecturers when getting courses on
determination, honesty, and high initiative towards entrepreneurship since it can be used to
assigned tasks or burdens made students task and exchange ideas or opinions to develop
result-oriented. (3) Courage to take risks: students entrepreneurial values in every
showed that they dared to face the existing risks and entrepreneurship activity or program. Also, it
demonstrated an attitude of never giving up or not is expected that students will already have an
easily giving up. (4) Future-oriented: every student entrepreneurial plan before graduating from
had the foresight, could predict the future, and always college because the unemployment rate is
had perspective. (5) Leadership: the soul of a leader increasing
was seen in students, and an entrepreneur was
perceived as a leader. Lastly, (6) creativity and
innovation: every student could think creatively and
Thank You

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