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Many Jewish people write ‘G-d’ instead of

‘God’. Why do you think that is?

The Abrahamic Religions: Belief

in God (Part 2)
LO1: Clarify your own beliefs about God
LO2: Identify some key AR beliefs about God
LO3: Evaluate the claim that the Abrahamic
religions worship the same God
First, we will peer mark your ‘evaluate’ question.
Grade Mark Evidence Evaluation Justified View points Key words

A 4 A wide range of Weaknesses and Clear and Detailed Used frequently

facts accurately strengths are persuasive explanation of and accurately
used. identified, as are justifications given more than one
crucial and less for conclusion. view point.
crucial points
B 3 A range of facts Weaknesses and Some justification One view point in Use occasionally
used, generally strengths are is given for detail, others lack and accurately
without error clearly identified conclusions. detail.
and explained.

C 2 A few facts used Weaknesses and Limited, More than one Used occasionally
without many strengths are unpersuasive view point but with some
errors identified but justification given. both lacking detail. inaccuracy.
explanation is
D 1 Little evidence Weaknesses No justification Only one view Rarely used.
or several and/or strengths given. point or
errors. are identified. completely lacking
Add up the total marks to get your

Marks Grade
19-20 A*
16-18 A
11-15 B
6-10 C
4- 5 D
0-3 F
LO1: Clarify your own beliefs about
What does the word ‘God’ mean?
LO1: Clarify your own beliefs about God

• Mind map the word ‘God’.

• What do you believe about God?
• Do you believe God exists or not?
• If you believe in gods or a God other than that
which we are studying, say so.

LO2: Identify some key AR beliefs about God

• The Abrahamic Religions all started in the Middle East.

• Watch the video.
• This map is not particularly detailed and only focuses
on five religions. It completely ignores many religions.
Prior to Christianity reaching Africa, America or
Europe there were religions in those areas (the map
implies there wasn’t).
• After watching the video, write down three things you
found interesting.
LO2: Identify some key AR beliefs about God

• There are three information sheets. You have

7 minutes with each one.
• Make notes. Include key words, key ideas and
any characteristics of God/G-d/Allah which are
LO2: Identify some key AR beliefs about God

In groups of three, each of you take one of the

religions. Spend one minute talking about the
religions beliefs about Allah/God/G-d
LO3: Evaluate the claim that the Abrahamic
religions worship the same God
Plenary: I used to think… But now…
When we began this study of belief in God, you all had
some initial ideas about it and what it was all about. In just
a few sentences, I want to write what it is that you used to
think about it. Take a minute to think back and then write
down your response to “ I used to
Now, I want you to think about how your ideas about belief
in God have changed as a result of what we’ve been
studying. Again in just a few sentences write down what you
now think about belief in God. Start your sentences with,
“But now, I think…”
Research one of the Abrahamic religions we are
not studying in class (such as Baha’i, Druze,
Rastafarian or other religions).
Success Criteria
1. Approximately two pages of notes (not just printed off the
2. Include the sources/mini-bibliography
3. Include explanations of key aspects of the religion (beliefs,
practices, scripture, places of worship, history, key figures)
4. Explain some similarities and differences between your
chosen religion and the ‘big three’ which we are studying.

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