Тематика НИР в соответствии с исследовательскими интересами ППС

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Tentative topics of

master's theses and

potential scientific
Course materials Research project -1 for 1 year
undergraduates of the MIM programme
Full name of the supervisor Position, title No of
1  Батина Ирина Николаевна/Batina Irina Nikolaevna PhD in Economics, Ass Prof 2
2 Бедрина Елена Борисовна/ Bedrina Elena Borisovna PhD in Economics, , Ass Prof 2

3  Беляева Жанна Сергеевна/Belyaeva Zhanna Sergeevna PhD in Economics, Ass Prof 1

4 Голоусова Елизавета Сергеевна/Golousova Elizaveta PhD in Journalism 2

5  Костылева Наталья Владиславовна/ PhD in Sociology, Ass Prof 3
Kostyleva Nathaliya Vladislavovna
6 Кропотина Ольга Евгеньевна/ Kropotina Olga PhD in Economics, Ass Prof 2
5 Львова Майя Ивановна/Lvova Maiya Ivanovna PhD in Economics, Ass Prof 2
6 Петров Александр Юрьевич/Petrov Alexander PhD in Philosophy, Ass Prof 1
7 Пискунова Лариса Петровна/Piscunova Larisa Petrovna PhD in Philosophy, Ass Prof 4
8 Ружанская Людмила Станиславовна/ Ruzhanskaya Doctor of Science in 5
Liudmila Stanislavovna Economics, Prof
9 Соколовская Галина Равильевна/ Sokolovskaya Galina PhD in Economics, Ass Prof 1
10 Фонова Нина Георгиевна/Fonova Nina Georgievna PhD in Economics, Ass Prof 2
Irina N. Batina (Rus)
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:
• Financial substantiation of the company's development strategy
• Investment design
• Business planning
• Corporate finance: capital structure of a company
• Business Consulting

Acting business consultant in the field of financial management and

business projects

Methods of research: quantitative and qualitative.

H-index 4, Impact factor 0,356
Overall publications 20+, including 1 indexed in SCOPUS/ WOS Journals, in
Russian referred journal list-4.
Elena B. Bedrina (Rus+Eng)
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:
• The Role of Cultural Diversity in Increasing the Effectiveness of
Company Management
• Gender inequality as a factor in reducing corporate efficiency
• Development of flexible forms of employment in a Сovid-19
economy and the assessment of their effectiveness
• Features of the formation of the "migrant" sector of
entrepreneurship in the host countries

Methods of research: quantitative and qualitative.

H-index 6 (Google Scholar Elena Bedrina)

Overall publications 100+, including more then 7 indexed in SCOPUS/ WOS Journals,
in Russian referred journal list-13.
Zhanna S. Belyaeva (Rus+Eng)
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:
• Impacts of sustainable development goals on business ecosystems/ SDG
factors in banking, in academia, in oil and gas
• Models and managerial implications of corporate sustainability in various
markets and countries
• Digital and sustainable transformation of business models in various
types of industries
• Managing technological and social impacts in new normal International
Methods of research: quantitative(comparative analysis, Stata, Eviews) –descriptive
research for generalisation
qualitative (real case-analysis, surveys)-exploratory research

H-index H-index 21 (Google Scholar Zhanna Belyaeva)

Overall publications 150+, including more then 40 indexed in SCOPUS/ WOS Journals, in
Russian referred journal list-16.
Industrial and research grants involvement is possible

Latest publications:
Shams, R., Vrontis, D., Belyaeva, Z., Ferraris, A., & Czinkota, M. R. (2021). Strategic agility in international business: A
conceptual framework for “agile” multinationals. Journal of International Management, 27(1), 100737.
Palmaccio, M., Dicuonzo, G., & Belyaeva, Z. S. (2021). The internet of things and corporate business models: A
systematic literature review. Journal of Business Research, 131, 610-618.
Belyaeva, Z., Shams, S. R., Santoro, G., & Grandhi, B. (2020). Unpacking stakeholder relationship management in the
public and private sectors: the comparative insights. EuroMed Journal of Business.
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:
• Cross-cultural aspects of business communications.
• Global leadership: key to success.
• . Key tips  for doing business in a new  cultural environment
• Organizational behavior in Russia and abroad: leadership and communication
• Media markets in Europe, USA, Latina America: strategies for development 
• . Recovering after pandemic:  solutions for  tourism and hospitality businesses
• Russian fashion industry: survival strategies

Methods of research: qualitative.

H-index 2, Impact factor 0,211
Number of publications in the last 5 years 16, including 3 indexed in SCOPUS/
WOS Journals, 3 books
Nathaliya V. Kostyleva (Rus)
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:
• Strategic Marketing
• Loyalty management
• Brand management, branding
• Reputation management
• Volunteering management
• Gender Aspects of Governance
• Communication management, including in the Internet environment, SMM
• Sensory and neuro-technologies in marketing

Methods of research: quantitative and qualitative.

H-index 2, Impact factor 0,126

Number of publications in the last 5 years 6, including 1 indexed in SCOPUS/ WOS Journals,
3 books.
Olga E. Kropotina (Rus+Eng)
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:

• Trends of World Economy development and opportunities for

business growth
• Business transformation in modern economic situation
• Models of post-crisis business development

Entrepreneur with many years of experience in business

Methods of research: quantitative and qualitative.

Maiya I. L’vova (Rus+Eng)
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:
• Features of the development of transnational corporations at the present stage
• Analysis of the current state and investment attractiveness of the agro-industrial
complex in Russia
• Change in the size of value added tax: causes and consequences
• Sustainable development as an alternative goal of economic agents in modern

Certified Accountant and Auditor

Methods of research: quantitative.

H-index 5, Impact Factor 0,341

Overall publications 79, including last 5 years in Russian referred journal list-15, 3
Alexander Yu. Petrov (Rus+Eng)
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:
•Soft-skills of a modern manager
•Managing effective teams
•Talent management in the company
•Company personnel diagnostics
•Manager's personal growth
•Leadership technologies in the company

Methods of research: qualitative.

H-index 6, Impact Factor 0.306

Overall publications 96, Number of publications in the last 5 years 6 in Russian
referred journal list-4, 4 books.
Larisa P. Piskunova (Rus)
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:
• Creative Skills in Cross-Cultural
• Studying consumer behavior
• Features of managing companies and projects in creative industries (cultural
• Comparative analysis of Russian and Chinese companies
• Influence of national cultural characteristics on the development of business

Methods of research: qualitative.

H-index 2, Impact Factor 0,195

Overall publications 33, Number of publications in the last 5 years: 4 indexed in
SCOPUS/ WOS Journals, 12 in Russian referred journal list.
Liudmila S. Ruzhanskaya
(Rus+Eng) l.s.ruzhanskaya@urru.ru
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:
• Digital transformation of business models of companies
• Modification of business models of companies as a result of the pandemic
• M&A deals and strategies
• Corporate dividend policy
• Airline management problem
• Servicification of Russian industrial companies in comparison with foreign ones
Involvement in research projects is available.
Methods of research: quantitative and qualitative.
H-index 8, Impact factor 1,467
Overall publications 80+, including 12 indexed in SCOPUS/ WOS Journals, in Russian referred journal list-40+.
https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56646526700 WOS Research ID: AAU-8102-2021
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1490-779X https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=423581
Latest publications:
Fokeev, M., Ruzhanskaya, L., Volchenko, T. (2021). Non-cognitive personal characteristics: practices of their
influence on voluntary turnover EuroMed Book Conference.Contemporary Business Concepts and Strategies in the
new Era ISBN: 978-9963-711-90-1
Fokeev M., Ruzhanskaya, L., Kislyak N. (2020) Losses of Russian regions from mortality due to sharp climate
fluctuation // International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies doi
Ruzhanskaya, L. & Sizikov, A. (2020)
The Influence of CEO Personal Characteristics on the Market Value of Russian Companies. Journal of
Corporate Finance Research
Galina R. Sokolovskaya
(Rus) g.r.sokolovskaia@urfu.ru
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:
• Corporate management in the light of civil, tax, labor and criminal legislation of the
country of business
• Corporate governance and corporate finance in the light of ethical standards of corporate
governance and legislation of the country of registration and the country of business
• Taxation in the corporate management system
• Economic security of business in the corporate management system in the light of
legislation on taxes, law and countering the legalization of income

Certified auditor with over 25 years of experience. Economic and tax


Methods of research: quantitative.

H-index 2, Impact Factor 0,284

Overall publications 13,Number of publications in the last 5 years: 4 in Russian referred journal list.
Nina G. Fonova (Rus)
The list of topics might include, but it is not limited by:

• International Marketing
• Development strategies for companies in the tourism and hospitality sectors
• Business ethics
• Entrepreneurship in the hospitality sector
• Economic behavior of Russian companies

Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneur

Methods of research: quantitative and qualitative.

H-index 1, Impact factor 0,387

Number of publications in the last 5 years: 5 in Russian referred journal list, 2 books.

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