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Nkeze Atabong and Dakota Delarge

 1. Size up the scene and see what happened,
how many people are involved and all the

4 Things to do  2. Ask if you may help. If the person agrees, give

first aid. If your help is refused and its serious

before 
call 911.  
3. seek medical care immediately upon
helping!! encountering  person who needs help after
seeing what's wrong with them.
 4. Prevent disease transmission. Avoid contact
with blood and other body fluids by putting on
personal protective equipment (PPE)
 A sudden cry or scream
 A sudden loss of responsiveness
 Rigid body followed by jerky movement with
arching of the back (convulsions)


Foaming at mouth
Drooling from mouth
SIGNS  Grinding of teeth
 Blue face and lips
 Eyes rolling upward
 Loss of bladder or bowel control

Move nearby objects to avoid injury.
 Place something soft under the head like a
rolled towel.
 DO NOT hold the person down.
What to do  Time the seizure from start to finish.
 Keep bystanders away.
 Call 9-1-1 if seems think unusual like it lasting
more than 5 minutes, can' breathe after the
seizure, etc.
 Ease the person to the floor.
 Turn the person gently onto one side.
 Clear the area around the person of anything
Special hard or sharp.

instructions  Put something soft and flat, like a folded

jacket, under his or her head.
 Remove eyeglasses.
Seizures picture

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