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Buting Senior High School

Humanities and Social Sciences  

11 - HUMSS B 

I. Introduction
II.       Body


• Comprehension
• Synthesis
• Application

IV.    CONCLUSION A Term Paper Presented to Lido Jardio from the Social
Science Department of Buting Senior High School
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Humanities and
Social Sciences Strand
I. Introduction
II.       Body
• Knowledge
• Comprehension
• Analysis
Baluso, Jazeerah Eve P. 
• Synthesis Arconada, Rhostie U. 
• Application Glomar, Mark P.
Leonor, Kristel B.

March 2023
 John Spacey (2021) defines Political Ideology as the foundational political belief. It is a
series of ideas based on an active belief system that can be a guide to political action. As we
know, Philippine Politics consists of an organized framework that is led by the President. The
power is then divided into three equal powers.

The Philippines is a democratic and republic country where the president is the head of both the
state and the government in a multi-party system. The president is directly elected by the people.
The power is then divided equally among three branches; The Legislative, Executive, and the
Judicial branch. These three parties work together to divide power and promote common good
to form an effective and unified government. Like any other countries, the Philippine Politics
rely on harmony and personal relationships. (Rodaje, 2020).    

After assessing the concept of Philippine Politics, let us evaluate the depth of the characteristics
and relevance of Political Ideology. 
A. Knowledge

     During the French Revolution, Antoine Destutt de Tracy (1754-1834) first used the term
“Ideology” in the concept of Political Science. Ideologie is derived from the two terms Idea and -
logy combined, which means “science of Ideas” (Heywood, 2012). By this, Ideology was used as a
political weapon to criticize an array of ideas or belief systems. 
 Today, ideology could mean different things to different people. It is simply put as a set of
related ideas or systematic group of concepts and beliefs about culture, society, and human life.
(Rodaje, 2020). 
•      A set of related beliefs about political theory
and policy held by an individual, group of
individuals or a particular social class.  •     Ideologies have their levels end in –ism.

• Form the basis of how they view the world • Ideologies provide an explanation for
around them and the proper role of government problems that confront modern societies
in the world. by providing futuristic vision.

• A set of ideas and principles that explain how the • Ideology is action – oriented.
society should work and offer the blueprint for a
certain social order. • Ideologies mobilize a large number of
• Largely concerns itself with how to allocate
power and to what ends it should be used.

• Ideologies address basic human psychological needs such as

safety, freedom, and community.

• Ideology provides its believers with a sense of understanding

history and with clues about what kinds of things they should
pay attention to or ignore.

• Ideology is essential.

• Ideology is powerful.

 Conservatism promotes the preservation of traditional social institutions by accepting the
hierarchy in the social order/classes in order to secure stability and continuity in society. 

Features of Conservatism:
 Absolute Monarchy - Form of government with unlimited power

 State Religions - Religion officially endorsed by the state

 Divine Rights (Hierarchy) - Absolute authority in both political and spiritual manners. 

 Hereditary Privilege/Property Rights - Available only to citizens, and the status of the citizens
are hereditary. 
 Liberalism is derived from the word “liber” which means “free men”. slaves. Liberalism is a
synonym to Liberty and Equality which transcend to individual welfare, civil rights, peaceful
political system, and social change within the existing democratic political system. 

Features of Liberalism:
 Individualism – Civil Rights

 Freedom – Freedom of Speech, Assembly, Religion etc.

 Democracy –Equality, Reason and Toleration

 Free Market–Capitalism, Property Rights, Competition

 Secular Government – Republic, Civil Service

 Nationalism is an ideology that promotes the interest of a particular nation. It aims to build a single
National identity based on shared social characteristics of Culture, Ethnicity, Geographic location,
Language, Politics, Religion, Traditions and Belief in a shared singular history.

Goals of Nationalism:
 Self – Determination

 National Identity

 Gov’t Control of National Wealth

 National Interest

 National Development
 Socialism is derived from the word ‘socialist’ which in Latin means to combine or to share. It prefers
cooperation over competition within the society. It adheres to social equality which is the main way
to attain social stability and cohesion. (Heywood, 2011).

Features of Socialism:
 Public Ownership of Means of Production

 Centralized Planning

 Social Equality

 Social Security/Social Welfare

 Collective Ownership of Property

B.       Comprehension

      Ideology is the “Science of Ideas” with the goal of social and political improvement. It is a
personal belief based on one’s personal value in attaining an organized organization. 


  Belief is the people’s assessment of reality. It is what they see as true based on their personal
perspective. Whereas value is what people perceive to be right or wrong. These two concepts
being put together forms Ideology, where people create political ideas based on their personal
perspective and personal values. 

 It provides plans of actions for the public in order to justify, explain, or change the political
arrangement and process of a political community. 
Since an ideology is subjective and is based on a personal perspective, not everyone will agree to
one’s ideology. That is why laws and enforcements are being applied in order to validate a person’s
political idea in order to enforce an “ideal” application. 


   Since Political Ideologies serve as an action-plan, it is considered as a blueprint that provides

explanations that can be a possible solution to problems in our modern society. 
Ideologies are formed through personal perspective; a person’s values or beliefs. Thus, each
individual will have a different idea on certain aspects when it comes to their own safety,
freedom, and community. Through this, we can understand what a person is aiming for. 
Ideologies are theoretical means to very real ends. It can be correct and helpful to make the
ends meet, or it can lead to disastrous outcomes. No matter what idea comes to mind, ideologies
are always for the common good, based on personal beliefs and values. 
    Conservatism is a social, cultural and political doctrine that preserves traditional institutions and practices.
This means that they accept whatever is rooted from their culture and history. They favor institutions and
practices that guarantee stability and evolve gradually. They often oppose modernism and stick to whatever is
rooted from their culture.

   Liberalism is the belief that individual freedom of a person should be used as a basis to a just society. It ensures
the life of an individual to life, liberty and property- which is its highest goal of government. Its main goal is to
construct institutions that protect individual freedom while limiting and checking political power. 

  Nationalism is an ideology based on an individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state. This promotes the
interest of a particular nation especially when it aims to maintain and gain a Nation’s Sovereignty. They believe
that the Nation should govern themselves and must be free from outside interference. 

  Socialism is a socio-economic system where property and distribution of wealth is controlled by the workers. This
means that the productions are owned by the state, community, or the workers. 
C.          Analysis
       We now know that Ideology revolves around ideas, where people create their own belief or theory to maintain
a specific goal; to preserve common good and promote political improvement. How do we prove its effectiveness
and relevance? 
         Well, we can prove it by looking at some of the countries that run under a certain ideology. Take note; that
Ideologies are theoretical means to very real ends. This means that not all good ideas have good outcomes. Some
ideologies are doable, however, not applicable. With that said, let us distinguish ideologies in different cases. 

         According to an article revised under World Atlas (2023), New Zealand ranked as the most liberal country. New
Zealand has a good history regarding fundamental rights and freedom. People exercise their political opinions through
the electoral process just while the taxation level among the working class is among the lowest in the world. In
Switzerland, direct democracy has been decentralized, civil liberties are protected by law, and the country has a good
history regarding human rights. By this, we can say that liberalism is effective when exercised properly. See, when
individual freedom is taken care of in a healthy manner, the people will come and comply healthily as well. It will
exercise a give and take relationship, where the people give their freedom by voting, and the government takes it and
provides good governance. 
 Conservatism is then most applied in Pakistan. However, to me, I don’t see it as an effective way of improving
politics. After all, in order to achieve the people’s wants and needs, adjustments and modernizations should be
applied; for the world and economy is always growing. Sticking to the same culture and tradition when dealing
with modern conflicts can possibly lead to a conflict between a country’s government and its people. 

The Filipinos have an ideology based on an egalitarian ideal, is humanist and democratic. it identifies with the
historical struggle of the Filipinos for freedom and justice and their national liberation, and commits itself to a
program of action that will promote national identity, national unity, social justice, participatory democracy,
rational and honest development, freedom of belief, and adherence to the ideals of the United Nations for peace
and fraternity amongst all nations and amongst all men. The Filipinos based this ideology on our history, when
the Philippines has been colonized, and rights have been taken away from us. I don’t see the Filipino ideology
effective. After all, Filipinos still fail to choose the right leaders that will represent and lead the country. 

Filipinos still fail to distinguish which party has good governance, and which party will bring the country back
on its feet. 
D.       Synthesis
We must always keep in mind that ideologies are just theories, and the ones doing the action to
apply such theories are none other than us. So no matter how effective the ideology is, without
the cooperation and unity of the people, it will only stay as it is. 

The reason why the Philippines stay as is despite having an ideology against colonialism is
because of colonialism itself. When the Spanish and American took over the country, they took
over our human rights too. As a result, we fail to discover our own human rights. We relied on
laws passed down to us that we didn’t consider making our own, until 1987. 

However, despite having freedom today, the Filipinos still fail to understand the depth of
ideology. We fail to recognize and understand the theory to make our country better and
worthwhile. As a result, we elect and vote for the same corrupt and broken people over and over
E.      Application
 The reason why Filipinos lack education in our own government is because we have become so open in
applying different political systems in other countries; even though our own government can be effective.
The Filipinos should be educated and given depth about the power of people and its power to connect
with the law. The Filipinos should voice out for the benefit of the people, and not for the benefit of one
individual based on their privilege and status. If the Filipinos are open minded about modernization,
then they should apply changes in thinking and connecting with the law. 

Education was used as an instrument to corrupt the minds of the Filipinos. Because of education, the
Americans had the power to teach, or rather manipulate, the thinking of the Filipinos. Because of this,
the Filipinos pictured the country as something that is good to live on even when it is underdeveloped.
We should try to further educate ourselves and each other in order to put away the colonial mentality.
We should free ourselves, and start asking questions on what we should do to improve this country. We
should never settle for anything less. 

 In addition, Filipinos should start applying the ideology of socialism. We should always
think for the good of all, and not only for the good of ourselves. See, when we work together
as one community, we can stand against corruption and attain good governance regardless
of status. We may not achieve equality, but we have a high chance of starting to reach it. 

Let us be open minded. Let us be educated. Let us be free. All these presented applications
won’t be effective unless we are open enough to listen and apply it to ourselves. Ideologies
will remain as ideas if we don’t act for good governance. 
 Ideology is the “science of ideas”. It is where an individual bases their political idea depending on
their beliefs and values. It provides plans of actions for the public in order to justify, explain, or
change the political arrangement and process of a political community.  
It is considered as a blueprint that provides explanations that can be a possible solution to problems
in our modern society. No matter what idea comes to mind, ideologies are always for the common
good, based on personal beliefs and values. 

Different levels of Ideology includes Conservatism, where they preserve established institutions to
maintain their tradition and culture. It also includes Liberalism where the power of an individual is
valued in order to promote a just society. It then has Nationalism, where a person’s devotion to a
state-nation is used to gain a nation’s sovereignty. Lastly, there’s Socialism where the distribution of
wealth and property is controlled by the workers. No matter how many levels of ideologies there are,
it only aims for one thing; common good. It aims to achieve good governance, and healthy
relationships between the laws, the government, a country, and its people. 
All of these are important, so that everyone can visualize how to make their country
run with good governance. After all, ideologies are used as a basis to promote
common good and to attain a just society. 

Ideologies are theoretical means to very real ends. This means that not all good ideas
have good outcomes. However, showcasing political ideas can be the start of starting
anew, in making a country achieve a country with a good leadership. So in order to
receive good service from the government, we must first act on making one. And in
order to make one, we must first understand, visualize, and apply political ideology. 
1. Spacey, John. (2021). “Political Ideology”. 18 Examples of a Political Ideology -

2. Rodaje, Elmer. (2020). “The Meaning and Context of the Term Politics”.  3RD
QUARTER - Google Drive. 

3. Unsay, Philip. (2021). “Characteristics and Relevance of Political Ideology”.

3RD QUARTER - Google Drive. 

4. Victor Kiprop. (2023). “10 Most Liberal Countries in the World”. The 10 Most
Liberal Countries in the World - WorldAtlas. 


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