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Evolution and palentology

Programme : Bs zoology ( 5th semester)

Topic: Potential modes of speciation
Submitted by : Muqaddas saleem
Submitted to: Dr. Bashir Ahmad
1.According to Mayr true speciation may occupy in
the following agencies:
A Instantaneous speciation:
(a): By single mutation in sexual specie.
(b): By macro -Genesis
2.Cytologically,In partially or wholly sexual spcie
(a):By chromosomal mutation or aberrations
(b):By polyploidy
B Gradual speciation :
(a): Geographical speciation
(b): Sympatric speciation
Instantaneous Speciation
The production of single individual that is
rreproductively isolated from the species to which
the parental stock belongs and that is reproductively
and ecologically able to establish a new species
1.Instantaneous speciation through ordinary
2.Instantaneous speciation through Macro - genesis
3.Instantaneous Speciation thorough chromosomal
Instantaneous Speciation through ordinary
Mutation is the genetic phenomenon of such
relatively high frequency that in higher animal
more than 10,000 gene loci almost every
individual will be the carrier of new mutation.
Such mutation may increase the hyterozygosity of
a population ; they do not
Lead to the Production of new species.
Certain phenomenon among rotifers ,Cladocerans
and nematodes Suggest the occasional occouernce
of asexual speciation
by mutation.
Instantaneous Speciation thorough macro
Genesis :
The sudden origin of new species,new higher
taxa ,or quite generally of new types by some
sort Of Saltation has been termed as macro-
Genesis.The macrogenesis theory of speciation
by Goldschmidt and Schindewolf.
According to this theory the production of new
type by complete genetic reconstruction
(macrogenesis) or by a major systematic
mutation or Macromutation .
Instantaneous Speciation thorough
chromosomal abberations:
Closely related species often differ more
Conspicuously in their karyotype than in their
Morphology.It is known that chromosomal
rearrangements in most cases does not produce
new species , however in few cases it produce
(I).Chromosomal rearrangements without
Except deleterious Chromosomal mutation most
kind of chromosomal abberation lead to
Chromosomal polymorphism rather than to the
development of isolating mechanism.
(II). There are following two advantages in
Chromosomal speciation; (a): Chromosomal
mutation has the potential to serve as Isolating
mecnhanism.(b): The locking up and potential
particularly favourable gene Complement
through a chromosomal mutation may create a
new supergene as Wallace.
(A). Chromosomal mutation as potential new
isolating :
Any change in the structure of chromosome is
is chromosomal mutation or chromosomal
abberation Wether it is an inversion, translocation or
(B).Chromosomal mutation and production of
new supergene:
Two aspect of chromosomal mutation: new super
gene production- reinforce each other.

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