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Bill Gates & Steve Jobs

Two Visionaries
Jerry Joss
Introduction Of Gates :
William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman oI
MicrosoIt Corporation, the worldwide leader
in soItware, services and solutions that help
people and businesses realize their Iull
Gates Upbringing :
Birth - Oct. 28, 1955, gates upbringing Seattle with
his two sisters.
Father, William H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney.
Late mother, Mary Gates was a schoolteacher,
University oI Washington regent, and chairwoman
oI United Way International.
W Gates was married on Jan. 1, 1994, to Melinda French
Gates Education :
Gates attended public elementary school and the
private Lakeside School.
Discovered his interest in soItware and began
programming computers at age 13.
In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a
At Harvard, Gates developed a version
programming language BASIC- Iirst
microcomputer - The MITS Altair.
$ ission :
MicrosoIt's mission has been to continually
advance and improve soItware technology,
and to make it easier, more cost-eIIective
and enjoyable Ior people to use computers.
iII Gates - icrosoft :
Founder member along with Paul Allen.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
April, 1975.
BASIC Language- Foundation Ior MicrosoIt.
!rogress of $ :
W By 1980 Two other languages COBOL &
W Moved to Bellevue, Washington, in 1980.
W MS-DOS for BM.
acts :
MicrosoIt revenues US$51.12 billion
July2006 - June 2007.
Employs :78,000 people.
Presence: 105 countries and regions.
On June 15, 2006, MicrosoIt announced that
eIIective July 2008 Gates will transition out oI
a day-to-day role.
Gates After 2008 :
W Continuing to serve as Microsoft's
W An advisor on key development projects.
W The two-year transition process is to
ensure that there is a smooth and orderly
transfer of Gates' daily responsibilities.
$teps by iII Gates :
W Growth of MS
W Appointed Steve Ballmer., 1983 Jon
W Ballmer as advisor to Bill & MS.
$uccess :
W 1990 MS is Monopoly.
W Bill richest man in world.
W Other innovations.
Gates as Philanthropy :
!ilantropy - important to Gates.
Investment : $28.8 billion (as of 1anuary
!ilantropic initiatives in te areas of
global ealt and learning.
Bill Melinda Gates Foundation:
%e Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as
$3.6 billion to organizations working in global
$2 billion to improve learning opportunities
$477 million to community projects in te !acific
$488 million to special projects and annual
giving campaigns.
"uotes :
Education is the most important investment Ior
the Iuture
Technology is going to be a critical element oI
the classroom experiencing, having a machine,
that students can get on and work with, and
having the teachers, and the curriculum, and
all the elements that connect up to that.
We measure ourselves by creating success Ior
our partners. iI we can grow them, that's a key
Iactor in growing our own opportunity.
iII's Thoughts :
I'm oIten asked, is the technology revolution
going to reach an end, the improvement in the
chips and the soItware will that start to slow
down as we reach some limit? And the answer
is, certainly in the decades ahead, we don't see
any limits.
I think the Iramework oI competitiveness is a
Iantastic one, because aIter all, the world as a
whole is becoming more competitive. And this
is an opportunity where everyone can beneIit.
As you move down to a
younger age, it's muc
more te social
framework tat te
teacer creates, te
motivation around
tat teacer tat
makes a big difference.
AWARD - from te
Applied Materials &
ooks on iII :
Essays by Bill.
The Road Ahead
Inside Out
Business the Speed oI Thought
$teve Jobs :
W Birth 1955 Los Altos CA;
W With Steve Wozniak, co-founded Apple
Computer Corporation
and became a multimillionaire before the age of
W Subsequently started the NeXT Corporation-
provide an educational system at a reasonable
W Found that software was a better seller than
W Provide an educational system at a reasonable
W Found that software was a better seller than
$teve's Education :
W Steve Jobs was considered a brilliant young
man in Silicon Valley, because he saw the
future demands of the computer industry.
W n 1972 Jobs graduated from high school and
register at Reed College in Portland, Oregon.
$teve & AppIe :
W Dream: To develop Affordable & easy to use PC.
W Licensed BASC.
W Vision: GU-OS.
W Jobs and Wozniak put together their first
computer, called the Apple . They marketed it in
1976 at a price of $666.
$teve Jobs : Vision
W Goal: To change the world with his
W Not hardcore programmer.
W PC to Public.
$teve Jobs & AppIe Computers :
W MAC- using GU.
W MS-DOS/Mac to People.
W Apple Dwarfed MS.
Job's words :
W "We have thought about this very hard and it
oId be easy for us to come out with an I
Iook-aIike product, and put the AppIe Iogo
on it, and seII a Iot of AppIes. Our earning
per share wouId go up and our stock hoIders
wouId be happy, but we think that wouId be
the wrong thing to do," says Jobs.
$teve's $teps :
W Problem brewing With success.
W Licensed MS to develop Application S/W.
W Demanding of his employees.
W Wosniak left in 1985.
#esuIt :
W Steve replaced by John Scully.
W Apple niche market player.
W Steve opened new companies.
AppIe At Turn of Century :
W 1998: Steve returned as interim CEO of
W Changed as Manager and Leader.
W The five empIoyees that would leave with
him were :
W #ich !age - Apple Fellow & company's most
important engineering designers,
W DanieI Lewin - the marketing manager for
higher education business,
W ud TribbIe - the manager of software
engineering for Macintosh
W $usan arnes - Senior controller for US
Sales and marketing,
W George Crow - engineering manager with
vast Macintosh experience.
W Together, they knew Apple's internal schedules,
costs, focus of next products, schedule of when
Apple would introduce them, how they would be
used, and which individuals and universities
Apple would work with to ensure their success.
A $oftware Company :
W After leaving Apple, Jobs' new
revolutionary ideas were not in hardware
but in software of the computer industry. n
1989 Jobs tried to do it all over again with
a new company called NextStep.
The Next $tep
W Jobs soId over $20 miIIion - AppIe stock,
W $pent days bicycIing aIong the beach,
feeIing sad and Iost, toured !aris, and
journeyed on to ItaIy.
W Late August - he began to catch his breath.
W Jobs recoIIect his experience at AppIe.
W Wrote down the things that were important
to him.
W AIong with the deveIopment of the
acintosh, he Iisted three educationaI
projects he had Iaunched:
1. Kids Can't Wait,
2. AppIe Education oundation,
3. AppIe University Consortium.
W Jobs said, "Our primary mission is to
estabIish Next$tep as a Ieading operating
system in the Nineties." Now, Jobs invisions
Next$tep wiII revoIutionize the computer
industry by its operating system software
which incorporates a hot technoIogy. It's
caIIed object-oriented programming (OO!,
and OO! Iets programmers write software in
a fraction of the usuaI time.
Jobs saying :
W Inspiration came - eginning of $eptember
1985 when he had Iunch with
W !auI erg - a NobeI Iaureate in biochemistry
at $tandford University.
W erg said most universities did not have the
necessary computers and software.
W "That's when I started to reaIIy think about
this stuff and get my wheeIs turning again,"
says Jobs.
W On $eptember 12, 1985 $teve rose in the
board meeting and said in a fIay -
W "I've been thinking a Iot and it's time for me
to get on with my Iife. It's obvious that I've
got to do something. I'm thirty years oId."
offering to resign as chairman.
W "In my 20 years in the industry, I have
never seen a revoIution as profound as
this. You can buiId software IiteraIIy
five to ten times faster, and that
software is more reIiabIe, easier to
maintain, and more powerfuI," says
W Next$tep squeezed its way into
the fieId of being a good
pIatform for companies to buiId
object oriented programming
W Jobs beIieves icrosoft has not
transformed itseIf into an agent for
improving things or a company that
wiII Iead the next revoIution in
software deveIopment.
W Jobs has become very concerned because
he sees icrosoft competing very fierceIy to
put a Iot of companies out of business.
W This is hurting innovation in the computer
industry. Jobs feeIs the computer industry
needs an aIternative to icrosoft's software
in computer systems.
W He hopes peopIe wiII turn to Next$tep
Bill Vs Steve Bill Vs Steve
Understands Understands
Limitations of oneself Limitations of oneself
Delegates things. Delegates things.
Right people at right Right people at right
places at right time. places at right time.
Understands the Understands the
Trend & needs. Trend & needs.
Dictatorial Dictatorial
Employee Employee
Relationship? Relationship?
Demanding Demanding
Understands silent Understands silent
needs. needs.
Bill Vs. Steve Bill Vs. Steve
Employee Employee
management. management.
Persuasive & Persuasive &
Tactical. Tactical.
Organized. Organized.
Ethics? Ethics?
Can not anticipate Can not anticipate
Threat. Threat.
Conflict Conflict
management? management?
Overconfident & not Overconfident & not
tactical. tactical.
Learns from mistakes. Learns from mistakes.
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