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Universe and

Movement of Earth
By- Sitender Choudhary

• Time: 13.8 billion years

• All space, matter and energy
was in this
• Between 3 minutes and 3,80000
years :- Universe was opaque as
it was in Opaque state
• First Atoms were formed after
this and universe became
Doppler-shift or Redshift and
• Universe is Expanding
• Told by Edwin Hubble in 1920s
• Space between galaxies is increasing,not the
• Farther the galaxies, more the acceleration.
• When an object moves away from us
(Doppler-shifted to lower frequencies), the
light is shifted to the red end of the
spectrum, as its wavelengths get longer.
• If an object moves closer (Doppler-shifted
to higher frequencies), the light moves to
the blue end of the spectrum, as its
wavelength gets shorter.
• Galactic Nebulas are clouds of Gasses(primarily
Hydrogen and Helium)
• Galaxies are created out of Galactic nebulas.
• Size of a galaxy:- 80000- 1,50000 LY
• Within this , Stellar nebulas are found ( some
regions with more density).
• Temperature of Galactic Nebula:- -270 degree
• Temperature of Stellar Nebula:- -173 degree.
• Due to gravity and Compression, temperature
of Stellar Nebula reached to 10 million degree.
• At this temperature, nuclear Fusion happed.
• Light emitted fo
Journey of a star
• In initials star/Protostar, hydrogen is
consumed In centre ( contraction), but
expansion continues in outer layer
( Fusion still going on).
• Becomes unstable and explosion takes
• If mass is less than 1.44 times of sun:-
Planetary Nebula
• If between 1.44 to 3 times:- Supernova
explosion and creates higher elements
• If more than 3 times:-- turns into black
Plantetary Nebula
• Planetary nebula contains Hydrogen, Helium,
dust, water and other elements.
• Hydrogen concentrates in centre and contracts.
• Temperature increases and Nuclear fusion
starts:- Sun is born.
• Other solid objects around it collided and
• Some became large enough and attracted
• Became larger and called planets.
Solar System
• About 99.9% of the material fell into the center
and became the protosun (no sunlight yet).
• Once the center of the cloud became hot enough it
triggered nuclear fusion, and the Sun was born.
• Remaining 0.1% matter was revolving around sun.
• It collided and grew in Size- Turned into planets.
• Rocks that escaped the pull of planets were left
as asteroids, scattered through the solar system.
• Many of these rocks orbit the Sun in an
area between Mars and Jupiter known as the
asteroid belt.
Formation of Moon
• It is an outcome of ‘giant impact’ or what is
described as ‘the big splat’.

• A body of the size of one to three times that of

mars collided into the earth around 4.44 billion
years BP.

• It blasted a large part of the earth into space.

• The Moon formed much closer to Earth than it

is today.
• A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit
around a star is known as a planet.
• Two Groups of planets:- (1) Inner
Planets/Earth Like (2) Outer
• The inner circle consists of four planets
(Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars)
having smaller and denser bodies.
• the outer circle comprises four planets
(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) having
a larger size and less dense materials.
• Inner planets are composed mainly
of silicates and metals.
• Initially earth (4.44 BYBP) was in molten hot
state with no rigid surface.
• Heat segregated materials of different
densities( Density Differentiation).
• Slowly, temperature came down first layer
was formed.
• It was dense. So it sinks and melts.
• Lighter elements come on surface and heavy
stays down.
• Lighter elements were coming out as Lava
flow from Volcanic eruptions.
Atmosphere- Three stages
• Earth’s original atmosphere was
probably just hydrogen and helium.
• The Earth and its atmosphere were
very hot.
• Molecules of hydrogen and helium
move really fast, especially when
• they moved so fast they eventually
all escaped Earth's gravity and
drifted off into space.
• Earth’s “second atmosphere” came
from Earth itself.

•  There were lots of volcanoes, because

Earth’s crust was still forming.

• The volcanoes released.

• Steam ( water vapour), carbon dioxide,

Ammonia (NH3).
• Much of the CO2 dissolved into the ocean
• Eventually, a simple form of bacteria developed
that could live on energy from the Sun and
carbon dioxide in the water, producing oxygen
as a waste product.
• Thus, oxygen began to build up in the
atmosphere, while the carbon dioxide levels
continued to drop.
• The ammonia molecules in the atmosphere
were broken apart by sunlight, leaving nitrogen
and hydrogen.
• The hydrogen, being the lightest element, rose
to the top of the atmosphere and much of it
eventually drifted off into space.
• Plants and some bacteria use carbon dioxide
and give off oxygen, and animals use oxygen
and give off carbon-dioxide
How life originated?
• It can be assumed that life began to evolve sometime 3,800 million
years ago
• The initial or even the atmosphere of the earth was not conducive for
the development of life.
• Scientists refer to the origin of life as a kind of chemical reaction,
which first generated complex organic molecules and assembled
• This assemblage was such that they could duplicate themselves
converting inanimate matter into living substance.
• Probably, it started as a result of Chemosynthesis
• Some bacteria ( Cyanobacteria ) used Sunlight, CO2 etc to produce
Shape of Earth
• Real Shape:- Ball Like, Orange like, Geoid

• Geometric Shapes:- Spherical, Oval ,


• Oblate Ellipsoid ( Shape of non rotating


• Oblate Spheroid ( Rotating earth)

Evidence Of The Earth Sphericity
Circumnavigation of the earth:-
•  Ferdinand Megallian, a Spanish sailor with his
crew sailed round the earth between 1519 and
• If the earth is flat, he and his crew would have
fallen off the flat edge but instead they sail
round the spherical edge
The circular horizon 
• view a distance horizon from the deck of a ship
at a sea or from a cliff, the land and everywhere
always look circular in shape
Sunrise and Sunset
• As the earth rotates from west to east, place in
the east experience the sun (earlier sunrise) than
place in the west and also place in the west see
the sun later (sunset) than place in the east.
• If the earth is flat, then the whole earth should
experience sunrise and sunset at the same time,
but instead sun rise and set at different time for
different place
Ship Visibility
• As a ship approaches the harbor, only the top of
the mast is seen first before the hill.
• When it leaves the harbor, it disappearance over
the curved surface is equally gradual
• All other planets including the sun, the moon and the
stars they are all seen in .
• When three poles of equal length are driven at the
same depth into a level ground, the center pole were
found to be slightly projected above the other pole at
either side because of the round curvature of the
earth. circular shape when view from the telescope.
• During lunar eclipse, the earth cast a circular
shadow on the moon which takes the outline of an
area of a circle, and only a spherical can cast such
circular shadow.
•  When a picture of the earth is taken from a high
altitude by rockets or drones, the picture clearly
show the curved edge of the earth.
• The earth, along with the other planets, revolves
around the sun in its orbit. .
• In turn, the moon revolves around the earth in the
moon’s orbit.
• When the three heavenly bodies get aligned in the
same straight line. This is when an eclipse occurs.
• When one spatial object comes within the shadow of
another spatial object.
• This obstructs the observer from seeing one of them in
• Solar and lunar.
• it occurs when the moon comes in between
the sun and the earth.

• As a result, the moon blocks the light of the

sun from reaching the earth’s surface and
casts a shadow on it. 

•  This occurs on a new moon phase.

• Depending on the distance of the moon from
the earth during the event, Three types of
solar eclipse are observed:-

• Partial, Annular ad Total

Lunar Eclipse
• It occurs when the earth comes in
between the sun and the moon.

• As a result, the earth blocks the light of

the sun from reaching the moon’s surface
and casts its shadow on the moon.

• It occurs on a full moon day.

 lunar eclipse too can be categorized as:-

• (1) Partial (2) Total

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