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Smart parking system is designed successfully and In order to provide th e
Android Application and secure system .
Nowadays the traffic problem was rabidly increasing urban areas. So we
can find the solution for this problem. In this paper we proposed the one
solution for reducing this Problem. So, in this paper focus on smart
android based parking control application, and which will helps find the
nearest parking area of our current location. In this application will Helps
the pay process of parking. After the car is being parked, a timer will start
to count the Amount of time the car is spent in the parking lot. When the
car owner wants to release the parking slot, he/she will take away the car
and the timer will be stopped.
With large amount of population , number of vehicles are increasing and it is
Causing a lot of traffic congestion. Traffic should be monitered and regulated
Properly in order to reduce the amount of traffic on the road. IOT technology
And sensors are employed in order to detect the presence of vehicles on the
Road. Sensors are employed in order to sense the parking lots and indicate the
Parking spot to the driver while driving. It is going to save a lot of driver’s
Time and he can find the correct parking lot at the correct time.
Using IOT Technology , everything is connected through cloud
GPS(Global Positioning System) is employed in order to find the
position of
the correct Parking spot. All the information regarding the vehicles and
parking lots are Stored securely in the cloud. Anyone who wants to find a
parking space , he Can log in to the web app and he can find the correct
parking lot at the correct Time.
Existing System:
 Radio-frequency identification (RFID) Reader Technique.
 GSM Based parking System.
 Cloud based parking technology.
 Intelligent parking technology.
 Time consuming
 Requires hardware and entire process was complex
 Is not a user friendly.
Proposed System:
 User authentication is one of the prime factors of our proposed system.
 Android application
 To make sure the user is authentic; we will use their mobile numbers to

 Software based
 Does not require hardware in front of door
 Counter inside the application
 User friendly application
Block Diagram:
User authentication is one of the prime factors of our Proposed system.
To make sure the user is authentic; wewill use their mobile numbers to
register. As, we all know in Bangladesh, all the mobile numbers are being
verified by the National ID. So, once the owners install the APK _les of
thesystem to their Android phones, they need to register him with their
phone numbers. After giving phone number, a 6digit code will be given to
a user for further process. Theuser needs to add the other information like
his/her nameEmail Address, Car Number, Parking Slot Number. An
usercan register himself as a car owner, a parking slot owner orboth.
The project consists of the following three main modules:
 Owner Module
 Cloud and GPS module
 Admin module
Owner Module:
This is one of the important modules involved in the project . The car owners
Will register with the admin by providing their personal details and the car
Registration details. The owner will have the web application installed in his
Mobile phone . He will login to the app and he will search for nearby parking
Lots so that he can get information about the parking lot at the correct time.
This is going to save a lot of time and efforts of humans.
Cloud and GPS Module:
All the parking related information and the cloud owner related information
Are stored securely in the cloud storage area. Cloud storage is used in order to
Save the storage space and huge volumes of data can be stored securely in the
Cloud without being easily lost . While driving , the user can turn on the GPS
In order to find the correct location of the parking lot so that the user can find
The exact location of the parking lot at the correct time just by the press of a
Admin Module:
The admin person is the main person involved in the project .He is like a
Manager in a bank. He can maintain the personal details of the owner and he
Can add , update or delete owner records. He can view all available parking
Slots , which person is using which parking slot and he can keep track of all
These records in order to regularize the entire process. He can view all the
Details stored in the cloud and he can use all this transaction history for future
Literature Survey:
S.No Title,Year Author Techniques Drawbacks

1. International Badidi, E, Smart-parking •This idea proposed

Journal on Cloud system, in this system is not
Computing: performance applicable for all
Services and metrics. kind of
Architecture,2016 applications.
•Less robust when
compared to other
2. City Data Fusion: Ranjan, R., Wang, IOT , Sensor data , •Performance is not
Sensor Data Fusion M., Perera, C., data fusion good when
in the Internet of Jayaraman, P.P., framework. compared to other
Things. Zhang, M., systems.
International Strazdins, P., •Less efficient and
Journal of Shyamsundar, R.K the procedure used
Distributed Systems in this project is
and Technologies, very complex.
IGI. 7, 15–36
3. Cooperation versus Mejri, N., Ayari, parking slot •Slow method and
competition M., Langar, R., selection, not very effective.
UML – Use Case Diagram:
Sequence Diagram:
Activity Diagram:
Class Diagram:
Thus , through this project , a smart parking application has been built using
Various cloud computing concepts. In manual method of parking , a lot of
Human effort and time is required in order to accomplish the parking process.
People have to look for the available parking slots and he needs to park the
Vehicle in the available parking lot . In a smart web app , the location of the
Parking slot can be tracked with the help of GPS and all the relevant details
Are stored securely in the cloud storage. Thus , the user can get the essential
Details like vacant parking slot and the location of the parking slot just by the
Press of a button.
Future Enhancement:
The project can be further enhanced where the user preferences can be
Recorded separately so that next time , when he logs in and search for any
Available free parking lots , he can get the relevant information from the past
 Operating system: windows 7 or above (64bit)
 Java: 1.8
 Net beans: 8.0.2
 MySQL: 5.0
 Eclipse
 Hard disk: 250GB or above
 Processor: i3 or above
 Ram: 4GB or above
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