Passive Voice - Power

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I perform the act of

I’m an ____________

I receive the
act of smoking.
I’m a
We use passive voice when:
• the focus is on the action
(nos interesa lo que sucede, la acción y no quien lo hace)

The first iPhone was created in 2007.

Rebel Whopper is made of soy protein.

• the subject is not important, unnecessary or unknown.

The fire was put off.
[It is evident that firefighters put it off]
Subject + to be + past participle (by someone)

conjugar regular: -ed

irregular: 3rd column

How do we transform active to passive?

El verbo TO BE aparece en el MISMO TIEMPO VERBAL que el verbo principal de la frase activa

Michael Jackson created the famous dance move “Moonwalk”.

Subject Verb Direct Object

The famous dance move “Moonwalk” was created by Michael Jackson.

Types of passive sentences

Present Simple Subject + AM / IS / ARE (NOT) + Past Participle

Carbonara sauce is made with yolk egg.

Past Subject + WAS / WERE + Past Participle

Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare.

Future Simple Subject + WILL (NOT) BE + Past Participle

The Little Mermaid remake will be released in May.

Present Simple Passive

1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.

2. The cleaners clean the school.

3. China produces a lot of mobile phones.

4. Painters make many graffitis in la Calle de los Colores.

5. In Easter we eat buns.

6. Today people don’t take newspapers at home.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use Present Simple Passive.

1.Marijuana …………………… (not sell) legally.

2. ……….. vodka only ………………….. (drink) in Russia?
3. Boeing 747 ……………………….. (call) Jumbos.
4. Your birthday cake …………………………. (keep) in the fridge.
5. …….. your sweater ……………………… (make) of wool?
6. Rhinos …………………… (protect) by most African governments.
7. In Turkey tea ………………. (not drink) with milk.
8. Andy Warhol …………….……… (know) for his 32 paintings of Campbell’s tomato soup cans.
Look at the signs and warning hanged at a museum. Create sentences with Present Simple Passive.
In pairs, create sentences with the objects you have in Present Simple Passive.


This ring is made of silver and diamonds.

This ring is sold in a jeweller’s.

This ring is worn by Rosalia.

Past Simple Passive

1. J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter.

2. Pharaohs built the pyramids.

3. McDonalds made the first hamburger in 1955.

4. Napoleon designed the Italian flag.

5. Did Thomas Edison invent the light bulb in 1879?

6. Steven Spielberg didn’t direct Avatar.

Future Simple Passive

Match column A with column B to create predictions. Use the Future Simple Passive of
the verbs in brackets.
1. Cars 4 will be made
… a. ___________(make) by a 3D printer.
2. Japanese 6 won’t be taken
… b. ____________ (not take) at schools.
3. Solar panels 1 will be
… c. _________ sold for 1 thousand pounds.
4. Pizza 5 will be
… d. _________ (do)done
from your living room.
2 will be spoken
5. Office work … e. _________ (speak) by everybody worldwide.
6. Exams … f. _________ (introduce) to power your house.
will be introduced
Simple Passive

Find the mistake in each sentences related to Passive sentences. Then, correct each

1. Was you car fix?

2. This photo was take by my uncle.
3. I’m sorry. You are not allow to go inside.
4. Why did the party cancelled?
5. Houses are build every day.
6. The problem will been solved very soon.
7. Penicilin was discovered for Fleming.
8. My salary will be paied in a week’s time.

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