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Peter Mačura
 Healthy diet
 Eating a healthy diet is not about strict
limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or
depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather,
it’s about feeling great, having more energy,
improving your health, and boosting your mood.
 Healthy eating doesn’t have to be overly
Healthy lifestyles
 Adapting to a healthy lifestyle means taking
care of your body, mind and spirit
 Thisinvolves eating a balanced meal,
having regular exercise and maintaining a
health weight.
Healthy lifestyles
 Healthyliving lifestyle is one that focuses on incorporating the eight
aspects of wellbeing in to ones life which are
 Physical
 Mental
 Emotional
 Social
 Spiritual
 Intellectual
 Occupational
 financial
Healthy eating

 The basis of healthy living is healthy eating which means having the right amount
of food
 right portion of fruits (5 a day)
 vegetable
 protein
 carbohydrate

 Plus having regular exercise leaving you fit and energetic

 It is essential to avoid smoking, alcohol, saturated fat and processed food

Physical health

 Taking care of your body physically is a powerful first step towards mental
and emotional health

 The mind and the body are linked

 When you improve your physical health you will automatically experience 
greater mental and emotional wellbeing
Social networking

 It is also about your connection with other people

 Social networking stimulates relationships, mental
activities such as sharing ideas, participating
skills, intellectual views, information sharing that
is educational,  learning of occupational
opportunities  and engagements in rewarding
financial opportunities.
Reducing risks of disease
 Theoutcome of this is obesity in Croydon is
drastically reduced, with healthier living
community enjoying reduced risks of certain
diseases such as
cardiovascular diseases
Reducing risks of disease
 Looking after your physical health is significant to
having a healthy lifestyle
 Healthis a state of complete physical, social and
mental wellbeing
 Itis good to remember that physical activity is an
important part of having a healthy lifestyle
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