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Project Report


Course: Linear Circuit Analysis.

• Name : Usman Shani

• ID : 2901

LED lighting is all the rage these days. With prices

falling rapidly and efficiency increasing, LEDs are
becoming an attractive choice for home lighting
projects. Though LED light-bulb replacements are
increasingly common, there is still room for the
enterprising hobbyist building high-quality LED
lighting systems based on discrete components.
This is the avenue I took in this project.
List of components:

1) R1 = 100 K
2) R2 = 1 K
3) R3 = 10 K
4) C1, C2 = 1000 µF/25V
5) T1 = BC 547 B
6) D1 = 1N4007
The working of this circuit can be understood with the following
When power is switched ON, capacitor C1 charges almost
instantly as there’s no “obstruction" in its path.
However, capacitor C2 charges very slowly due the
“obstruction" or resistance offered by R1.
Now since transistor T1 requires 0.6 volts to fully saturate and
light up the LED fully, and because its base is connected to the
junction of R1 and C2, this potential is reached only gradually as
C2 charges. Therefore the connected LED also lights up
correspondingly i.e. gradually

The led fader is one of the very important everyday

circuit. It is used almost in every house and building.
By adding some other components an AC Incandescent
Lamp Fader can be made which are present next to
every bed in every house. The fading led can also be
enhanced by adding the timer IC to get the better
As this was my first project, it helped me to improve
my circuit making skills and also improves my
knowledge about the electronic components. Also
increases my interest in practical work.

Searched different sites on google also took help from
our lab engineers and seniors.


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