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Presented by, Md Al Mamun and Tasif Ahmed
Digital Twin: General Electric defines, “A Digital Twin is a dynamic digital representation of an industrial asset
that enables better understanding and prediction of the performance of machines.” Advanced technologies are
now blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds and increasingly enabling aircraft operators to
extend the life of their fleet. Using a digital twin, engineers can accurately determine the life of structural
components and this information can then be used to improve performance, generate savings or increase
operational flexibility.
Digital Twin:
1. A digital twin is not just a copy or clone of something. It is a dynamic, real-time representation of an object
or system that can be used to understand and optimize its performance. 
Advances in digital twin capabilities have been driven by four key technologies:
IoT & Big Data – Sensors on assets or components and connected systems provide detailed insights into live
Advanced analytics – Machine learning data can predict and simulate the future condition of the asset in
Computing power – Cloud-based technology vastly improves affordability and availability of the computing
required to run large-scale digital twin models
Accessibility – This data can now be accessed from anywhere via mobile devices
•A digital twin (DT) is a detailed and
dynamically updated virtual replica of
physical objects or processes, made to
monitor performance, test different scenarios,
predict issues, and find optimization
opportunities. Unlike traditional computer-
aided design and engineering (CAD/CAE)
models, a DT always has a unique, real-
world counterpart, receives live data from it,
and changes accordingly to mimic the origin
through its lifecycle.
A digital twin is a virtual model designed to reflect a physical piece of equipment that has multiple sensors that
relay performance data on its functionality, tracking energy output, temperature, performance, efficiency, and

This data over time is applied to the virtual model to let businesses run simulations to study performance over
time, the impact of small changes, and what can be done to increase performance and efficiency.

The goal of a digital twin is to have access to data that generates insights into the effectiveness of current
practices and provide a place where businesses can try new things without sacrificing productivity.
1. Data is collected from a physical object and its environment and sent to the centralized repository.
2. Data is analyzed and prepared to be fed to the DT.
3. The digital twin uses fresh data to mirror the object’s work in real time, test what will happen if the
environment changes, and find bottlenecks. At this step, AI algorithms can be applied to tweak the product
design or spot unhealthy trends and prevent costly downtimes.
4. Insights from analytics are visualized and presented via the dashboard.
5. Stakeholders make actionable, data-driven decisions.
6. The physical object parameters, processes, or maintenance schedules are adjusted accordingly.
7. Then the process is repeated based on the new data.
Digital twin technology can be divided into four distinct types, each of which has its own unique characteristics
and benefits. These are component, asset, system and process twins. Let’s look at each in more detail.
Component Twins
Component twins are digital models of individual components or parts, such as motors, sensors, switches and
valves. They provide detailed information about a component’s performance and behavior both in real-time and
over time. This helps organizations monitor the health and performance of these components and make
necessary changes when needed.
Asset Twins
Asset twins are digital models of physical assets such as buildings, machines and vehicles. They provide
information on an asset’s operational status, performance data, and environmental conditions in real-time. This
helps organizations reduce downtime and improve the efficiency of their operations.
System Twins
System twins are digital models of entire systems or processes. They allow organizations to monitor and
analyze a system’s performance and identify areas where improvements can be made. System twins enable
organizations to optimize their processes and improve the way they operate.
Process Twins
Process twins are digital models of entire business processes or customer journeys. They provide detailed
information on how customers interact with an organization’s products and services in real-time. This helps
organizations to identify areas where customer experience can be improved.
Hardware components. The key technology driving DTs is the Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, that initiate
the exchange of information between assets and their software representation. The hardware part also
includes actuators, converting digital signals into mechanical movements, network devices like routers, edge
servers, and IoT gateways, etc.

Data management middleware. Its bare-bones element is a centralized repository to accumulate data from
different sources. Ideally, the middleware platform also takes care of such tasks as connectivity, data
integration, data processing, data quality control, data visualization, data modeling and governance, and
more. Examples of such solutions are common IoT platforms and industrial (IIoT) platforms that often come
with pre-built tools for digital twinning.

Software components. The crucial part of digital twinning is the analytics engine that turns raw observations
into valuable business insights. In many cases, it is powered by machine learning models. Other must-have
pieces of a DT puzzle are dashboards for real-time monitoring, design tools for modeling, and simulation
Though they sound similar and have key things in common like using digital models and replicating a
system, a digital twin takes simulating to another level from reproducing an environment virtually. This
provides more realistic outcomes using real-time and historical data. 
One of the major differences between the two is the detail and scale of the tests they run. A digital twin is
able to dive deeper and run a huge number of digital simulations while a common simulation can only test
one process. A digital twin is constantly accessing past and present data and using trends to make predictions
on the future which means businesses get a more accurate simulation. 
More Effective Development of Equipment: With a digital twin and the data collected by the sensors,
aerospace businesses have more effective ways to test changes to processes to increase productivity. 
Improve Efficiency: In addition to the above, a digital twin provides a great testing ground for
improvements to overall efficiency of one machine or a fleet. 
Predictive Maintenance and Lifespan: With collected data, businesses can better predict when a part or
machine is reaching the end of its lifespan and become more proactive with maintenance and the ordering of
parts and replacements. 
More Effective Development of Equipment: With a digital twin and the data collected by the sensors,
aerospace businesses have more effective ways to test changes to processes to increase productivity. 
Improve Efficiency: In addition to the above, a digital twin provides a great testing ground for
improvements to overall efficiency of one machine or a fleet. 
Predictive Maintenance and Lifespan: With collected data, businesses can better predict when a part or
machine is reaching the end of its lifespan and become more proactive with maintenance and the ordering of
parts and replacements. 
Digital twins present numerous opportunities for businesses in the aerospace industry from extending the life of parts and
machines to using data to improve the next iteration of them.

Boeing saw a 40% improvement in first-time quality of parts by using digital twins in development

In R&D, aerospace companies can use digital twins to improve the engineering of new parts by being able to simulate their
performance in a huge variety of conditions. How will an engine fair in harsh weather? What is performance like after 300+
flights? This knowledge can now be obtained and used to improve parts, predict when maintenance is needed, and extend the
lifespan of machinery, vehicles, and more.

In some instances, machines in development will be doing what no machine has done before or will be headed to places
where they can’t be tracked, into space for example. With a digital twin, companies have the ability to monitor them digitally
and with 147% more accuracy.

The implementation of digital twins in Aerospace is bringing forth many new possibilities by unlocking datasets that were
impossible or very hard to get before by removing many of the challenges of tracking performance while a part or machine is
in action.
Data collection
Model creation
Boeing aircraft is using a digital twin to achieve a perfect cargo load balance. For example, a Boeing
737-800 has a maximum cargo load of 80,000 kilograms but many planes fly with less cargo as
weight figures are calculated manually. By using IoT sensors on a digital twin, a precise and yet safe
cargo load can be determined thereby increasing cargo revenue per flight.
  Collecting and exploiting in-service data from the asset.
 During the fatigue analysis, a load spectrum is assumed.
 Combining with the appropriate material data, the life of a component can be determined.
 Appropriate sensors enables the load spectrum to be continually updated based on the actual loads
the aircraft experiences.
Thus, the resulting life prediction would be adjusted accordingly.
If more data were available, a high-fidelity twin could be populated and that further improvements
in aircraft structure life-optimization would be possible.
Predictive Maintenance: With the help of sensors, data analytics and machine learning algorithms, digital twin
technology enables predictive maintenance of aircraft. It can alert maintenance staff about any impending failures, wear
and tear or abnormalities in the aircraft system.
Virtual Testing: Engineers and technicians can use digital twins to simulate different scenarios and test different
maintenance approaches without actually having to do the physical work on the aircraft. This not only reduces the time
and cost associated with physical testing but also minimizes the risk of damage to the aircraft during the testing process.
Component Maintenance: Digital Twin technology can also be used to simulate the performance of an aircraft’s
components. This allows maintenance teams to analyze how different scenarios could affect the aircraft and make
informed decisions about how to optimize maintenance strategies.
Training: Digital twin technology is also used in the training of aircraft maintenance personnel. It provides a realistic
and interactive environment for training purposes.
Cost Optimization: By using digital twin technology, maintenance staff can identify the most efficient and cost-
effective maintenance procedures.
Real-time simulation: Digital twin technology can create a virtual model of the
airspace and air traffic management system. This model can be used to simulate
different scenarios and test different strategies for managing air traffic. This can help
controllers make more informed decisions and optimize their operations.

Predictive analytics: Digital twins can use data from various sources, including
weather patterns, aircraft routes, and historical flight data, to predict potential problems
in the air traffic system. These predictions can help controllers plan and prepare for
potential disruptions and make adjustments to their operations to avoid delays and
improve efficiency.

Improved communication: Digital twin technology can enable better communication

between air traffic control operators, pilots, and ground crews, allowing for quicker
response times and more efficient coordination.
One of the key benefits of digital twin technology in the aerospace industry
is that it can be used to improve safety. For example, by creating a digital
twin of an aircraft engine, engineers can monitor its performance in real-
time and identify potential issues before they become serious safety risks.
This can help prevent accidents and improve overall safety.

Another benefit of digital twin technology is that it can be used to improve

reliability. By analyzing data from sensors and other sources, engineers can
identify patterns and trends in the performance of a physical system. This
can be used to predict when maintenance is needed, reducing the risk of
unexpected failures.
Transforming the aviation industry by improving
operational efficiency, reducing costs, and
improving safety.
Implementation of digital twin technology in
aviation is still in its early stages.
There are challenges to overcome such as data
management, cybersecurity, adoption etc.
Although there are challenges in this technology,
the benefits outweigh the challenges.

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