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20XX presentation title 1

Overview of the Education System in Vietnam 

• Education is seen as a national priority in Vietnam.

• The primary school completion rate is high in

Vietnam in addition to low student-teacher ratios.

• The government also introduced the “Fundamental

School Quality Level Standards” 

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Education System in Vietnam

The Comparison: Vietnam vs

Philippines Educational System
12 Fun Facts about Vietnam
1. Vietnam is an S-shaped country
2. Vietnam is the world’s 2nd largest coffee
3. Motorbike madness
4. Lighter skin symbolizes beauty
5. Gift giving is not an art but also a superstition
6. You can be asked about your age and
personal status at the first meeting
7. Dong is a Vietnamese Currency
8. Vietnam’s unemployment rate is one of the
lowest rates in the world.
9. New Year is in February
10. Rice is the main dish every meal
11. Vietnam is a nation of River

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What is Vietnam?
Vietnam is known for being a
popular tourist destination
because of its beautiful
beaches, it's culture, amazing
food (like pho), and friendly
people. Vietnam is also
famous for the Vietnam War,
motorbikes (86% of
households have one),
Vietnamese coffee, floating
markets and rice terraces.

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What is Education System in
Vietnam vs Philippines
Education System
6 levels of Education in Vietnam

Pre school for 3 years also known as kindergarten

Primary School for 5 years
Secondary Schools for 4 years
High school for 3 years
Undergrad for 4 to 6 years
Postgraduate for generally for 2 years

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6 levels of Education in Vietnam

Pre school for 3 years also known as kindergarten

Primary School for 5 years
Secondary Schools for 4 years
High school for 3 years
Undergrad for 4 to 6 years
Postgraduate for generally for 2 years

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5 – 6 levels of Education in Vietnam
• Pre school for 3 years also known as
• Primary School for 5 years K-12 in the Philippines has 3 levels: 
• Secondary Schools for 4 years • Primary School (Primary Education) –
• High school for 3 years K to 6. 
• Undergrad for 4 to 6 years • Junior High School (Lower Secondary
Postgraduate for generally for 2 years Education) – 7 to 10. 
• Senior High School (Upper Secondary
Education) – 11 to 12.
• At the end of the of each level every student should pass • Tertiary
the graduation exam except for kinder in order to • Postgraduate
proceed to the next level.
• As to high school, students should take 2 examinations.
One from graduate to high school and the other to get
to the college or university.

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The Vietnam K-12 Education System
• Compulsory Education - Education in Vietnam is compulsory from ages 6
to 11. 
• K-12 Education System: Detailed
In Vietnam, there is 12 years of formal education, which are split up into the
following levels:
• Pre-primary education: Consists of preschools
• General Education: 
1. Primary education
2. Lower secondary education
3. Upper secondary education

1. Pre-primary education

• Preschool is not compulsory

• Nursey School – is a place to baby sit
children. A child can go to Nursery
when she/he reached 3 months old.
• Kindergarten – 3 - 5 years old. Children
expected to get familiar going to school
at 7am – 3pm, from Monday – Friday.

Teachers will teach children how to sing

and dance. Teachers also teach children
basic mathematics and English.

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2. General Training
When the child is 6 years old it’s time to go to
school officially
1. Primary School
- Last for 5 years from grade 1 – 5
- Students study literature, mathematics,
geography etc. which are taught by
homeroom teacher and other subjects taught by
other teachers.
2. Secondary School
- lasts for 4 years from grade 6 to 9.
- different subject, different teacher
- entrance exam to high school – proficiency
3. High School
-lasts for 3 years from grade 10 – 12
- Arts and music are eliminated
- Career orientation is focus and subject major.
4. Vocational Training
- Designed to teach student a particular job such as
carpenter, barber and tailors.
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Secondary Technical and Vocational Education: 
This level lasts for 3 to 4 years

Types of Schools
At the upper secondary level, there are 4 different types of school:
1. High school
2. Specialized general education schools
3. International Schools: There are many international schools in Vietnam
4. Vocation and Technical Secondary schools
Types of Streams 
At the upper secondary level, students must choose among the 3 different streams:
• Natural science
• Technology
• Social sciences and Foreign Languages
Mandatory Subjects in all the three streams: Vietnamese language, foreign language, literature, arts, history, biology,
civics education, mathematics, physics, geography, chemistry, technology, and Sports and Military education. 

2. General Training

4. Tertiary Education
Encompasses bachelor’s. master’s. Ph D degrees

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In Vietnam, Tutoring after school is very popular.

Second Language
Foreign Language very important for children to learn in Vietnam and
English is a required 2nd language for children. Nevertheless, other
languages like Korean, Japanse, Chinese, French, Spanish are also taught
and commonly learned by children as well.
And there many programs that do culture immersion whereby you will
learn both the foreign language and Vietnamese or English as well where
they can fully immersed in the environment.

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• The School Year begins in August and September and finished on May and June.
• School week: The school week of Vietnamese state schools is from Monday to
Saturday. Also, there are two shifts, morning or afternoon. All the schools are
closed on public holidays.
1. Vietnamese Lunar Year for 2 weeks and summer breaks for 2 months beginning
on June,
2. Hung Kings’ Festival every 10th of March every Lunar Year
3. Reunification day every 30th day of April
4. Labor Day every 1st of May and
5. Teacher’s Day every 20th of November.

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What is the cost of
Education in Vietnam
3 main option
1. The Public System - Most affordable system for everyone.
2. The Private System – “Hybrid System” They taught in English and
3. International System – British International, American, Australian,
Canadian, Japan and Korean.

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Public and Private System
- The main benefit for a kindergarten is a matter of cost and availability and the
state will pay for that.
- Private and International – Children have spacious and modern facilities and
English is the 2nd main language to study and speak everyday with foreign
teachers while in public English is not a focus.
- Tuition fee is $12,000 - $15,000 per year.
- Tuition fee for Secondary and high school – For Public school approximately
about $1,500 for Public School per year and for private and international
school up to $35,000 per year.

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- Convenience applies to International School.
- International Schools based their programs from the US, British, French and
other International education programs.
- Vietnamese students prefer International schools and international and
universities because educational methods, facilities opportunity to be fluent
in other language and many more benefits.
- International school is costly and should count around $30,000 - $40,000
USD per year for the tuition fee.

- As for University or Undergraduate Education. The entrance exam for students is critically
important because it will determine where school you can go to and which major you can
get into and there’s a lot of focus during that time period and also during the examination
period as a quiet cultural event and very stressful for the students and the parents. But
something that is very important to the development of Vietnam.
- Tuition in the undergraduate at the public schools is about $2000 per year but in the
private international schools it can go up to about $40, 000 per year.
- For Postgraduate education like masters or a doctorate degree, is between$12,000 to
$21,000 per year.
- And programs can take two years up to 5 years and depending into masters or doctorate

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Vietnam vs Philippines

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• 59th
• In the ranking of countries in the field of education in 2021,
Vietnam ranks 59th, up five notches compared to 2020.

Grade 5 students in the Philippines received an average score of

288 in reading assessment, behind Vietnam (336), Malaysia
(319), Myanmar (292) and Cambodia (290). The Philippines
was ahead only of Laos, where students got an average score of

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Literacy Ranking Vietnam vs. Philippines Literacy


Adult Literacy 160

V = 48, Ph = 43 140

Compulsory Education 120

V = 58, Ph= 176 80
Government Spending 60

V = 16, Ph = 108 40

Literacy Rate TOTAL 20

V= 61, Ph= 56 0
Vietnam Philippines

Adult Literacy Compulsory Education

Government Spending Literacy Rate TOTAL

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“Business opportunities are like buses.

There's always another one coming.”

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thank you
mirjam nilsson

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