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Sahana Chowdhury
BSc in Physiotherapy
4th year
Roll- 835
Kinetic Chain Exercises
Open vs Close Kinetic Chain
Learning Outcome
• Differentiate between the concept of close kinetic chain exercise and
open kinetic chain exercise
• Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of using close vs open
kinetic chain exercise
• Analyze the mechanics of open & close kinetic chain exercise
• Identify various types of open and close kinetic chain exercise for
upper and lower extremities
• Percieve the evidence’s view regarding use of close vs open kinetic
chain exercise.

In 1995 Dr Arthur Steindler defined the kinetic chain as a

“combination of several successively arranged joints
constituting a complex motor unit.”
This series, or chains, can be open or closed.
(Ellenbecker et al., 2001).
Open Kinetic Chain Exercise
• A combination of successively arranged joints in which the terminal
segments can move freely”.
• Thus the distal segment of the extremity is free to move in space, for
 Waving a hand
 Moving the foot during the swing phase of gait
 Doing a seated knee extension
(Ellenbecker et al., 2001)
Techniques(Seated leg extension)
Movement only occurs at knee joint targeting

Motion primarily occurs at only in the sagittal


Femur remain stationary while tibia is moving

The distal segment lower leg is freely moving

in space during exercise
Clinical Relevance
• Open kinetic chain exercises can be used to improve the strength and
function of an isolated muscle or muscle group. This can be beneficial
early in a rehabilitation program.
(Kwon et al., 2013)
Open Kinetic Chain Exercises
• OKC activities are used primarily to develop muscular strength
• Increased acceleration forces
• Decreased resistance forces
• Increased distraction and rotational forces
• Promotes functional activity
• Often isolated to single joint motion
(Hyde & Gengenbach., 2007)
Open Chain Upper-Body Kinetic Exercises

Bench press
Biceps curl

Chest-fly Triceps extension

Open Chain Lower-Body Kinetic Exercises
• Plantar /

Hamstring Curl
Seated leg extension
Close Kinetic chain exercise
• Closed Kinetic Chain (CKC) exercises or closed chain exercises are
exercises or movements where the distal aspect of the extremity is
fixed to an object that is stationary.
(Kwon et al., 2013)
Techniques (Standing Squat)
Linear stress pattern produced at
tibiofemoral joint due to axial joint

Movement occurs at multiple joint e.g

Hip, knee, ankle.

While descending in squat the hip, knees

flex and muscular co - contraction occurs.

The feet are distal segment of this

exercise and they stay stationary. So the
squat is a close kinetic chain exercise.
Clinical Relevance
• Strengthen core muscle.
• Stabilize posture.
• More functional and safer.
Closed Chain Exercises
• Increase joint compressive forces
• Increase joint stability
• Decrease shear forces
• Decrease acceleration forces
• Stimulation of proprioceptors
• Enhanced dynamic stability
• More safer and produce less threatening forces
• Co-activation and co-contraction
• Functional
Close Chain Upper-Body Kinetic Exercises

Push up Pull up
Handstand push
Close Chain Lower-Body Kinetic Exercises

Leg press Back squat Front squat

Close VS Open Chain exercise
Characteristic Close chain exercise Open kinetic chain
Nature of joint segment Both segments move One stationary other
simultaneously mobile
Number of joint axis Multiple One primary
Number of moving joints Multiple joint movements Isolated joint motion
Planes of movement Multiple One
Muscular involvement Significant co contraction Isolation of muscle group,
Minimal co contraction
Movement pattern Significant functionally Often non functional
Muscle Action in the Kinetic Chain
• Open chain – Muscle origin is fixed with insertion moving.
• Closed chain – Muscle insertion segment is fixed and muscle work to
move origin.
Use of CKC vs OKC exercise
CKC were effective in improving
dynamic balance in young healthy
women (Kim et al., 2017).

The effectiveness of OKC VS CKC

found no evidence one over other
What (Jewiss et al.,2017)
Evidence CKC exercise were effective to
Says reduce the risk of fall and disease
effect of osteoporotic neck of
femur(Thabet et al., 2017)

OKC & CKC exercises effective for

short term changes on pain &
disability in rotator cuff tendinopathy
(Heron et al.,2017)
• Ellenbecker, T.S. and Davies, G.J., 2001. Closed kinetic chain
exercise: a comprehensive guide to multiple joint exercise.
Human Kinetics.
• Kwon, Y.J., Park, S.J., Jefferson, J. and Kim, K., 2013. The
effect of open and closed kinetic chain exercises on dynamic
balance ability of normal healthy adults. Journal of physical
therapy science, 25(6), pp.671-674.
• Hyde, T.E. and Gengenbach, M.S. eds., 2007. Conservative
management of sports injuries. Jones & Bartlett Learning
• Kim, M.K. and Yoo, K.T., 2017. The effects of open and closed kinetic
chain exercises on the static and dynamic balance of the ankle joints in
young healthy women. Journal of physical therapy science, 29(5),
• Jewiss, D., Ostman, C. and Smart, N., 2017. Open versus closed
kinetic chain exercises following an anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of
Sports Medicine, 2017.
• Heron, S.R., Woby, S.R. and Thompson, D.P., 2017. Comparison of
three types of exercise in the treatment of rotator cuff
tendinopathy/shoulder impingement syndrome: A randomized
controlled trial. Physiotherapy, 103(2), pp.167-173.
• Thabet, A.A.E.M., Alshehri, M.A., Helal, O.F. and Refaat, B., 2017.
The impact of closed versus open kinetic chain exercises on
osteoporotic femur neck and risk of fall in postmenopausal women.
Journal of physical therapy science, 29(9), pp.1612-1616.

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