GroupIIREPORTLanguage Acquis-WPS Office

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Principles and Theories of

Language Acquisition and

Learning Approaches
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Cognitive Theory
Cognitive theory
• The study of cognitive theory is the study of the information
processing of the mind. All processes of thought fall within the
realm of cognition. These processes operate by manipulating
information that comes into the mind.
• Cognition also means knowing.
3 Aspect of Cognition
* Perception

1. Perception it is the process of selecting, organizing, and

interpreting stimuli. Stimuli is a thing or event that evokes a
* Attention
2. Attention refers to how we actively process specific
information present in our environment. Think of
attention as a highlighter.

* Memory
3. Memory involves the process of acquiring, storing,
and recalling information. It plays a vital part of our life.
Ways that help child's
cognitive development
- to be able to adopt new behavior that allow us
to cope of change
- process of incorporating nee information into pre existing schema
more often the not leading to over generalization.

- the mind has able to differentiate concept made during the prior
Piaget 4 stages of
cognitive development
Sensorimotor Stage
(birth - 2 yrs.)
Motor and reflex movement
* Movement and Sensation
* Doing simple motor movements

PIAGET'S that some basic language abilities are

developed at the end of this stage.
Pre- operational stage
7 yrs.
* Child intellegence are demonstated
* Memory and Imaginations are develope
Concrete Operational
(7 -11 yrs)
* Developed 7 types of conservation
* Logical and systematic manipulation related to concrete
Formal Operational stage

( 11 yrs and up)

* Logical use of symbols
Language Acquisition


Noam Chomsky
Language is innate to humans

- Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
B. F Skinner
* believe that individual is a blank slate

Language is acquired through principles of conditioning, including

association, immitation and reinforcement.

Children learn by associating sounds with objects action and events

( genes, genetic interetance)
* innate neurological process or special gift
* principles of hereditary
( environment or sorroundings)
* principles of conditioning including immatation
and reinforcement
*result of exteriors influences
* emergence argument
Importance of nature
and nurture
Humans do have an innate capacity for acquiring the rules of

Children develope language skills through interaction with others

rather than acquire the knowledge automatically

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