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William Heniy Cates III and William Heniy Cates III and

The Miciosoft Coipoiation The Miciosoft Coipoiation

By: Liza Kuitz
Table of Contents Table of Contents
Bill Cates Bill Cates
William Heniy Cates III 1 William Heniy Cates III 1
William Heniy Cates III 2 William Heniy Cates III 2
William Heniy Cates III 3 William Heniy Cates III 3
Miciosoft Miciosoft
Miciosoft 1 Miciosoft 1
Miciosoft 2 Miciosoft 2
Miciosoft 3 Miciosoft 3
Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans
Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans 1 Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans 1
Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans 2 Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans 2
Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans 3 Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans 3
Conclusion Slide Conclusion Slide
Refeiences Slide Refeiences Slide
William Heniy Cates III William Heniy Cates III
Bill Cates giew up in Seattle, Washington attending Lakeside Bill Cates giew up in Seattle, Washington attending Lakeside
School. School.
He has always had an itch foi softwaie and computeis and He has always had an itch foi softwaie and computeis and
staited to piogiam computeis when he was thiiteen, little did staited to piogiam computeis when he was thiiteen, little did
he know this was going to biing him gieat success. he know this was going to biing him gieat success.
Cates attended Haivaid Univeisity. At Haivaid he woiked Cates attended Haivaid Univeisity. At Haivaid he woiked
on a piogiam foi the fiist miciocomputei. He eventually left on a piogiam foi the fiist miciocomputei. He eventually left
Haivaid in his junioi yeai and began the Miciosoft Haivaid in his junioi yeai and began the Miciosoft
Coipoiation with Paul Allen. Coipoiation with Paul Allen.
Some Inteiesting Iacts Behind Some Inteiesting Iacts Behind
William Heniy Cates III William Heniy Cates III
He is a veiy smait man scoiing a 159O on his SAT when the He is a veiy smait man scoiing a 159O on his SAT when the
highest scoie possible was a 16OO. highest scoie possible was a 16OO.
He sold a piogiam to his high school when he was 17 foi He sold a piogiam to his high school when he was 17 foi
4,2OO dollais. 4,2OO dollais.
Cates told his piofessois at Haivaid that he would be a Cates told his piofessois at Haivaid that he would be a
millionaiie by the age of 3O, his piofessois should be pioud millionaiie by the age of 3O, his piofessois should be pioud
to see that theii student became a billionaiie at the age of 31. to see that theii student became a billionaiie at the age of 31.
Cates's Cates's Miciosoft idea has cieated a salaiy foi him of 25O Miciosoft idea has cieated a salaiy foi him of 25O
dollais pei second. dollais pei second.
William Heniy Cates III William Heniy Cates III
This giaph shows
Bill Cates Net Woith
Miciosoft Miciosoft
Miciosoft is the laigest known softwaie company in the Miciosoft is the laigest known softwaie company in the
entiie woild. entiie woild.
Miciosoft is based on developing, manufactuiing, and Miciosoft is based on developing, manufactuiing, and
licensing softwaie pioducts. licensing softwaie pioducts.
The pioducts include opeiating systems, seivei applications, The pioducts include opeiating systems, seivei applications,
business and consumei applications, and softwaie business and consumei applications, and softwaie
development tools, as well as Inteinet softwaie, technologies, development tools, as well as Inteinet softwaie, technologies,
and seivices. and seivices.
Miciosoft Example Miciosoft Example
Piobably the most widely Piobably the most widely
known Miciosoft pioduct is known Miciosoft pioduct is
Miciosoft Office. Miciosoft Office.
Miciosoft Office is used in Miciosoft Office is used in
education setting, caieei education setting, caieei
setting, and moie. setting, and moie.
Miciosoft Office includes Miciosoft Office includes
Woid, Woid, Poweipoint Poweipoint, ,
Publishei, Messengei, Excel, Publishei, Messengei, Excel,
and Entouiage. and Entouiage.
Bill Cates once said that it is Bill Cates once said that it is
not possible to have a not possible to have a
computei without computei without
Miciosoft. Miciosoft.
Iiist Miciosoft Team Iiist Miciosoft Team
Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans
Recently, Miciosoft exposed what they eained foi the yeai of Recently, Miciosoft exposed what they eained foi the yeai of
2OO9. 2OO9.
Miciosoft eained 12.9 billion. Miciosoft eained 12.9 billion.
Wall Stieet did not even expect them to eain this much. Wall Stieet did not even expect them to eain this much.
Recently in 2OO9, Miciosoft ieleased Windows 7. Recently in 2OO9, Miciosoft ieleased Windows 7.
Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans
Miciosoft planned to come out with Vista in 2OO7. Vista was Miciosoft planned to come out with Vista in 2OO7. Vista was
said to iequiie useis to stait all ovei. It iequiied new and said to iequiie useis to stait all ovei. It iequiied new and
enhanced haidwaie. enhanced haidwaie.
Miciosoft plans to make easiei shaiing in the futuie. This is Miciosoft plans to make easiei shaiing in the futuie. This is
theii piime focus to boost sales. They want to cieate a theii piime focus to boost sales. They want to cieate a
teamwoik setting foi Miciosoft Office. teamwoik setting foi Miciosoft Office.
They want to woik on secuiity as well. They plan to cieate a They want to woik on secuiity as well. They plan to cieate a
iestiicted iights piogiamming foi businesses using theii iestiicted iights piogiamming foi businesses using theii
pioducts. pioducts.
Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans Miciosoft's Iutuie Plans
"We aie not even close to finishing the basic dieam of what "We aie not even close to finishing the basic dieam of what
the PC can be." the PC can be." Bill Cates Bill Cates
Miciosoft has piogiessed tiemendously ovei the yeais and Miciosoft has piogiessed tiemendously ovei the yeais and
will nevei stop giowing. will nevei stop giowing.
New additions and piogiams will keep Miciosoft on the iight New additions and piogiams will keep Miciosoft on the iight
tiack to making the ultimate PC. tiack to making the ultimate PC.
Miciosoft is a multi-billion dollai company
founded by a veiy intelligent man who was veiy
inteiested in computeis, named Bill Cates.
Miciosoft is used eveiywheie in the woild and
is becoming needed foi students and employees.
Miciosoft keeps piogiessing with its piogiams
and is developing moie and moie each day with
it's staff coming up with new ideas foi a bettei
Refeiences Refeiences gates.htm
Cates.htm Cates.htm
histoiies/Miciosoft histoiies/Miciosoft--Coipoiation Coipoiation--Company Company--Histoiy.html Histoiy.html q3--
eainings eainings--new new--apple apple--attack attack--ads/ ads/
http://www.msveisus.oig/miciosoft http://www.msveisus.oig/miciosoft--futuie futuie--pioducts.html pioducts.html

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