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Chapter 1 (A)

The Science of Life

Inicio Fondos Planific. Tareas Pruebas
Biology ( 生物学 )
Living things/ Non-living
Organisms things
生物 非生物
Life phenomenon/
Characteristics of Life
生命现象 / 生命特征
Characteristics of Life
1. Organisms are made up of cells ( 细胞 ).
2. Organisms gain energy and materials through the
process of nutrition ( 营养作用 ).
3. Organisms respire ( 呼吸 ).
4. Organisms remove metabolic waste products
through excretion ( 排泄作用 ).
5. Organisms grow ( 生长 ) and develop ( 发育 ).
Characteristics of Life

6. Organisms move ( 运动 ).
7. Organisms reproduce ( 生殖 ).
8. Organisms are able to detect and respond to
stimuli ( 感应并且对刺激作出反应 ).
9. Organisms adapt ( 适应 ) to increase their chances
of survival.
It must meet all criteria to be
considered a living organism!

Made up of cells
1. Made up of cells

• All living organisms are made up of cells.

• unicellular organism 单细胞生物
• multicellular organism 多细胞生物

• Cells of an organism carry out activities and chemical

reaction necessary for the organism to stay alive.
1. Made up of cells
• Levels of organization in multicellular organisms ( 多细
胞生物的结构层次 ):
细胞 组织 器官 系统 生物
• Cell →Tissue →Organ →System →Organism

Nutrition 营养作用
2. Nutrition
能量 物质
• Organisms gain energy and materials they need from
their food, in order to stay alive and to create and
maintain its structures.

• Carbohydrates 碳水化合物 / 糖类
• Proteins 蛋白质
• Lipids 脂质
• Mineral salts 矿物盐
• Vitamins 维生素
• Water 水
2. Nutrition
Inorganic nutrients Organic nutrients
无机营养 有机营养
Small molecules (or ions), Relatively large molecules, all
most not containing carbon containing the element
(except , CO). carbon (碳) .
• Water (O) • Amino acids 氨基酸
• Fat 脂肪
• Mineral
矿物盐 salts : , • Sugar 糖类(碳水化合
• Carbon dioxide () 物)
• Vitamins (维生素)
Types of nutrition

Autotrophic Nutrition Heterotrophic Nutrition

自生营养 异生营养

• Organisms make their • Organisms can't make

own food. their own food.
• They depend upon other
organisms for food.
Light energy

+O +Chlorophylls

algae plants
Types of Heterotrophic Nutrition
Holozoic nutrition
01 全动物式营养

Saprophytic nutrition
03 Symbiotic nutrition
03 共生营养

Parasitic nutrition
04 寄生营养
Holozoic Nutrition
Large, complex organic food molecules are
taken into body, which are then digested 消化 ,
absorbed 吸收 and assimilated 同化 .
Saprophytic Nutrition
• The organisms obtain their food from dead and decaying 腐
烂 organic matter.
• The saprophytic organisms release digestive enzymes in
their surrounding medium to convert the complex organic
molecules into simple forms. 
• Digestion is extracellular. Digested products are absorbed
into cells.
Symbiotic Nutrition/
Mutualistic Nutrition
Organisms of different species exist in a
relationship in which each individual benefits from
the activity of the other.

Parasitic Nutrition
Parasitic organism lives on the body surface or
inside the body of another type of organism (a host)
and gets nutrition directly from the host.
Respiration 呼吸作

3. Respiration

• Respiration is the breakdown of food substances

(such as glucose) to release energy for cellular
Types of respiration

Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration

有氧呼吸 无氧呼吸

• Breakdown of glucose in • Breakdown of glucose in

the presence of oxygen the absence of oxygen
with release of a large with release of a small
amount of energy. amount of energy.
Comparison between aerobic and anaerobic respiration

Aerobic respiration Differences Anaerobic respiration

Oxygen is present. Availability of Oxygen is absent.
Complete oxidation of Oxidation of glucose Incomplete oxidation of
glucose. glucose.
Carbon dioxide, water Products of respiration • (in muscle cells)
and energy. lactic acid and
乳酸发酵 Lactate fermentation energy
• (in yeast) ethanol,
carbon dioxide and
酒精发酵 Alcoholic fermentation energy
A large amount of energy Amount of energy A small amount of
is released. released energy is released.
Comparison between aerobic and anaerobic respiration

Aerobic respiration Differences Anaerobic respiration

+ → + O + energy Chemical equation Lactate fermentation:
→ + energy

Alcoholic fermentation:
→ + + energy

Mitochondria 线粒体 Where the process takes Cytoplasm 细胞质


Excretion 排泄作用
4. Excretion
• Metabolism 新陈代谢
• the sum of all the life-sustaining biochemical
reactions that take place within the cell

• Metabolism can be divided into anabolism and

• Anabolism ( 同化作用 / 合成代谢 )
• Catabolism ( 异化作用 / 分解代谢 )
Comparison between anabolism and catabolism

Anabolism Catabolism

• Complex molecules are • Complex molecules are

synthesized from broken down into
simpler molecules. simpler molecules.

• Input of energy • Release of energy

Comparison between anabolism and catabolism
4. Excretion
• Some metabolic reactions produce waste substances
that are useless or even harmful to the organism.

• Organisms remove metabolic waste products through


• Excretory products: carbon dioxide, water, mineral

salts, nitrogenous waste products (ammonia 氨 , urea
尿素 , uric acid 尿酸 )
Growth and Development
Types of respiration

Growth 生长 Development 发育

• a permanent increase in • physiological and

the mass and volume of functional maturation
an organism due to cell ( 成熟 ) of the organism
division ( 细 胞 分 裂 )
and cell enlargement ( 细 • organism become more
胞生长 ) complex
Types of respiration

Growth 生长 Development 发育
Movement and Locomotion
6. Movement and Locomotion
Movement 移动 Locomotion 运动
Move body parts Move body parts
No change in position Change in position
What would you call the following as – movement (M) or locomotion
(L) ?
1. The elephant uses its trunks to pick up sticks. ( )M
2. The cow uses its tail to drive away flies. ( )M
3. A mouse runs into a hole. ( L)

4. The bees leave their hive in search of pollen. ( )L

5. Johan kicks the football into the goal. ( )M
6. The cat jumps on to the window. ( )L
Reproduction 生殖作用
7. Reproduction
• Biological process by which new individual, offspring
子代 are produced from their parents

• Reproduction is necessary to ensure:

• The continuation of the species 物种的延续
• The passing down of an individual’s genetic
information ( 遗传信息 ) to future generations 将
Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction
有性生殖 无性生殖
Production of offspring through fusion Production of offspring without
( 结 合 ) of gametes ( 配 子 ) to formation and fusion of gametes.
form zygote (受精卵) .
Produces offspring that are genetically Produces offspring that are genetically
different from their parents. identical to the parent.

• Mammals 哺乳类 • Amoeba sp. 变形虫

• Birds 鸟类 • Paramecium sp. 草履虫
• Reptiles 爬行类 • Hydra sp. 水螅
• Amphibians 两栖类 • Rhizopus sp. 面包霉
• Fish 鱼类 • Yeast 酵母菌
• Flowering plants 有花植物 • Mosses 苔藓
Sensitivity 感应现象
8. Sensitivity

• Sensitivity is the ability of an organism to detect and

respond to stimuli in the environment.

• Such a change or external influence is called stimulus

(plural: stimuli) 刺激 .

• The reaction of an organism to a stimulus is known as

a response 反应 .
The shoots of plants grow towards the light.

When we touch something very hot, we will

immediately remove our hands from it.
A zebra runs away from lions.

When Mimosa pudica is touched, its
leaves automatically fold up.
Adaptability 适应性
9. Adaptability

• Adaptation is any characteristic of an organism that

improves its chances of surviving in its environment.

• Living organisms are able to adjust and adapt to

changes in their environment.

• Non-living things do not show adaptive responses.

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