Week 17 - Music Videos Making and Critique

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Week 17: Marketing and Branding: Music Videos

Aphex Twin come to daddy

Discussion: Formative 2
Lone Taxidermist/ Nat Sharp
Hype Williams
Chris Cunningham

A couple of favourites...
Any favourite directors?
be inspired!

Understand how you might use video in your development plan

Understand key practical and creative considerations

basic equipment and practice

Budget considerations

Look at case studies and compare big – small budgets

Critically appraise music videos

Beautiful but are they successful?

What makes a music Video successful?

Do we need Music Videos?

Research Task:

Watch one music video per group:

Use your video planning template to analyse it.

Find related promotional material (if there is any??)

Estimate the budget

Critique it.
Video one (Group one)
Video two (Group 2)
Video three (Group 3)
Video four (Group 3)
Shotlist: What did you notice?  

Outline the narrative. How does the shot list help illustrate it?
Is it clear or abstract? Does it relate to the song?
Techniques used ? (e.g. shot, lighting)
What about the edit? Quick edit? long shots?

List of people involved:
(do some research, or make an informed guess- is it makeup, Location? two cameras? Animation?)

What props and items/ people were budgeted for?
Which items might have been free?

What do you think the challenges were?

(weather, lighting, location, effects, risks? syncing?)
How would you overcome/ mitigate these?

How many days did it take to shoot? (make a guess)

What was the budget? (guess or research)
Discussion & feedback
Key elements of many music videos

Artist performing to camera

A story/ narrative

Combination of both

Any I’ve missed?

Lead Lines and Symmetry: Give some examples from your music video:
Creative considerations: What are they? Where to start?

Narrative- start with the story

From what / whose perspective?

Imagine the scenes and then make a list of scenes and angles- a
storyboard- often looks a bit like a comic strip.

Who shares your creative vision? An art director/ stylist is a must!

Some say the story is told in
the edit. What do they mean
by this?

It’s important that you’re

involved in the edit.

Try to approach your coverage and

angles as your raw material

The edit gives it narrative and energy

(e.g quick edits, slow edits)
It is essential to show your shot list to a camera person and discuss how many angles
and which coverage you need. This will affect how many cameras and how many
days shooting are needed
Practical considerations: What are they? Where to start?

Equipment and prop list and who is responsible. Include food/ warmth/ water!!

Call sheet- everyone’s name number and role

Make a timetabled shot list( e.g. wide angle shot of field – 15 mins)- time is money!
How much time do you have? One day?

Will you use archive material? Animation? Protected location? Who will you need to ask
permission from/ credit?

Are there any risks? To people or the film? Make sure you have those covered? (e.g. hazards,
temperature, food? Transport of equipment?)

Who will edit the film, and have you asked them for how long it will take and
budget? E.g. x 5 days @£150 per day
Basic equipment- what is it?

Props /makeup / set Lighting


Location! Essential – your first consideration

Lenses (make sure they do what you want them to)


What are the major takeaway learnings about budget from videos you’ve seen?

Does Budget buy quality?

Look for favours and skill exchanges

Make sure you see a music video as a content/ asset generation opportunity for a campaign
How do Music videos this fit in with the portfolio / summative?

If you are feeling ambitious now – embed a video into your development plan!

You can refer back to your marketing plan and look at music videos
used in your case study ( if they used one) How will you use some of their approach?

Or at least ensure you have got some good photos and snippets of activity lined up

Ensure that making a music video(s) are in your 2-5 year plan.
be inspired!

Understand how you might use video in your development plan

Understand key practical and creative considerations

basic equipment and practice

Budget considerations

Look at case studies and compare big – small budgets

Critically appraise music videos


Bin bag head heart


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