Week 19 F2 Feedback and Your Career

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Week 19, Term 2.

Formative Assessment 2 and Careers

Today’s objectives:
• 1. Gain a clear overview of main feedback points from your formative assessment.

• 2. Plan steps to take when developing your career

• 3. review any areas for development in your portfolio and work on them
F2: Feedback Greatest Hits

Bangers: Clangers:
• Interesting and inspiring use of case • If you need an extension – ask do not assume.
studies • Don’t ask for an extension the night before
• Broadly good use of references deadline
• Thinking about changes over time in • DO NOT plagiarise or us AI (Google Bard,
industry Chat GPT) There is no point-
• Good discussion of COVID and we have apps for those and you’ll get caught.
• Lots of good stats and charts
F2: Feedback Greatest Hits
One Hit Wonders (Areas to watch out for when writing)

• Use formal language. Writing from the first person is fine in a measured way. Creative use of language is good- but formalize it!
• Make sure you talk about the stats you are using- what do they suggest? E.g. fig 2 suggests that ....

• Proof, proof proof, spell check and then proof again.

• Referencing. If you can’t find a source, is it available somewhere else? Try not to use N.D, or Anon.

• Breadth and depth of sources. MOST of your references should be academic journals. Think of your Reference list as a badge of quality.

• Don’t make big generalizations –like ‘ the music industry has become saturated with Music’ or ‘it is cutthroat’ without backing it up.

• Introductions and Conclusions can be sexy (sort of). They could include an interesting quote that sums up your report or a key point or
provides an entry point into the discussion- even lyrics. Illuminate your writing.

• Each point you make must show how this affects your working practices as an artist
• Don’t forget a branding section (some of you have)

• Write about how your research as a whole and your case study affects your campaign. Remember to think about how you will use
budgets and promote your self!
Break time
Thinking about where you are now

Vote - where are you at the moment?

Where to start?

Useful Creative Industries Job search resources

Creative Access: Diversifying creative Industries >

Arts Emergency: Get a creative mentor and career support >

The dots professional networking for Creatives>

The Mighty Creatives – Employ Me programme

Arts Jobs>
Useful Project Funding resources

Youth Music Next Gen fund > make music projects happen- deadline is May ‘23

Princes Trust: Business start ups, job support and confidence-building>

Musicians Union list of grants and funding for musicians.

Help Musicians UK

PRS for Music Funding

Arts Council England

Useful Artist development programmes and residencies

Orchestras Live- Trainee Music Leader Programme

Bidston Observatory – lab to develop new work (£20 per day bring your own equipment)

Britten Pears Arts

Sage Gateshead

Manchester Jazz Festival

Opera North
What about Freelancing?

Invoicing and Tax returns

Contracts (MU Can advise)

What to charge? See MU rates>

Pension (again MU is useful)

Networking – selling your skills

You are only as good as your last job...

Paid for planning time as well as delivery


Post-graduate Qualifications


PGCE? (teaching certificate)

What do you need to find out?

What are your questions?

Use the opportunities on the slides to fill in the worksheet. (half an hour)

Use the Miro board to tell me who you would like to hear from in future
sessions on careers.

Task 2: Portfolio
In pairs or individually:

review collaborations and progress against development plan,

adjust development plan if required
Reflect on progress and complete journal entries
Questions / Recap
Summative Assessment 1:
Portfolio Submission: 11.59pm
Sunday 14th May 2023
Are you planning to this date?
What Next?
Complete today’s task and
Keep working on your research. Review your feedback
portfolio- see module from peers and make additions to
guide for a list of what to elements of your report and
include portfolio.

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